Planning application Reference 2014/2108 for EIA Screening Opinion for proposed mixed use development comprising housing and community facilities. Land Between London Road and Suton Lane, London Road, Wymondham
How can this application be back on the drawing board? It was dismissed before on grounds of potential damage to Gonville Hall and its moat, and the fact that schooling for older children could not be accommodated.
Can't they find a piece of land close to the existing churchyard for a cemetery extension (or somewhere central to Wymondham), instead of using prime agricultural land a mile away.
375 houses? I thought Wymondham had found all the extra housing it wanted and more, fulfulling its Action Plan needs.
Please be aware that this is a screening option which is planning speak for putting your toe in the water to see if this would be acceptable by asking whether an Environmental impact assessment would be required.
Anon is correct when he/she said it was rejected at District level BUT it was passed by Wymondham Town Planning sub committee in the Spring.
Could I ask therefore for views on this application please, bearing in mind a proper application will no doubt shortly follow. The new plan of the layout as proposed now, does not include a primary school and has 3 entrances from the London road, one at the new proposed cemetery and two more, closer to Wymondham, one being a completely new roundabout.
The link given above allows you to view the supporting documentation by clicking on the 4 papers/plans currently provided.
The lack of school places at secondary level was the principal reason in my view as to why it was rejected previously, but not having primary provision seems to me to be an equally powerful argument.