In the light of the topic, "South Norfolk and 106 Money" recently posted on here:
What has happened to our district council? About 12-15 years ago, I was Treasurer of Spooner Row Village Hall and was involved in raising funds for urgent major repairs to the hall, without which the hall would have closed. The district council, along with a branch of the county council and the town council were crucial in helping the village hall committee in stopping this happening. The district council was marvellous in the way several of its members, who also doubled up as parish councillors helped us. They provided grants, one of which was almost £12,000, they provided lots of advice and support – I would write articles for the local press, all of which were published. Our district council provided an excellent service.
In recent years I have noticed a deterioration in the quality of our district council. Currently I am looking to go through the council’s complaint system to the Ombudsman because of the questionable way they have handled the various stages of the Local Plan for Spooner Row. I am awaiting the outcome of the School Lane site to determine how I take this forward. The School Lane site has significant safety issues with the primary school on the junction and the narrow width of the lane, plus other concerns - all issues which have to date been ignored. In addition the number of new houses with planning permission in Spooner Row has now far exceeded the South Norfolk’s own Local Plan allocation of 15-20 new dwellings, making the Local Plan no longer consistent with its own criterion and is unsound. Despite this, they still intend to include new houses on School Lane.
One of the issues I intend to take to the Ombudsman, which was not resolved was the segregation of Spooner Row from the rest of the parish under the Wymondham Area Action Plan without consultation. This top-down, district council decision was not communicated to the parish council, nor local people, despite our ward councillors unsuccessfully resorting to trying to find out what was going on under a Standing Order 8. I contacted my MP, who in turn wrote to the district council to find some answers. A senior member of staff from SNC wrote back to my MP who then kindly forwarded the council’s reply to me on House of Commons headed paper. Unfortunately the crucial part of the explanation that a senior member of staff at the council provided to our MP, compared to what actually happened, were quite different and there is documentation to substantiate this. This is not acceptable to anyone! There is other communication from the council in the same vein as this.
I know this is nothing to do with Section 106 but I think it is a worrying trend where it appears that some local people get treated with contempt despite a Code of Conduct for councils to work by.
Council Code of Conduct includes: Selflessness · Integrity · Objectivity · Accountability · Openness · Honesty · Leadership
I dont know who Karen is but she appears to be a serial moaner. If you dont allow some development in the Village the Village will die. If she has a complaint about the SNC council she has a right to go through the complaints system and I am pleased that she is doing that. However, there is no need to put us all to sleep with the details. Just give us the result of the complaint and that will do nicely.
Services at all levels are being pared back to the bone and all the sensible staff are leaving or like an old colleague, are being told to go, or take a lower salary. That motivates you
What is apalling is a blind mantra from the Tory controlling group which mirrors Central Govt Policy which says services are as good as ever and haven't we done well and frozen your rates. There is a very short small round spherical object reply to this.
Local Govt is being shafted and having its rate support grants, as was, cut back and this is ongoing In other words it is going to get worse if District Council members let it. Right now they simply refer back to the mantra and this is across the board- Roads - Policing and support in any shape or form. I am sure the District Council officers know this but dare not do so for the sake of their jobs, and some even believe it !!
This is a disgrace and it is no coincidence that those matters which relate to enforcement , in all its guises such as Planning controls , Environmental health and Trading standards which are deemed as an obstruction to growth, albeit potentially illegal are being hit the hardest. Where do most of the Tory donations come from ?
Harsh? Well our 'new' MP wanted to introduce a sugar tax ( well done) but this was granulated out of existence as a suggestion by number 10, saying that voluntary controls are a much better way forward. I leave it to you to look at who donated very generously to party funds.
This is supposed to be non political this message board,not complaining about political parties.If we all remember we put our crosses where we want them and if we make a mistake we wait until the next election and we vote with our votes.
It appears that whoever controls this once great site is now allowing people to make missleading political points. JH appears to be following the advice given to him from his Lib Dem pals at the Lib Dems HQ and from the Lib Dems election manual which reads: Be wicked, act shamelessly, try and embarras the council and try and claim credit for things the Lib Dems have not done.
For the record South Norfolk Council is one of the best council in the country and thats why people keep voting to keep it under Conservative controll. Is it any wonder that the Lib Dems only got 8 seats at the general election. They only won a few seats on the District council and only one seat on the town Council. The people dont like the way the Lib Dems behave and they have said so loud and clear at the ballot box.
