The latest efforts by the Council to prove they are acting fairly looks like a questionnaire for everybody concerned to select their favourite site and to comment on the selection process. This is positive discrimination towards smaller communities. People are under pressure and feel they are being forced to select a site. ****People in Wymondham Town will select either Spooner Row or Suton. The selection process also works in their favour so will probably say the selection process is fair as well! If numbers of votes are being used to judge the public's opinions on where the sites are to be located this is totally unfair to small communities. The only people who should be eligible to vote are those whose livelihoods and community will be directly affected - if you live 3 miles away you aren't directly affected! Isn't it strange that two Wymondham sites were selected for the 2nd consultation! This issue is unpleasant and is creating divisions between the Wymondham Parishes and the Town. Come on Wymondham Town please give us your support. ***** Why on earth would you want to live next to a motorway anyway? Great place for bringing up your kids!
Suton Resident
posted 3/10/09 1:30 PM
Just as annoying is it has not been explained how the voting process will work for example what will prevent people casting more than one vote Perhaps I am missing something here
posted 3/10/09 5:01 PM
I have just received 4 identical letters from SNC about the Consultation and these letters say that it was not practicable for them to remove duplicate addresses and will send out duplicate letters instead. REMEMBER, any replies with no names and address will carry NO WEIGHT (so I've been told by SNC).
Spooner Row Resident
posted 3/10/09 7:11 PM
Sadly, I don't think the gypsy and traveller community give a s..t about whether they are welcome or not. For people to care about this sort of thing requires consideration and respect for others, not something that the evidence stacks up to support!
posted 3/10/09 8:46 PM
The voting and objection letter writing is just another waste of time as council are already preparing the proposed site, it has now got 4 piles of grey gravel on it ,started with 1 during last consultation period.what on earth would they do with it if it's not intended to be used on the drive !!
posted 3/12/09 1:17 PM
Has anyone read the article in the EDP today (12 March) titled "Gipsy protestors accused of veiled racism"?!!! This is about the proposed site for 8 pitches in Stratton Strawless. Looks like we're not the only ones having problems with travellers sites in Norfolk! As soon as you stand to protect your community and investments it appears that you are classified as a racist. May I suggest that the people in favour of these sites please go ahead and purchase the properties at market value from people who have a site nearby and are desparate to move! Surely this tells you that something is wrong with this policy and how discriminative it is towards the individuals in the communities that are affected?