Having recently moved to Spooner Row, and feeling at home already!, is anybody else concerned by the huge majority of cars that do not stick to the 30 mph limit...or even get anywhere close to it?! Has anything further been attempted to curtail this problem? Thank you.
With reference to this issue you may not be aware that Spooner row has recently set up its own Speedwatch group and I am awaiting some dates for the police to do some more volunteer training. So any one who wants to volunteer to do this I would be very happy to include in the group as currently we have the absolute basic numbers.
We have to do various CRB checks to get you on board but there is no cost, just a commitment of time and there is always a team working on this for obvious reasons
If you are interested please let me know some contact details, perhaps a telephone number without a name and I will then contact you
Thank you for your reply. I recently spoke to the local PC involved in the scheme (which I must admit, I had seen the signs, but did not know what they fully involved). He said he would contact the resident involved and has my contact details. If you haven't been given them, please let me know and we can find away to do it privately. Thank you!
I have asked for and obtained permission to get a mobile speed indicator , known as a SAM placed in the village at various locations which we hope to set up in March. This unit moves around the County and is only on temporary loan.
Nothing formal follows on from this but the unit is discreetly watched for security reasons and a record will be kept of the number of transgressors. Where they are obviously excessively speeding in complete defiance of the Law, a number plate will be recorded.
The unit is entirely educational and not designed nor meant as an enforcement tool, and is in addition to the Speedwatch scheme which uses radar guns and does formally report offending vehicles. Any subsequent action to be taken is entirely a matter for the Constabulary.
For any readers who wish to join the Speedwatch scheme as a volunteer, can you please contact Sally Halls, my good lady wife, as various checks have to be made but the more the merrier as it means we can set up more often to 'catch' offenders.
Many readers may feel this is completely unecessary and over the top, but please remember we have a village school and no one wants a tragic loss which stays with you for ever, either as a parent or a driver.
I cannot imagine anyone living in Spooner Row thinking that trying anything to stop the prolific speeding is over the top. If anything, I feel it needs more! I am shocked by the sheer numbers of people that speed through the village, many of which far exceed the 30mph limit.
I will be joining the Speedwatch team to show my support. I do feel, however, this would be difficult to be part of long term without support from more residents. For this problem to be reduced, surely a more permanent deterrant needs to be looked in to?
In some villages, additional speeding signs have been created ( normally by local school children). Is this an option? I'm there would be residents happy to display one if there was a chance it could reduce speeding?
We did a Speedwatch exercise this day at 0830 on Chapel road. It is the first to be carried out by the now independant Spooner row team.
4 drivers decided that it was perfectly okay to ignore the speed limit, the 30 mph repeaters and the 2, one large and one small, signs posted, and exceed the limit for recording which is higher than 30 MPH. One other driver did obey the speed limit but was clearly seen on their mobile phone. All 5 have been formally reported.
What happens now is entirely the providence of the Police.
Most drivers , given the considerable number of visual clues were ambivalent to the process but some decided that it might be fun to make an offensive gesture. This is reportable following a recent case and it is a legitimate matter which can be noted by the Team.
I am also pleased to say that about twice as many drivers as made an offensive gesture, showed their support with a friendly wave or a thumbs up.
Surely with this evidence and no doubt future drivers misbehaving this must help the cause to put forward to Norfolk County Council for more traffic calming in place. How about a mini roundabout at the crossroads by The Boars? because remember if the plans are accepted for the new houses that means more people in the village, and yes more cars!
The colossal size HGV's would never be able to use a mini roundabout at the Boars as they can bearly turn at that corner now. It is about time the HGV route through the heart of the village was removed - what a stupid place to put an HGV route anyway.
The issue on speeding cars is going to be a hard one to stop, especially if many of the drivers have a bad attitude. Maybe our parish council in the Town can organise some signs asking car owners to drive slowly through our village.
The second speedwatch happened today ( 12th February) at/ near the Boars , one of three approved sites in the Village.
Recording cars in excess of 30, as required by the scheme, we noted a disappointing 13 cars in less than an hour who exceeded the trigger speed limit.
These have been formally reported, but this is not the primary purpose of the scheme which is to get cars to slow down and adhere to the speed limit.
For those who seem to think that the recording point for speed is at or near where we stand , you might be surprised to learn that the gun records in both directions i.e. cars receding as well as approaching and can do so from quite some distance, so slowing down after you have passed the 30 MPH sign is not a good strategy and neither is speeding up once you have passed us.
