Is anyone missing a black tom cat? He still has all his bits, but is very friendly. We do feed him as he is here so often. If anyone knows who he belongs to please post on here and I will contact you.
Is the cat completely black or does he have white feet? We have been feeding a black tomcat with white feet for about 2 years but have been unable to trace an owner. We live in the Chapel Rd area but I have seen him in the village hall carpark!
No he is all black. We fed a tabby tom up until recently. Don't know what happened to him as we haven't seen him for a while. There seems to be quite a few stray toms. I think they must be strays as none of the ones we have seen here have been neutered.
We have had a large black cat with white paws occassionaly appear through our garage cat flap and helping himself to our cats food. Think he is a stray as he comes and goes and has been doing this for about a year.