Given the length of the previous discussion which is becoming tiresome to read through unless you are an insomniac, I have started a new string to give you all an update on the latest position. It is not good news but as far as I can determine there is little we can do about it.
I had a long conversation with South Norfolk on the telephone and the salient facts are as follows.
Happy that we appreciate where they are coming from and the current resource difficulties and pressures they are under
Plan is to recommend a Governance review to the members of the council post May 2013.
They have never done this before so steep learning curve and resources an issue
If they hold a review in May it will ( has to be completed) within a year so May 2014 and then unlikely to come into effect until May 2015 !!
The best approach as far as we are concerned if we wish to change Governance i.e. form our own neighbourhood council, would be to very strongly comment during the consultation period once the Review is launched. The more of us that do this and preferably as a group the better, as it will likely be given more weight, although single responses are also of course permitted
The working committee of members to be formed at South Norfolk to oversee this process must be made of neutral parties
So in brief the next action will be to get ourselves ready for the consultation period where getting an old fashioned petition together will be the way forward, and perhaps draft a standard letter shell, for persons to complete/ amend if they wish and send in, once the review is underway.
I have concerns that resources will be an issue and delays will occur , some of which might be politically motivated, but I can see no way around this bureaucratic minefield although I am open to suggestions from others who may be far cleverer than I.
This is disappointing and very frustrating and quite obviously in some quarters will be well received, but I firmly believe they are a minority with their own agenda.
Any comments most welcome but please bear in mind this board is viewed by all, so if they are of an individual nature perhaps letting me know personally might be better.