For anyone reading this who has any concerns about the scheme, please feel free to contact Norfolk Constabulary in Wymondham who co- ordinate the scheme on behalf of themselves, the County and District Councils.
Until residents of Spooner Row make a nuisance of themselves about their concerns with speeding cars, the issue will be "swept under the carpet." To start with, as many people as possible need to call our local Safer Neighbourhood Team (Telephone number 101) and report issues and concerns to PCSO James King. The volunteers of the Speedwatch Team should be commended for giving up their time to try and do something about it, but it cannot be seen as a long term resolution. We need to campaign for a permanent detterant and work together to support the small number of residents who are trying to stop this ridiculous issue.
We have once again been busy in the parish and have recently held two sessions, one on the Bunwell road and one on Chapel road. On the former we recorded eight cars and on the latter a further six although the team was genuinely and pleasantly surprised by three cars who made a point of stopping and thanking the team for their efforts in not the warmest of weathers.
Given that the team put out extra and quite large signs, wear high vis jackets and stand quite obviously in full view, it is astonishing that we catch anybody at all and it is sadly very noticeable that once we de rig the signs, cars carry on as they would normally, and race through the village clearly in excess of the limit by a large margin.
The vehicle reg numbers which we record are passed to the Police and any noted vehicle will be written to.
Very shortly we will also have the services of an automatic speed indicator machine so drivers can see what speed they are actually doing as opposed to that they think they are. This notes anyone in excess of the speed limit of 30 which is much tighter than the Speedwatch criteria.
It is hoped that this will further re enforce that message that speeding is dangerous and life threatening more especially for a child.
For those who are reading this sympathetically and do stick to the limit, please do remember that by doing so you will forcing the cars behind you to also stick to the limit. I would say boy racers, but in both these last two sessions the large majority of the drivers noted NOT sticking to the limit and whose registration was taken, were female.
I have recently called the Highways Agency to ask if there is the possibility of getting "please slow down in our village" signs. Every little helps!?! Again, please can residents and those concerned about the issue, call 101 and/ or the Highways Agency to report your concerns. Even with all the hard work by some in the village, it just does not seem to be getting through. A permanent, long term solution must be found, but won't if we don't, personally, fight for it together. I would hate for someone to be seriously hurt by a speeding car before anyone actually takes notice.
For two days now I have been using the radar speed indicator machine and keeping a record of speeding cars and those cars which keep to the limit.
The unit had been deployed twice yesterday and again today
The results are as follows
From 0940 to 1030 there was total of 14 cars which kept to the limit 4 who slowed down as a consequence of seeing the sign and 20 whose speed when they passed the sign, was in excess of 30
At 1600 to 1640 there was total of 17 cars who were in the limit, 27 who slowed down to the limt and 15 whose speed was once again in excess of the limit
Today at 0830 to 0930 the totals were 23 under or at the limit, 11 who slowed down and 27 selfish individuals whose speed was in excess of 30
Of note was the fact that 7 cars were being driven in excess of 40
At 1645 tonight in daylight one of our cats was KILLED by a speeding car going through the village in exactly the same location as the speed monitor. The driver did not stop. As I was digging her grave, a cat with striking markings and a wonderful disposition just less than 2 , it caused me to reflect that she could just as easily been a CHILD.
If you or someone you know was one of the 62 cars in less than 3 hours, who seem to think the Law does not apply to them, perhaps you might want to reflect upon this incident and the potential consequences of this ARROGANT and SELFISH attitude. One day it might be your child or grandchild lying DEAD in the road and not just a Cat.
I'm so sorry to read that your pet cat was run over by a speeding car - people just use our village like a rat run - there's little thought for others here. Like you said, it could just as easily been a child. The authorities need to put some traffic calming systems in place as this problem is just going to get worse with all the new houses they are planning for that stretch of the road and other developments nearby.
I was walking along Guilers Lane earlier in the week and saw a tatty Red Honda Civic (very loud exhaust) racing a Blue Toyota yaris towards Wattlefield. I strongly suspect that this is the same Honda which can very often be heard driving as fast as he possibly can from the crross roads towards Bunwel ( I know its as fast as he can possibly go because i can hear the exhaust frequently). Unfortunately I didn't get the number plates this time, but I know what they look like now, so will photograph them the next time I see them and will send to the police.
Speed detector unit Spooner row March 2013 - results
1.School figures encouragingly good but one parent made the comment that this is the slowest they have ever seen
2.At Chapel loke and Bunwell road sites in all but 2 occasions out of 6 the number of speeding cars exceeded those sticking to the limit
3.The number of cars exceeding the 40 limit was 3% during the times when recording was taking place
4.Cars heading out for the village on the Bunwell road have limited time to get above the speed limit from the junction to the recording position
5.The number of cars exceeding the speed limit heading down the Bunwell road towards Wymondham was 68% !! 63 cars out of 93 This is horrendous
What happens now?