Please don't "knock" Karen as she obviously knows what she is talking about and has written a very eloquent, meaningful ............and true comment here. We are all being bounded by the "houses at all costs" mantra without much thought given to infrastructure, i.e. roads, schools, doctors and perhaps most importantly hospitals. Can anyone predict how the University Hospital will cope in the future ? Can anyone predict if we will have enough doctors to see to our medical problems ? And, I would love to know where the people come from who are to live in these "executive" (ghastly word) houses ? What of the Right to Buy Scheme where the commensurate amount of houses are not being built to replace them ? Councils are being dictated to by the developers and seem powerless to object to their demands. Why is a link road to the A11 not being contemplated for the new Silfield development ? Why are copious objections appearing in planning application cases and are subsequently overridden by the planning committee ? Why, for instance, does Attleborough continue with its building developments, consistently ignoring the parking problem there ? It is time for answers - can democracy really survive in this current climate ?
To be very clear here I do not take instructions from Lib Dem HQ as they are , sadly seen as complicit and weak and this was reflected in the last General elction result where we , and everyone else were the victims of an utterly archaic first past the post system where 75% of the electorate did not vote for an ultra right wing Tory Govt, we have in power.
South Norfolk are up their own backsides and it is being run as an autocracy in thrall to Tory central Office policies, and I have evidence that I will be discussing with the Ombudsman that they are acting illegally on recent Planning matters in Silfield
The demographics of our area mean that we are always going to be Tory controlled , but I just wish Councillors would have the balls to properly represent their electorate as opposed to doing things which they think will advance their political career in response to party pressures
I make no apologies for doing what I was elected for , which is represent the electorate and kick SNDC where it hurts when they try and get away with dodgy practices and for years now, Spooner row and Wymondham have been victims. They remain so.
Services at all levels are being pared back to the bone and all the sensible staff are leaving or like an old colleague, are being told to go, or take a lower salary. That motivates you ..................................
Rather than keep cutting back on council staff and services, they should be cutting back on district councillors and their expenses.
So finally I think the penny has dropped. South Norfolk are fighting for their survival against the backdrop of severe budget cuts and a Central Govt who preaches localism and then does everything in its power to stifle local views.
However this is not the real challenge it is survival. When central Govt talk of devolution , what they mean is reorganisation and saving money and any Council seen not to be towing the line is up for grabs and may suddenly find itself merged with another to make sure the Political balance reflects the powerbase in London. If you do not play and are seen not to be controlling your Council to follow the party line, your days are numbered.
This explains the shift to ultra right wingism ( sorry ) and the pressures being brought to bear on all District Councillors to keep your nose clean and do what you have to do to survive.
Spooner row is small yellow bubble in a sea of blue and this to some extent is reflected in the Council make up , much diluted to what it was, but nevertheless a threat to control.
Do I feel sorry for South Norfolk (?) , the answer of course is not a jot ! but I acknowlege this really upsets some who think we are peasants who should do what the Landlord demands and we have an Electoral system which allows this gross injustice to persist. This is no longer a democracy it is an autocracy.
Is this good for Spooner Row? No 'probably not' I am sad to say but to roll over dead is , in my view clearly not a viable option. We live , right now in a very imperfect world and does all the Political bullying I succumb to make a difference? I would be lying if I said it does not matter or make a difference but for now I shall carry on rattling the cage.
Who knows, if we come to devolution what will happen may not be what the 'Landlord' wants and the real power is very obviously, and never has been at South Norfolk.
What a load of nonsence. South Norfolk Council is not fighting for survival and it finances are in good order. Under devolution it is planned to merge most of the county services and not SNCs services. There is a long way to go on the discussions but the comments in the previous post is very misleading. Thank God that we are surrounded by a sea of blue. It was the people choice and they made the right decision. If the alternatives got elected Spooner Row and SN would suffer greatly.
Where please is the figure of 300 houses coming from ?
Suffer greatly?? Like we are not now ?
Voted by the people ... yes 25% of them !! Brilliant system
Staff turnover normal .....utter rubbish. I have contacts in Environmental Health and that Department has been cut back and cut back. If you are so sure give us some actual figures please! I suppose we might have more Planners (and don't they do they a good job??) as opposed to enforcement regulators which of course are not business friendly according to the Govt, which is completely in thrall to Business because they contribute to party funds. A situation which does not compromise thinking one jot I am sure.
How can you be so blind to the truth and so believing of this propaganda?
