We must thank Morley Parish Council for organising the Public Meeting at Morley Village hall regarding Breckland District Council's Consultation on their Local Development Framework (LDF) for the Attleborough and Snetterton Area.
It was especially important because my request to both South Norfolk Council and Breckland District Council for a drop in public consultation session at Spooner Row was turned down by both councils.
I understand from Breckland that," there will be further consultation in 2011 on the Attleborough and Snetterton Heath Area Action Plan (AAP)and as part of this future consultation we(they) will review how consultation will take place with adjoining Parish Councils".
I understand that the current consultation material was sent to the Director of Planning at South Norfolk on 11th November 2010.
South Norfolk Council will be responding and it has been recommended that residents views are fed into their process.
South Norfolk Council's response to me explained that the LDF AAP was prepared "solely by Breckland Council and South Norolk has had no involvement in its preparation." South Norfolk Council is a consultee and has a similar status to Wymondham Town Council , which has also been consulted".Breckland proposed the plan and they are responsible for the consultation.
S Norfolk Officer Mr Horspole explained at the Morley meeting that he was taking a report on the subject to the South Norfolk Council's Cabinet meeting due to be held on the 31st Jan 2011. This meeting has now been cancelled and his report will go to the meeting on February 7th 2011
I understand that it is not possible for Breckland to include within its APP proposals that fall within another local planning authority's area.
I think that the proposal for the Distributor Road 3 needs further examination .Would it take lorry traffic from Staion Road in Spooner Row ? I will be raising this and other issues at Wymondham Town Council's Planning meeting on Tuesday 18th Jan 2011 commencing at 6.45 pm. I have requested that a response to Breckland's APP is on the agenda.
We have entered the consultation very late in the day, through no fault of our own and as usual more information raises more questions. As stated at the Morley meeting I would recommend that residents responses are sent to Breckland District Council with copies to South Norfolk and Wymondham Town Councils.
Residents in the South Norfolk Area only heard about Breckland District Council's LDF Attleborough and Snetterton Heath Area Action Plan (ASHAAP)very late by word of mouth and (thankfully)by Morley Parish Council's meeting.
I considered the lack of active consultation was very unsatisfactory. As a result I attended South Norfolk District Council's Cabinet meeting on Februry 7th 2011 where South Norfolk's Response to Breckland's Consultation was on the agenda.(item 16)
The Chairman. Cllr Fuller kindly allowed me to speak and I asked ,"How can we get in place a clear democratic procedure of active consultation for residents in South Norfolk's area before the Autumn" (ie before Breckland's next consultation)
I have requested that his response is sent to me before the official minutes are released in March.
However in the Appendix to South Norfolk's response it states,"It is hoped that Breckland will recognise the need to consult and involve these South Norfolk residents in future public consultations on the ASHAPP. South Norfolk Council is only a Consultee for the purpose of this Area Action Plan and it is Breckland's responsibilty to consult directly with local people likely to be affected by the proposals, even those outside its own District Boundary. South Norfolk Council is willing to provide assistance in engaging and involving these residents where appropriate" Diana Hockaday - Wymondham Town Councillor