The figures which I tried to post but could not do so are to be kept and pressure will be brought to bear about having a on the spot fine team from the Police on the Bunwell road. How successful this lobbying will be is unknown.
If every person who viewed these comments called the local police number I posted previously and complained, we might be listened to. Neither the police or highways agency were aware there was an issue. As a community we need to get these agencies, including the local council, to know there is a serious issue!
Herewith the latest results of the Speedwatch monitoring exercise held in the village on the morning of 9th April
6 cars in excess of the trigger limit which as previously advised is higher than 30, were reported to the Police despite warning signs and high vis jackets being worn by the volunteers.
One puerile individual who correctly noted the signs and slowed down, (well done) felt it necessary to give a two fingered salute to the team, no doubt as a childish gesture of defiance for the rule of Law. Perhaps the individual who might have gained a moments pleasure from such a gesture, needs to consider that fact that despite complying with the limit, he was also reported to the Police, as this kind of behaviour is a public order offence.
The speedwatch team are encouraged to note other offences as well as speeding , such as use of mobile phones and lack of seat belts!!
Following on from the two weeks where we had the automatic speed monitoring unit, we have gained the support of two of our town councillors so far, for a bid towards a permanent unit. I hope we are in time and that Wymondham Town council support this, as there is a contributory cost of 25%, which of course we would not be bothered by, if we had our own Council, but that is another matter!! Updates on this soon
The latest results from the Speedwatch team Good news and bad news
An early morning exercise on the 16th April - Chapel road
Only 3 cars in an hour were recorded at above the trigger limit - The good news
A lunchtime Speedwatch on Saturday 20th April- Bunwell road
12 cars, including 3 lightweight commercial vehicles, were recorded above the trigger limit who were obviously not expecting us and unfortunately conform to the pattern of cars who regard Spooner row as an irritation where they might slow down on their way through to Bunwell and beyond, or somewhere they have to drive through to get to the A11 or Wymondham. - The Bad news
Incredibly many of these and other cars not recorded are seen with kids in the back and front, but like so many, the drivers concerned apparently regard road safety as only an issue they need to address outside their own front door, which given the speed they were travelling was obviously not Spooner Row .
As the nights are pulling out, the proposal is to carry out some evening monitoring. You have been warned !
good luck to you all on this, the sooner we get some kind of traffic calming in the village the better. The only "quick fix " I can think of is if everyone on all the main roads through the village parked their cars on the road rather than on their drives the cars would have to slow down, the traffic is always a lot slower at the school at 8.45am and 3.15pm because of this!!
Speeding cars. (Includes Speedwatch scheme information & results)
The Community speedwatch team is supposed to be supported by the Town Clerk on behalf of the parish council. The sooner Spooner Row becomes its own parish the better and then perhaps we will get a fairer deal!
15 cars were recorded and reported to the Community Speedwatch office, as being over the 30 limit by some margin and one driver in a silver BMW clearly thought that 46 in a 30 limit was perfectly acceptable. There were 7 others who also thought that 40 was okay as well. There is no excuse for this and we will be pressing for some on the spot speed enforcement.
Unfortunately our bid for a Permanent speed monitoring unit got conveniently buried by Wymondham Town Council Clerk who initially claimed he never saw the e mail which was sent to him 3 times, then suggested it was my fault for not putting in proper bid when in fact it is for the Council to do so and anyway we did not have the support of the County Councillor!
There is great deal more I can say on this but most would not be printable. Such arrogance and disdain by a Public Official which all the residents of Spooner row is paying for incidentally, is simply not good enough. This matter which I will be registering as a formal complaint remains work in progress.
Julian Halls
RE: Speeding cars. (Includes Speedwatch scheme information & results)
Well I am pleased to say that we have some positives to report but as usual there is always a down side
We have had 3 sessions and the results are encouraging but for a natural cynic ( me ) I think half term was contributory but hey may be we have a trend
1 session was a complete NIL return
Another session resulted in just 2 cars and the last ( Saturday) just 4 to report
The down side was that for the 2 cars report, above there was one other car whose pond life occupants chose to be both verbally abusive as well as make rude gestures to the team. They were reported
On Saturday two of the four cars reported, were doing speeds recorded just ether side of 50 MPH in a 30 limit, despite the signs and the high vis jackets. One hopes they had a safe and pleasant onward journey and were not struck by lightning or anything similar which is deserving of such arrogant behaviour.
