Planning application 2015/1215. Proposed development of ground mounted solar photovoltaic panels and associated works including transformer substations, storage container, switchgear, DNO Cabin, access tracks, underground cabling, security measures and other ancillary equipment and landscaping at Land East Of Rookery Farm, Silver Street, Besthorpe, Norfolk. This is next to Spooner Row.
Can we see these from anywhere we are likely to be walking/driving/living etc?
Is anyone affected by these?
From what I can see from the plans they seem to be pretty secluded, am i wrong? The pictures have obviously been done to make the impact look as small as possible, is this realistic?
To answer the last is I do not know but this is being pursued seperately in any case . Apparently County like to try and get informal resolutions to save them the bother of getting involved formally, but this is still an option. Work in progress
The site will be visible from the Besthorpe end but the visibility footprint is small when compared to some.
Concerns were raised by me at last night's meeting re the proposal being developed on mixed grade arable land 3A and 3B , roughly 1/3, 2/3 and the need for justification for this under BRE code
The application was approved by majority but will probably come under further scrutiny at South Norfolk as the site runs next to another foot path which crosses from sluthole lane. this application may paradoxically bring about an inprovement in the current foot path which is heavily overgrown
There are still some ecological issues and questions that need answering
Why do some people in Spooner Row say no to development. The Village badly needs an injection of new people to keep the pub, school and Village alive. There are villages throughout the country that are in the process of dying all because some people who live locally want to keep their Village as a museumn. Also it would be nice to have some more childeren born in the Village. I understand that over 50% of the children attending the local school are not from Spooner Row and without development this situation is not sustainable and the school could close. Say no to nimbys and yes to development.
Spooner Row is very much alive. New children arriving in Spooner Row have to go to schools elsewhere as there is not enough room for them here, as the village school is totally full. Places are obviously in demand.
We are not nimbys, we are just against out of control housing developments with no improvements to infrastructure. This type of development only benefits the landowners and developers.
I haven't heard of anyone wanting Spooner Row to be a museum, as far as I am aware, no one as yet is trying to stop the solar farm, I understand the pub and its restaurant are very popular with customers from outside and inside the village. I am not sure where you get your information from but it's not very accurate!
This is general Planning comment as it would seem those with a vested interest see comments as contrary to their desires.
The National Policy Planning Framework quite clearly says that for a development to approved it has to be sustainable. Sustainability is about a BALANCE of three factors
Economic - benefits to all not just the developer
Societal / social - which demands and supports the wider picture demonstrating a readily available supply of shops, schools , public transport NONE of which are effective in Spooner Row as the School is full , the Public Transport with 3 trains a day , 2 to Norwich and 1 back , and a bus ONCE a week !!which is rubbish and no shops, meaning a car trip everytime as well as that needed to drop the schoolkids off
Environmental benefits - building rarely does this , in fact the exact opposite and the removal of the Flood plain information in the local plan was never explained and is a risk in the village made worse by hard concrete and roads
So in all , as the village is already FULL to overflowing there should be no development and this is recognised in the Service village status which says we should only have 20 new houses. We currently have approved over 40 and two pending appeals for another 7.
Of course the key question is why? Planning loopholes , wooly worded policies designed to confuse and muddle, and best of all a bribe from Central Govt called the New Homes Bonus. A wedge of extra cash to Local Govt to spend how they like as long as they build new homes. Yes we need the houses but then why do we bother with a Local Plan we promptly negotiate around. It is playing lip service to Localism and community consultation which strangely seems to never happen and is larely ignored anyway. Consultation is simply asking the question, and it certainly does not mean it will not happen if objected to. The 1230 new houses the wrong side of the decaying railway bridge in Silfield is an excellent example.
A jaundiced view - perhaps- but look at the so called Policies , the new Homes bonus and make your own mind up. There is nothing wrong with being a NIMBY if you have damn good reasons to support your objections