Application for 15 rejected yet using the same evidence for these 7 ? Why, and apparently this is okay according to the Agent and the woderfully helpful planner. The traffic data makes no sense and is based on readings taken in Dec 14 The so called local Plan, which everyone ignores ( Gonville Hall) says 5 houses.!
The agent admits to choosing 7 houses to get under the necessary road improvements required for 8 houses. A rule change from County. Cynical or what ?
Build on a flood risk area ??? Why? In a cul de sac with terrible access soon to be made worse by building at Cantley villas opposite the junction. Why?
It says it is sustainable on account of having a school nearby ( which is full) a regular bus service ( once a week ) a regular train service ( 3 times a day) IT IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.
Service village will get maximum of 20 new houses according to the plan . We are now at 58 if this gets passed. The Agents letter silent on this issue ( what a surprise) giving the usual 1800 floating houses excuse. Have a flood and they will be ! Improved safe access to the school allegedly and the road to be widened to encourage drop chaos in School lane itself. Brilliant !
We have done our bit in Spooner row, and some, by a large margin already.
Not MORE new houses for our tiny village!!!! No doubt the council will just wave this through. This attitude by the council and its planners is starting to get more than just a bit bothersome here with its constant house building in Spooner Row without providing any forward neighbourhood planning.
This location is very unsuitable particularly with the primary school situated on the corner of this cul-de-sac, with an HGV route running past the junction. Potholes in the road just keep coming with its wholly inferior surface, one looks like it is over 12cm deep.
The above post is right in that only 5 new dwellings were included here within SNC's "new development boundary" under its recent adopted Local Plan document. As many of us are aware, this is a prime agricultural greenfield site, but the council chose it over and above an alternative brownfield site put forward, contravening their own Local Plan policies and claiming they didn't know the alternative site had brownfield status (just about everyone knows it has historic brownfield status going back to the war days). Clearly the council decided to ignore our letters and emails sent to them at the time concerning this?
Anon has a point and the Traffic data all 119 pages of figures and waffle, has an enormous elephant in the room in that it relates to traffic movements JUST in School lane, in November and December 2014. The problem here is quite clearly two fold
1. The fact that school lane is a cul de sac ( a very cursory mention is made but no allowance as far as I can see is given )
2. The immediate vicinity of a potentially dangerous junction on a rat run to the A11 being made worse by some VERY odd planning decisions which to be fair were not South Norfolk's SINCE the data was collected , although one has to doubt whether this would be mentioned as it argues against any form of development taking place. A traffic survey commissioned by the Agent incidentally, so bound to be completely impartial ?
South Norfolk Council say that the failure to display a site notice is to speed up the decision making process but to also ensure that they meet the statutory requirement. "It is quicker to post a letter than erect a site notice, and we are no longer doing both if there is not a statutory requirement to do so. We also felt it was important residents received a letter rather than just relying on a site notice".
Those residents who live adjacent to a development site are still written to. This element of their consultation has not changed. The Council does have a duty to notify the Town/Parish Councils, Historic England, Highways, etc. There will still be site notices where there is a major development proposed, listed buildings, conservation areas, Environmental Impact Assessment applications, development not in accordance with the development plan and development that would affect a public right of way.
This fails to take account of the bigger picture as can be seen from comments already on this website. Although it is good that those immediately affected by planning applications should be notified, it is also imperative that a site notice is also displayed. In this instance, even if a site notice were to be erected, it would not have been placed at the entrance to School Lane for the general public to see it. It does mean that we all have to be extra observant but not all residents have access to a web site in order to see the weekly list of planning applications. This carries no weight with South Norfolk Council who feel they have met their statutory requirement in writing to the residents who live adjacent to a development.
It's a simply conclusion, point me in the direction of any logical planning decisions that get refused ?
It's a total waste of time these days, I'm surprised the planning process isn't scrapped, just look at what's happening all over the country, the only way these get stopped if it's a going to effect a councillor directly.
It's a simply conclusion, point me in the direction of any logical planning decisions that get refused ?
It's a total waste of time these days, I'm surprised the planning process isn't scrapped, just look at what's happening all over the country, the only way these get stopped if it's a going to effect a councillor directly.
Sadly this is true. Not so long ago, our previous District Council and Parish Elected Representative used his influence and position of power, to stop a housing development next to where he lived and failed to declare an interest. Declaring an interest is a fundamental part of being a Councillor and having a high workload is no excuse not to do this. He just got a ticking-off and some training. It's one rule for them and another for us.