Today we laearn that more cuts are on the way BUT we already know at leats 30% will be from Local Governemtn. That has to be bad but if we got rid of the person who clearly keeps looking at this site as Opposed to doing their job that might not be a bad thing
Sorry, can you clarify? Are you saying that someone from local government/council is looking at this village community site rather than doing their job? Surely not? What has this site got to do with the council? Hasn't the person got anything better to do with themselves?
The alternative is for you lot to constantly whine and moan to yourselves and achieve absolutely nothing. At least they know you are miserable, if you didn't want other people to know, why post it on a internet forum? You could go to the pub and moan, at least they would benefit by selling you some beer.
I suspect the above message could be from a council supporter. No we are not miserable, just finding the council's planning decisions and its attitude towards this village a bit tedious and unpleasant. Haven't they got a code of conduct they should work to? If it is someone's job as you suggest to monitor village on-line discussions, then what is their job remit? Perhaps using twitter for a wider audience is the answer - that should keep them busy. I would rather my council tax be put to a more sensible use like resurfacing the potholed parts of the A11.
Achieve nothing ............ well perhaps not, it clearly irritates you, who is quite obviously not in the village, and also very obviously does not give a fig about the village. It also clearly demonstates your irritation with free speech. Not from the Council ?? Really !
Part of their written job description?? Additional duties:- monitor local web sites and other internet fora which might have the audacity to make the occasional derogatory remark about the way you work. Report to your on line manager your findings then reply anonymously refuting any suggestion of truth.
I Don't think so, and no one save yourself perhaps will think this either, but it might be part of their verbal job instruction which they will do with vigour and enthusiasm , fearing for their jobs, livelihood anf family with another loads of cuts happening in Local Government very shortly. Poor buggers.
The issue is that the council doesn't like, or respond well to, negative publicity. They think they are doing fine and want to self-promote themselves as a wonderful, successful council. This could not be further from the truth for those villages like Spooner Row that get dumped on. People in Spooner Row know very well what the council's long term objectives are for our village and WE DO NOT APPROVE - there, no need for any long drawn out and expensive public consultation. I am really glad that central Tory government is cutting back on local government, because I don't like our Tory council. Local councils should do soley what they were supposed to do in the first place and simply provide us with services that we want and pay for, not going around upsetting local communities with their poor decisions. How about the council holding a public consultation on the various aspects of the work they do and see which gain public consent? This public message forum is a real asset to the village because it can be viewed by anyone expressing an interest in our village and shows true feeling. THAT is what the council don't like.
Well said!! I don't mind our Tory government I think it is making a reasonably good job, it is this council that is at fault. With the imposed council cutbacks, why doesn't the council cutback on councillors pay and expenses rather than our services and the essential staff that man these services. What do they do anyway other than force their poor decisions on people, and then say in a total state of oblivion, that we 'moan' when voicing our sound concerns - they are out of touch.
1. Remember that if you do a "public consultation" they will involve all of the public, not just those from SR
2. Perhaps they are successful, just not with things you approve of
3. Every decision the council takes has to be on behalf of EVERYONE within the SNDC catchment area, not just us. it is an unfortunate fact that we will not like everything which is decided on our behalf. Other areas are just as unhappy about things which are forced upon them which we do not see. The alternative is state sponsored NIMBYism.
4. "People" in SR do not all know what the the councils plans are for them, and not all of them do not approve, I for one support limited development of appropriate houses in the village, there is a vocal minority who like things just as they are and shout loudly, this should not be confused with ALL.
5. The council has public consent, they gained it when they were elected. Obviously not everyone voted for them, and most of those people seem to be on this message board, but the MAJORITY voted for them.
6. The council absolutely should have someone who's job it is to monitor social media and local message boards, this is normal for the 21st century. I would expect it to absolutely be part of a written job description, along with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Streetlife and so on. This is how people want to interact with their elected officials now
7. Potholes on the A11 is Highways, not the council
if you want to change things, then lets do it properly, set up a proper committee with regular meetings and a PROPER agenda. We can have proper debate in the village hall and put forward a united front to fight the evil council, but i am afraid uninformed moaning behind the cloak of anonymous posting on a free notice board is not productive. I however suspect that as usual it will be left to the dedicated few who will be left to do the actual work and the rest will just sit and complain that things are not fixed for them behind various excuses of no time or other commitments (if you are that bothered you would make time)
Very good post. SNC is one of the best run council in the country. It looks like the previous posts was written by someone who is anti everything. May the great Lord save us from him.
