Please note that the last date by which to object to building in Chapel Lane - on the Tiffey Valley - is 18th November. Letters to the Planning and Housing Policy Team, South Norfolk Council, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, NR15 2XE. Sites are :173, 624a, 624b, 624c, 654, SO203.
This is the last chance to object to the development in this sensitive river valley and the unique view of the Abbey. The beauty of the Tiffey Valley is outstanding which would be lost for present and future inhabitants of Wymondham. It is also an important wildlife habitat.
Regarding the Tiffey Valley, there is a presentation by the developer on
Wednesday 30th November and Thursday 1st December between
4pm and 8pm in the Fairland Church Centre, Wymondham to discuss the proposed development here of 150 houses. Please attend if you feel strongly that this important river valley should not be built on.