The District Councillor concerned was indeed told off and training was recommended. Whether it took place I am not sure. I bet he must have been shaking in his boots being told off by a scrutiny committee which is made up of almost entirely by members of the Party he was elected for. No power to suspend, and written censure is as far as it gets. So the District Council is its own judge, jury and executioner. One wonders whether such a friendly telling off would apply to a member of the only opposistion which is the Lib Dems but it is academic, as one would hope they would not be so arrogant to do such a thing in the first place?
The plan was that Spooner Row was to only receive 10-15 new houses. Why are we getting this huge number? It just keeps growing. Has anyone actually asked us, those of us that actually live here, what we want for Spooner Row?? If we wanted lots of houses around us then we would have lived in the urban area and had the luxury of town facilities. The council should compensate us, as after all, they make sure that unwanted planning doesn't happen near to where they live - see above.
Planning is sought by the applicant, application is advertised (if you're lucky you might get notification about it if you live real close), council consults application with a number of consultees. The usual highways, power, parish etc etc, the chances of the main consultees objecting like highways is non existent, of course all locals around the application know the road can't cope or it's falling apart but highways will never state that, as it's responsibility lies with them and they have no money to spend .
The parish might object but of course any locals that feel their voice will be heard and believe in the system object, this becomes the only body of the objectees. During the course of the application various documents will appear on the council website, these might be traffic projections or noise level reports etc etc, all meaningless as the company that did them is working for the applicant.
Finally d-day arrives, the lead planning officer on your case reports a summary of objections and a overview of the application. If you do read this document, your notice half of the real issues will be missed, the truth will be skewed beyond belief and everything the applicant states is taken as 100% fact. This of course includes promoting a house with no garage and no driveway is not going to cause any parking issues in the street where every family has 4 cars
This document or some might say sales literature is to present to the planning committee, as if you're lucky you got over 5 objections. The council within that document will of course be all for the planning application as it is a simply decision of if we object can we win the appeal process in court. You can attend the planning meeting and have your say if you wish, but the planning officer is going to sell this bigtime to the committee. Here ends your planning battle, when the chairman asks for all those in favour to raise their hands, your notice a faster response than Usain Bolt doing the 100m.
For some there is hope though, you may get a committee that has a member who lives in the same street as the planning application is for, this is a great result as now the hands don't go up at all, this time when asked for votes you'd think everyone was a quadriplegic.
That is the end of the planning process for some, positive or negative. If you are a winner and you get the planning stopped and for some miracle of nature this planning was stopped without a councilor living down your street then I have more bad news. Your victory will be short lived as the Planning Inspectorate during the appeals process will overturn it
Here endith the planning process in this country.
Or is it ? well not quite, although this process is pretty much standard for trying to stop anything that will help this lovely country, there is some good news for people who complain about neighbours building extensions 1 inch too wide, in these scenarios the planning system works superb
Assumes that the planning even gets heard at committee !! Senior Planner at SNDC has stated on record that even if the local parish or Town object unless there is a request from a DISTRICT councillor it may not even be considered in Committee and decision could be delegated to the Officer responsible, usually the same officer who has already been in close liaison with the developer already. Sadly in this case the Officer has made it quite clear she thinks this site is wonderful and will not hear any comment or have any critiscism made of her decision to designate it as such
If you think that is fair or anyway logical you need help, unless of course, you are the applicant.
ANON is right Localism is dead and 'we are all in this together' as long as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
Let us hope our District Councillor thinks the same as we do and was it not in his election paperwork about him stopping any further development in Spooner row !
Yes, let us hope that our District Councillor will send this planning application decision to Committee to decide, so that he can keep his election promise and stop further development in Spooner Row, rather than allowing a done deal with the planning officer - whatever happened to impartiality?
Who in their right mind would support an application for more houses down School Lane anyway? It now has two unwanted planning permissions right opposite the School Lane junction and the primary school entrance - these building plots have now had their lovely gardens cleared with the stench of bonfire in the air, every day over many weeks. This junction is already noted to have safety issues with Highways with the extensive parking problems at school end/start times. This is made worse when it clashes with the Station Road level crossing queue that frequently goes beyond the School Lane junction. Residents regularly have trouble getting out of their drives, then getting out of School Lane at the one and only cul-de-sac entrance.
Clearly anyone who supports this planning application does not give a damn about the safety issues to the users of the local primary school and residents.
This planning application is on the agenda at the Wymondham Town Council offices (upstairs) on Tuesday, 5th April 2016, at 6pm. Members of the public are allowed to speak on this.