6. The council absolutely should have someone who's job it is to monitor social media and local message boards, this is normal for the 21st century. I would expect it to absolutely be part of a written job description, along with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Streetlife and so on. This is how people want to interact with their elected officials now
Well well they finally admit that Orwellian times are here. Cutback here, cutbacks there, yet the council find the money to monitor what people are saying online and then reciprocate inappropriately. Well that doesn't intimidate most people if that is the purpose of that admission. They may monitor what is being said, but they sure don't act on the valid points the public put out, as they appear to have their own weird and wonderful agenda. We deserve better - put our council taxes to better use and that's me interacting with my elected officials!
I am interacting with my elected officials as that is apparently how we communicate now. This is what is needed:
- a Station Road footpath to get residents safely to the nearest bus stop situated at the next village - this is not unreasonable.
- put in a bus service and organise a train timetable that people can use.
- road safety measures put in place at the busy Station Rd/School Lane junction next to the school at school pick-up times - a recognised hazard area.
- Redirect the HGV's away from our village - its someone else's turn to take this burden.
- A11 potholes sorted out - if it is not this council's responsibility then get in touch with whoever it is.
- Mobile phone receptions that works and the same quality broadband service they get in Wymondham - this is the 21st century you know.
- Stop the out-of-control planning permissions for excessive housing developments without any improvements to infrastructure.
- For the council to act in an open and responsible manner and be in accordance with the council code of conduct laid out in national regulations.
- Stop wasting money on public consultations that don't mean anything and to follow its own policies.
- Make the council's own website user friendly and stop it being inaccessible with too much rubbish information.
I am sure this list will continue. You are right, we did elect this council and now it is the council's turn to undertake its responsibilities. To continually witter-on that we are 'moaning' is a cop-out - just do your job!
1. Remember that if you do a "public consultation" they will involve all of the public, not just those from SR
2. Perhaps they are successful, just not with things you approve of
3. Every decision the council takes has to be on behalf of EVERYONE within the SNDC catchment area, not just us. it is an unfortunate fact that we will not like everything which is decided on our behalf. Other areas are just as unhappy about things which are forced upon them which we do not see. The alternative is state sponsored NIMBYism.
4. "People" in SR do not all know what the the councils plans are for them, and not all of them do not approve, I for one support limited development of appropriate houses in the village, there is a vocal minority who like things just as they are and shout loudly, this should not be confused with ALL.
5. The council has public consent, they gained it when they were elected. Obviously not everyone voted for them, and most of those people seem to be on this message board, but the MAJORITY voted for them.
6. The council absolutely should have someone who's job it is to monitor social media and local message boards, this is normal for the 21st century. I would expect it to absolutely be part of a written job description, along with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Streetlife and so on. This is how people want to interact with their elected officials now
7. Potholes on the A11 is Highways, not the council
if you want to change things, then lets do it properly, set up a proper committee with regular meetings and a PROPER agenda. We can have proper debate in the village hall and put forward a united front to fight the evil council, but i am afraid uninformed moaning behind the cloak of anonymous posting on a free notice board is not productive. I however suspect that as usual it will be left to the dedicated few who will be left to do the actual work and the rest will just sit and complain that things are not fixed for them behind various excuses of no time or other commitments (if you are that bothered you would make time)
Boy that was one very irritating comment defending the council: My replies to each point.
1. Remember that if you do a "public consultation" they will involve all of the public, not just those from SR
Councils invented “public consultation” to try and prove they have acted fairly. This is nonsense. Decisions have already been made and residents’ concerns that don’t fit with the grand scheme are dismissed. That’s why the public are fed up with these processes as they feel there is no point in participating. Only a tiny number of the population even respond to these “public consultations” and most people are not engaged with politics or politicians. You just don’t get it. Only residents who will be affected about the planned changes in their community should be consulted. Individuals who just want to profit from the village, and don’t live in the village have no business in making decisions about what happens in the village.
2. Perhaps they are successful, just not with things you approve of
How can any council not be judged successful? You get a guaranteed supply of money from the taxpayers and just need to work out how to spend it, which you do in a very inefficient and irritating way. If councils operated as private businesses, they would go out of business.
3. Every decision the council takes has to be on behalf of EVERYONE within the SNDC catchment area, not just us. it is an unfortunate fact that we will not like everything which is decided on our behalf. Other areas are just as unhappy about things which are forced upon them which we do not see. The alternative is state sponsored NIMBYism.
