Ref 2016/0255,Variation of Condition 2 of planning consent 2014/1851 for 7 new dwellings - Design changes superseding approved drawings, Land Behind 1 Cantley Villas Station Road Spooner Row Norfolk
As this application was cleared to pass by an appeal process, I do not think it will come before Town Council. Therefore any concerns should be passed to District Councillor Jack Hornby to raise directly with South Norfolk please. I will check this but assume this is the case unless you hear otherwise via this forum
Sadly as the application had been rejected previously and then overturned by the Planning Inspectorate as being acceptable, an assinine decision in my view, the proposed cosmetic changes were all we were allowed to comment upon .
District also objected but are equally ham strung and so the lesson is Localism is dead and local views count for nothing. Nowadays a parish ( Town) Council can even object and ask for a full Planning hearing as opposed to it being decided by the Planning officer under delegated powers, but the only way this will happen normally, is if this request comes from a district Councillor. This is South Norfolk Policy. If you do not believe me ask Helen Mellors.
However, even if the District objects they can be trampled upon as in this case and it makes them less inclined to do so because of appeal costs.
so the the new build begins;- The Ridings Hmmmmmmmmmmm perhaps the Swampings might be more appropriate or maybe the Dupings
Feel sorry for the poor peple who will move in there. Well I suppose they alway go on the train to the local shop in Wymondham or nearest available school place on the Train once a day and back in the evenings
I see they have ripped out all the front hedgerow as well. it is starting to look suburban over there now. so much for keeping a village character! I feel sorry for the people who live next to it.