You have no doubt seen that we recorded a car doing 58mph during the last Speedwatch. We were left speechless. I'm not surprised though as this kind of speed is "normal" for the cars I see going past the house, especially during the rush hour times.
It is shocking how long this has been allowed to continue by those in positions of authority (I include the Council in this).
Yes great work on this Julian; see also my next post.
I'm not sure what "Anonymous" means here by "I include the Council in this". Are Councillors amongst the speeding offenders? Are we not doing enough? (See next post again.)
Following the great work by Julian & team I am putting a proposal to WTC that we look into the options for a permanent SAM.
First discussion is Planning Lighting & Highways Committee, Tue July 2nd WTC Offices at 18:30 unless rearranged.
I'm putting a discussion document together for this. Anyone will be able to see it. Obviously it'll go out to Councillors first, but 24 appx 24 hours after, I'll post a link to it here in this discussion thread.
Watch this space!
John Turner @jhturner108 WTC Councillor for Cromwells ward
The WTC Planning Lighting and Highways Committee will be discussing our proposal for a SAM on Tuesday July 2nd at 18:00 (before the full Council meeting).
Somewhat unusually for a PL-H Committee meeting, it will take place in Fairland Hall rather than WTC offices. Full Council will disccuss the plans for houses at Park Farm and Rightup Lane. Understandably, we are expecting a good turn-out of Wymondham citizens for that. Of course, there will be opportunity for residents' questions.
My promised doc in support of our SAM proposal is available for anyone to see on line. You should be able to see it by clicking the link below.
Herewith the results for the four sessions held on the dates above:-
Chapel road 18th July
8 vehicles reported with speed range from 38 to 41 unfortunately including a Post Van
Bunwell road 27th July
7 vehicles reported with speed range 37 to 42
Bunwell road 9th August
6 vehicles reported with speed range 39 to 48 !!!
Of course many more vehicles were in breach of the speed limit but did not reach the trigger point for recording which is set by the Speedwatch scheme. It is disappointing to note that drivers seem to have a mindset to get to the A11 or home as soon as possible and ignore the limits. Of course you might save 10 seconds and risk getting a child on your bonnet in the process, but let's no worry...........
Some speeding drivers even have a car full of children as they go past but somehow cannot make the connection. Please think, as quite often playing children do not, more especially in the Summer
The eagle eyed will have noted that I have not yet given the results for the 13th June which was an encouraging 2 cars ONLY in an hour , BUT since then the figures have stayed remarkably and disappointingly consistent.
Anonymous but fed up!
RE: Speeding cars. (Includes Speedwatch scheme information & results)
The safety aspect of speeding is without doubt the most important, but often overlooked and never seemingly mentioned is the noise impact ...... particularly motorbikes and cars with modified exhaust systems.
Many evenings/nights (HGV's usually!)/early mornings I am woken up by speeding vehicles on the Bunwell Road who know that at that time of the day/night the Speedwatch team will not be out and so don't give a damn about the noise pollution their vehicles cause.
Maybe a mobile fixed 24 hour speed camera would help resolve this issue.
Herewith the results for the four sessions held on the dates above:-
Chapel road 18th July
8 vehicles reported with speed range from 38 to 41 unfortunately including a Post Van
Bunwell road 27th July
7 vehicles reported with speed range 37 to 42
Bunwell road 9th August
6 vehicles reported with speed range 39 to 48 !!!
Of course many more vehicles were in breach of the speed limit but did not reach the trigger point for recording which is set by the Speedwatch scheme. It is disappointing to note that drivers seem to have a mindset to get to the A11 or home as soon as possible and ignore the limits. Of course you might save 10 seconds and risk getting a child on your bonnet in the process, but let's no worry...........
Some speeding drivers even have a car full of children as they go past but somehow cannot make the connection. Please think, as quite often playing children do not, more especially in the Summer
The eagle eyed will have noted that I have not yet given the results for the 13th June which was an encouraging 2 cars ONLY in an hour , BUT since then the figures have stayed remarkably and disappointingly consistent.
So does Station Rd not come under Spooner Row especially as the school is in this road and the speed cars travel up and down with a nice straight road.
I have just typed letter to the local police who I am told have 14 days to respond to letters. This is regarding a particular driver who continually speeds evry morning through the village. I have requested that they set up a speed trap for at least 2 days in the village. The more they catch and fine, the more word will get around. Will keep you posted on results of my letter.