What on earth makes the council think that they have power over local communities and why is NIMBYism a dirty word? Central government is giving more power to local councils. Local councils in turn should give more power to the local communities who pay their salaries. This is the future.
4. "People" in SR do not all know what the the councils plans are for them, and not all of them do not approve, I for one support limited development of appropriate houses in the village, there is a vocal minority who like things just as they are and shout loudly, this should not be confused with ALL.
Why don’t you consult with us all then if you so sure? Carry out a survey like I suggested. Perhaps you could tell us all what your long term plans for Spooner Row are and we can judge you on that.
5. The council has public consent, they gained it when they were elected. Obviously not everyone voted for them, and most of those people seem to be on this message board, but the MAJORITY voted for them.
In South Norfolk you could put a blue rosette on a donkey and people would vote for it. I am a Tory voter but the local council are more like a bunch of lefties.
6. The council absolutely should have someone who's job it is to monitor social media and local message boards, this is normal for the 21st century. I would expect it to absolutely be part of a written job description, along with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Streetlife and so on. This is how people want to interact with their elected officials now
You monitor social media for the wrong reasons. Don’t you understand that people have no confidence in criticising anything you say or do, because they feel it will be ignored. The council refuses to accept criticism and some council supporters who post on here (who often show poor grammar) just keep saying how great the great council is, which is quite pathetic.
7. Potholes on the A11 is Highways, not the council
Passing the buck again so nothing gets resolved. SNC should talk to Norfolk County Council and not just put the blame on somebody else. Take responsibility and get things sorted.
if you want to change things, then lets do it properly, set up a proper committee with regular meetings and a PROPER agenda. We can have proper debate in the village hall and put forward a united front to fight the evil council, but i am afraid uninformed moaning behind the cloak of anonymous posting on a free notice board is not productive. I however suspect that as usual it will be left to the dedicated few who will be left to do the actual work and the rest will just sit and complain that things are not fixed for them behind various excuses of no time or other commitments (if you are that bothered you would make time)
I’m all for proper debate, but the evidence is that the council refuses to engage and already has an agenda that they will push through at all cost and if they have to upset a small number of people, then so be it. Career politicians will rely on pushing difficult and expensive things through to get promotion. Local councils must change. Hopefully councils will be merged as more cuts are in the pipeline and services will have to be provided as a priority. Who are these dedicated few who actually do the work? It sounds like these so-called “dedicated people” have a lot of free time, unlike the rest of us who have to work full-time to pay the salaries of the people who are making decisions on their behalf. The cheek of it. Go get a proper job or some training, and contribute to our economy rather than sponging off of it. Those who “can”, “do”! Local village committees will gladly decide what to spend money on in their communities and we don’t need the middle man (the council) to decide for us. Leave us alone to make our own decisions.
So the council supporter says they should "absolutely" employ someone to monitor social media sites as that is the way elected officials "interact" now. BUT another topic on this site (obviously from someone in the know) says that the council wants to close down this community site because they don't like criticism and are out to "undermine". What does the council want then ? To close down or interact? This level of contradiction and confusion does not inspire confidence. Just remind me someone what the role of a district council is?
see topic:
Some interesting stuff here which should keep the site monitors busy. Surprised to a see such a tacit admission of this, but think Spooner Row message board gets monitored far more than any other but that is a personal opinion.
All readers should note that the TOWN Council are working up a ' futures survey ' for distribution which I hope as many as possible will engage with once it is released. This is be discussed next week at the Town Council meeting ( Tuesday) but is not in the open public commentary section of the Agenda.
It is to be hoped that this will inform the Town Council, and possibly ( I very much hope) the District of how we ALL feel about the ongoing and future changes, plus give YOU the opportunity to comment
I am hopeful this will influence the way the Town moves forward but am less hopeful that it will influence the District and consider it very unlkely that it will influence Central Govt, but we can but hope
And just one MAJOR correction. The MAJORITY did not vote for the Tory Government. Only 25% of the electorate who bothered to vote, voted Tory , so that means 75% of the electorate which is the MAJORITY, voted for somebody or something else or did not bother because they realised it is a waste of time under our hopelessly undemocratic electoral system , but that FACT is for another day
Some interesting stuff here which should keep the site monitors busy. Surprised to a see such a tacit admission of this, but think Spooner Row message board gets monitored far more than any other but that is a personal opinion.