I attended this parish council meeting tonight and the decision was to Approve the plans. With regard to our Ward councillors who sat on the committee; Julian Halls voted for refusal, but unfortunately, Cllr Jack Hornby voted for approval (for more houses). I did notice throughout this discussion, his father Cllr Lee Hornby from Town Ward was making hand and mouth gestures to his son throughout from the audience - I hope this didn't influence his son's decision as we didn't vote in his father to represent us in these matters for Cromwells Ward.
So much for Jack Hornby's election promise "to stick to the housing numbers agreed upon to control speculative housing development in Wymondham and the surrounding area by keeping to the housing numbers agreed upon in the local plan".
Looks like he just does whatever his dad tells him to do.
The point is that the application went through on majority , with Cllr Longhurst voting against as well. It would appear that having a maximum development number of 15 - 20 houses in Service villages is a complete joke, as we now have the potential for 59 and the argument proffered by Our District Councillor, who you will remember in his election pledge promised to to keep housing development to a minimum in Spooner Row , was that because it wasn't 16 as previously, this was alright.
So the lesson here is apply for 50, get it rejected then apply for the number you wanted in the first place. This is cynical planning at its worst and right now is the way they are done.
Having seven new houses in a field that that can easily cope with many more was apparently okay?????, and that the developers would appeal anyway and probably win. They would appeal because the local plan , which you remember was declared sound and legal by the Conservative controlled Council , has a hole in it the size of the ozone hole called the lack of a 5 year land housing supply. One suspects the hand of senior Political influence which is 'grant Planning applications at all costs'
The fact that this will only contribute to a seriously dangerous junction, and compromise the residents of School lane obviously counts for nothing. I was going to use a much stronger phrase. The data used by the developer to argue that the this will not compromise further the safety of the junction is years out of date, BUT this was apparently agreed as acceptable by the planners. It said so in the application and one has to ask why? See below
So, what can you do? The only thing left to do is tell your District Councillor ( HA HA ) that you object and formally register your objection with South Norfolk against the planning application on line or write. With Our District Councillor, in favour, the matter may not even be considered in committee and planning officers, shall we say are very sensitive to critiscism so will be keen to get this delegated. For those readers who voted for our Councillor in the past, you might care to review your policy in future when promises made at Election times are simply ignored.
I will be making a formal objection as soon as this post is done.
Although not a consultation from the Parish Council I am an elected member of the Cromwells ward for Wymondham Town.
This development takes the number , if approved of planning applications granted in Spooner row to 59. As a service village, even you include the 1800 allocation means we have DOUBLE the number the so called sound and legal plan allows.
The applicant says the app is sustainable, and says the new residents will have train and bus access. The bus comes once a week and the train stop twice going to Norwich and once coming back. It also says Attleborough and Wymondham will provide more shops than Spooner row. Easy as there are NONE.
The site will add further to a dangerous school junction where recent stupid decisions by the planning Inspectorate have allowed new housing at both 1 and 2 Cantley villas dead opposite. I use the word dead deliberately. The school is full
The tiny bit of widening of the road will further compromise the safe access and egress for the existing residents of school lane when leaving for work as it encourages drop offs in School lane and makes much play about a new footpath which the developer will provide into the school playing field. The developer has not consulted or discussed with the owner of the field, Wymondham Town Council any of this. Have they even spoken to the school about children tramping dog s**t into the school from the field as they cross it.
This application is fundamentally flawed and full of developer spin in support , using out of date data with the apparent agreement of the planners. I object in the strongest possible terms to this proposal.
It is very worrying and disturbing about the voting aspect on this application. The Council Chamber is certainly no place for puppeteering as appears to have occurred here. I am very glad that my election vote played no part in his election.
As our district councillor, Jack Hornby positively supports more houses for Spooner Row, will this application just be given the nod and waved through by the planning officer? With his commitment to more houses, it is unlikely to go to SNC Committee where it should be debated before a final decision is made. I think Cllr Jack Hornby needs to refer back to his election promise made only last year.
Should he have declared his father's input when he was elected?
An update from the planning officer to the developer says that she cannot support this proposal and suggests that the application be withdrawn or it will be refused as submitted.
Thank goodness someone with some sense recognises that developing this site has huge problems.
E mail from Planner to developer ( I am amazed that this has happened but happy to eat humble pie and well done the Planning Team. I just hope that they do not appeal because our record on that score from the Planning Inspectorate is abysmal )
Subject: 2016/0627 Proposed erection of 7 residential dwellings Importance: High
Dear Miss Harte I refer to the above application for which you are acting as agent. There are a number of concerns and issues raised by the application which make the proposal unacceptable.
