The following is an email and letter from South Norfolk Council to inform the public of their Public Consultation - South Norfolk Council's Local Plan Documents Pre-submission Consultation from 1st November – 13th December 2013. (Webstation):
Subject: South Norfolk Local Plan Documents pre-submission consultation starts 1st November 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
As someone who has participated in previous consultations on South Norfolk Local Plan Documents we are writing to notify you that the following Documents are published for their Pre-submission representations period 1 November – 13 December 2013.
Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document
Development Management Policies Document
Wymondham Area Action Plan
Please note that any representation made at previous consultation stages will not be automatically ‘carried forward’; only those made at this current Pre-submission stage will be forwarded to the Inspector.
Please see attached letter for further details and how to make representations.
Sent on behalf of Adam Nicholls Planning Policy Manager
South Norfolk Council Proud to have been awarded the Investors In People Gold Standard – one of only 3% of organisations in the country to have achieved this award.