All readers should note that the TOWN Council are working up a ' futures survey ' for distribution which I hope as many as possible will engage with once it is released. This is be discussed next week at the Town Council meeting ( Tuesday) but is not in the open public commentary section of the Agenda.
It is to be hoped that this will inform the Town Council, and possibly ( I very much hope) the District of how we ALL feel about the ongoing and future changes, plus give YOU the opportunity to comment
I am hopeful this will influence the way the Town moves forward but am less hopeful that it will influence the District and consider it very unlkely that it will influence Central Govt, but we can but hope
And just one MAJOR correction. The MAJORITY did not vote for the Tory Government. Only 25% of the electorate who bothered to vote, voted Tory , so that means 75% of the electorate which is the MAJORITY, voted for somebody or something else or did not bother because they realised it is a waste of time under our hopelessly undemocratic electoral system , but that FACT is for another day
Actually Julian, as you well know, whilst it is factually correct, that comment is misleading. The people with the most votes, in each area/constituency/ward what ever won, simple. That is not a MAJOR correction, it is a fact.
1/4 vote for Tories, 3/4 vote for anything but and who wins, the Tory with a spectacular mandate of 25% of the voters in the area supporting him/her, which the majority of voters do NOT want
Democracy is about majority views NOT a system which completely skews this, called first past the post which disenfranches the majority from having their voices heard and opinions listened to.
You are right it is simple and utterly stupid as well
Just a reminder, if you wish to make party political comments on this forum, you will need to provide your name in order to be published. Thank you. Webstation
-- Edited by webstation on Friday 27th of November 2015 11:15:21 PM
Re reading post it would appear that we are talking about different things. In the Ward the majority voted Tory. As a nation the electorate did not. Relevance to the original post is questioned, as the post is about critiscism and some of us may have cause to regret what we voted in May , but we are stuck with it I know. However that does not remove anyone's democratic right to comment on what is going on now, even if it is ruffling feathers AND being monitored .
Any way, please note the post/ comment regarding the forthcoming survey which was an idea proposed by the single Labour Councillor on the Town, but has been adopted by the Town Council as a whole.
The results I am sure will be interesting, so when it gets distributed please do engage as it informs us whether we are doing a good job, or a bad one and hopefully will give us an agenda to go forward in a positive way, which the majority are in favour of , whatever you views.
Will Spooner Row be included in the outcome of a local council survey? We tend to get left out, just look at what happened with the Wymondham Area Action Plan. They take our survey contributions in their questionnaires and then the results don't apply to Spooner Row.
Spooner row appears in the first draft of this document to be sent out /delivered ??
I would therefore be very surprised if we were not included. The interesting bit will be analysis and how this is going to be handled
I guess a response that no one wants to hear, and vested interests/opinions which are based on geographical considerations alone say , no more housing planning permission in Spooner row, might be difficult to deal with or analyse and whilst the residents may say on bloc, we do not want any development in the Tiffey valley this might be something the residents of SR, Wattlefield and Suton do not care about AND vice versa.
I would very much hope we can pass on the findings to District , County and any agency involved be them good or bad
I have just listened to the BBC's Sunday Politics programme and they were talking about local councils in this region. They discussed how bureaucracy is being maintained at the cost of providing public services and how expensive the duplication of this bureaucracy is, with high salaries for the hierarchy which exists in local government.
Salaries rises for Local Govt officers have been pegged at 1% for years now and in reality many jobs have gone altogether as Councils merge services with the stupid assumption that this will have no impact on service delivery. In many cases re organisations, have forced long serving officers to take pay cuts or lose their job altogether
In the interim MP's have voted themselves a 10% increase.
Parish and Town Councillors get didly squat and District Councillors get an allowance and some expenses but not a great deal at circa £5000 a year
Whilst some VERY senior officers were getting near to six figure salaries those days have gone and where is the reported duplication taking place?
This report is entirely disingenious and holds no water whatsoever. The Chancellor has cut 30% from Local Govt budgets so far with another 57% to come as outlined in the CSR ( forgot to mention this on the day OF COURSE ) and even the PM was whinging about a reduction in services to his house and suggested that there is no justification for this. Just shows how out of touch he is, along with his idiot of a Chancellor
Details please! or has anyone else noted a lack of detail when Anon is making bland and entirely unsupported assertions. Do you really think the readers of this post are that gullible?