I have been asked by a Morley resident to draw Spooner Row residents attention to the article in the Wym & Att Mercury on Feb 3rd 2011 page 2.
The article covers Attleborough's concerns about the reliance placed on financial contributions from developers to fund much needed infrastructure improvements in Attleborough. Brecklands Princial Planning officer says there will be further consultation in Sept or October.
Attleborough " Town Council will hold a public meeting at the Connaught Hall on Feb 17 @7.0pm to discuss the plans further." Thank you Diana Hockaday Town Councillor for Cromwells Ward.
I have just watched the Politics Show on BBC1 and it said that council's no longer have to provide G&T sites as a compulsory measure from the Government. It is now down to Councils' own discretion to provide sites. The Government have provided £60 million from the Home Bonus scheme as an incentive for councils to provide sites if they wish and communities should be in agreement - not have them forced on them - which we all know about!
On the programme, Labour MP Bob Blizzard said that when he was a councillor, they built a G&T site and the travllers just didn't use it, they continued to camp out on school fields and green belt land just as before. That's the problem, councils put these sites in, the local communities don't want the sites and neither do the gypsies and travellers!