A concerned resident has raised with me the sudden appearance of a gate and no entry sign at the roundabout end of Dinahs lane. I will be raising the matter with whoever now deals with such issues at the County or South Norfolk on the resident's behalf.
The footpath status from the old manure heap in Top common to the corner where the track turns to run parallel with the field is not in question and Dinahs lane as far as I am aware, has been in regular use for 50 years by walkers, but it has also recently been used by arrogant and anti social flytippers which may explain the gate , so work in progress
I will let you know how I get on but in the meantime if anyone sees some flytippers take the number of the vehicle involved , the time and any other salient details , a picture on a modern photo phone is ideal, but do not put yourself in danger by doing so.
If anyone can update the situation I would appreciate it
According to my source , possibly, but I have sent the info/question to South Norfolk for a definitive view and hopefully it will get to someone who has the power to investigate and resolve , assuming they have not been made redundant that is !!
The officer responsible is in fact based at County. David Mills I have had numerous contacts with him and he has asked that I write to the land owner to resolve the matter informally as his involvement will be formal.
I have done this and a reply is awaited, the proposal being a modified sign which makes it clear that there is is no unauthorised vehicular access and a gate for pedestrians