Under JCS planning policy 4, 20% on-site affordable housing should be provided. No viability assessment.
The Environmental Quality Team has objected to the proposal. They raise a number of issues including Flood risk.
NCC highway Officer has asked for provision of a pedestrian refuge Additional details required in respect of drainage and appropriate vision splay
Design of the dwellings and the proposed layout, considered inappropriate and out of character with existing.
Even if they did appeal and win it would still mean that the developer would have to fork out a lot of money to address the problems with this site, mainly the flooding and pedestrian safety.
The lane is too narrow in install a 1.8m footpath and the road surface regularly breaks up and sinks in places which needs to be addressed.
There are existing flood risk and drainage issues which would require a major undertaking to sort out. I understand there are sub-surface pipes running under that field that work in conjunction with the drainage ditches to direct water to the river – how would the developer ensure these remained intact?
The bewildering question that many of us have been asking, is why was this site included in the Local Plan for residential development when these issues were highlighted during the consultation period and it is clearly unsuitable?
We also now have the issues of two new developments going up opposite the school gates at the corner of School Lane, which will make it a 5-way junction on an already dangerous entrance/exit to the road.
The fact that the Forward Planning team think is wonderful and a perfect site and the fact that the proper planners think this application has problems ( as advised) is good and well overdue.
Sadly, the bit about dangerous junction and the fact that we are double nearly triple over our allocation does not feature as grounds for objection. I find this quite bizarre and worrying as it indicates that safety and permitted new house numbers do not apparently matter.
I wonder if that would be the case if the development had been proposed in a senior councillors patch ?
The three parish councillors (possibly four if you include dads) at the Wymondham Town Council's meeting, who held the majority vote for this application to be "approved", agreed between them there was no flood risk here. Doesn't give you much confidence in their judgement and decision making in supporting local needs, does it?
There is an extension of time and a Development Management Committee meeting on 17th August for this planning application at SNC. There are several serious issues with this site recognised by the NCC highway Officer, the Senior Conservation and Design Officer, the Environmental Quality Team (flood risk) and a lack of inclusion of affordable housing. The Case Office has rightly requested that these issues be addressed before it can go forward. Our District Councillor, J Hornby has made it quite clear that he fully supports this application. I hope this application doesn't get pushed through with these serious issues unaddressed just because HE WANTS IT to be approved !!! What about him supporting what locals want here as he did before and stop this inappropriate application.
I think the position is clear here. South Norfolk officers cannot support this application and quite rightly so. Why the members are so keen on it getting approved I do not know , and yes the Town did approve it but by majority but did have two district councillors sitting on the Town panel who spoke very clearly in favour.
The District Councillor has asked for the matter to be referred to the full committee, made up of members, rather than allow this matter to be delegated to officers which is the norm nowadays. Why he has done so is curious to say the least.
Yes, why has our district councillor taken this unusual step?? and why is it going to committee at this stage??
There are a lot of issues that need to be put right by the landowner before this can be approved (the planning officer's email says it needs to be withdrawn or refused on submission). It would be unbelievable if this went to committee and was approved as it would confirm that there is something very fundamentally wrong with the procedures and decision-making of South Norfolk Councillors. How would anyone have any confidence in them or their system as it would leave no doubt that they do not listen to the concerns of the public or authorised professional bodies who have formally submitted their responses and their recommendations are for refusal.
There has been a resubmission of this planning application. Comments by 18 October 2016:
I went to WTC's meeting and the parish council voted to object to the amended plans. The developer has not done enough to address the problems with this site.
This proposed development is just so wrong and unsuitable on several counts, e.g. flood risk, highways, safety and even the NCC Ecologist has concerns on the species-rich hedgerow that will be adversely affected by this development.
My neighbour, who is a local wildlife enthusiast has kindly given me the following list of some of the more unusual birds that live and visit this site:
Green woodpecker, Lesser spotted woodpecker, Jay (nest), Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Little Owl, Sparrowhawk (nest), Nuthatch, Tree creeper (nest), Chiffchaff (nest), Goldcrest (nest), Goldfinch (big autumn flocks), Yellowhammer (big autumn flocks), Waxwings (winter), Long-tailed tit (nest). Not forgetting the large resident colony of sparrows that roost in the part of the hedgerow they propose to remove - Sparrows are now on the IUCN Red List due to their rapid declining numbers. This morning, I saw a kestrel and sparrowhawk above this field.
Other animals include; hedgehogs, moles, voles, grass snakes, common lizards. Also in the ditch alongside the hedgerow destined to be removed, the large Elephant Hawk-moths lay their eggs.
