The Tiffey Valley planning application has raised its head above the parapet yet again. The appeal decision has been "called in" and now rests with the Secretary of State who will consider the case and make the final decision. The site falls within the most valuable landscape and historic setting in the whole of South Norfolk. If you would like to object to development in this beautiful valley with its classic views of the Grade I listed Wymondham Abbey, please write to :
Mr. Nick Boles MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Planning, Department of Communities and Local Government, Eland House, Bressenden Place,
London SWE1 5DU
as soon as possible, quoting reference : Appeal ref: APP/L2630/A/13/2196884, Appeal by Stephen Biart, Land at Chapel Lane, Wymondham, Norfolk
The e-petition closes on the 25th June so please click on this before the 25th if you have not already done so - the Tiffey Valley is undoubtedly a very special place !