I heard that the other recent development on Chepore Lane, was the drilling of a new borehole (by Anglian Water) in preparation for the new developments planned in this area.
I went passed the site yesterday and was somewhat surprised by the size of it and the activity going on. Is this being policed by the planners/council to ensure that that the site complies with the permission granted?
I am pleased to say that South Norfolk Area Planing Officer has responded quickly to my e mail and states:-
As you know the site has planning pemission for residential caravans which will clearly include the provision of services involving carrying out operations to lay these.It is not clear from your report whether the operations are of an unrelated and unauthorise nature or if they are likely to be related to the development permitted, in which case a further planning permission is unlikely to be reuired.
I will ask the Enforcement officer to view the site , but unless there is some reason to believe that a breach of planning consent has occured, then I will not instruct him to enter the land."
I have now received an e mail from the Enforcement Officer at South Norfolk council which states:-
"Following a visit to Chepore Lane yesterday I can now advise you that I could find no evidence of any ongoing engineering works either in the lane or on land off the lane.
I last drove down the lane approximately 6-8 weeks ago and do recall that Anglian Water were doing some works which involved a drilling rig but this has now all gone,the only evidence remaining is an area of hardcore.
Anglian Water is a statutory undertaker and as such planning permission would not be needed for the works or the laying of the hardcore, we are not told about works which they undetake."