The trod path is on Wymondham town Council land and if the application is to proceed and takes place I would imagine there would have to be some sort of legal agreement , if not sale of the land in question.
It also talks about expanding the car park which is this happens will also require some sort of agreement and building costs
The legal costs in these proposals will be high, assuming the council approves them and if the car park is to have an in and out gate, as I believe is proposed, the chicane in the road will have to be moved and a ramp provided across the ditch.
As a town Councillor I am not aware of any approach to the council so far and the suggested 106 contribution at 10 K would not come even close to the total costs involved in my humble opinion. Of course Norfolk County Education may be prepared to pay for the shortfall but I am not convinced that this will happen at this time.
To be clear here. These are my private views and comments at this moment in time and NOT those of the council and there may be matters and other financial contributions in train that I am unaware of.
you get the impression here, that the council know this is an unsuitable and dangerous site for development due to the flood risk, highways and children's safety problems, but are trying to false it through due to a hidden agenda.
This was on the Agenda again at the Wymondham Town Council meeting tonight. We went along and the Parish Council voted to object to the latest amendments to the revised plans. There are still outstanding issues with this site.
The next meeting will be the deciding one held at South Norfolk Council on Wednesday 4th January 2017.
The deadline for comments is 28th December allowing for a total time of three weeks to comment. Unbelievable only two weeks into the public consultation the Planning Officer has submitted the Committee Report (for 4th Jan's decision) on their website today summarising public comments with the recommendation for 'Approval'. Wymondham Town Council, as well as residents, have not yet submitted their comments/objections/concerns as there is still a week to go. This planning application is dependent on WTC allowing the use for a trod path on its land at the recreation ground. The lane is not wide enough to provide a pedestrian refuge, which is a condition the developer has to provide. How is WTC's and residents' objections now going to be included for consideration within the Committee Report? Is it any wonder that people think that these planning applications are pre-decided and that public comments are not considered? I will submit my objections today anyway as officially there is still one week before the deadline in which to comment. By post-dating the Committee Report and not including all submissions, it would appear that the Planning Committee will not get the full picture when making its decision - which of course is for Approval.
That picture is so funny and apt! We all believe that the planners ignore everything we say, but to blatantly issue a committee report before the public's had a chance to contribute is shocking. It is not respectful to the Town Council either, especially as the planning committee decision is absolutely reliant on whether or not they want all this on their land - which they don't! How can the planners get away with this?
Looking at this application, it has been resubmitted several times and the planning officer has always refused it as submitted because of all the problems. I wonder why she's had a sudden turnaround and recommended approval at this stage even though the school children safety needs on the road have not been solved? Hmm... what does our district councillor say about this?
We ( Mr Gurney and myself) had an on site meeting to discuss this at the end of November with reps from all parties BUT it was an informal meeting. The outcome was to put together a proposal from the developer which you will have seen.
This has morphed into apparently following pressure no doubt internally to the waste water management officer objections being withdrawn , sort of , highways objections being withdrawn, sort of and the planning officer suddenly recommending approval when she had been against.
When we met were told by Mr Trett that this would go through and one was left with the impression that this was pre determined because the Forward Planning team had decided that this was a good site to develop. It never has been and there was an admission that the planners had never visited the site although at what stage they were talking about was not clear.
Claire Curtis the planning officer has in my view been instructed to get this through to save the wider planning team's embarassment come hell or high water , no pun intended and whilst this matter is going before the full committee, at the District councillor's request, for what reason is unclear. We can but hope that someone outside the planning team has been listening and that they do read the full and very comprehensive objections that have been lodged on very sound and logical grounds , NOT emotive responses.
This whole episode has been shambolic from the outset and once again the planning team is coming out of this process with their reputations in tatters. I just wish we had someone with some b***s at District who could tell them so. Why can they not defer this for another month to allow a full and proper report to be prepared for committee? Of course we do not know what will happen at committee YET but it does not look good based on previous comments made in open meetings.
That's very interesting - so Mr Trett informed you at the on-site meeting that this WOULD go through! So what's the point of the planning process and the planners if everything is pre-determined? The Local Plan forward planning team were made aware of these issues at School Lane by my neighbours and myself during the many public consultations and I was told that any problems would be picked up during the planning application process, which they have, and the issues are actually worse than we thought. It proves that public concerns and comments are ignored.
This exposes what is actually going on at South Norfolk Council and shows they are not following protocol.
The planning committee must realise that the exit onto Station Road will be badly compounded by those exiting from The Ridings opposite. Along with the HGVs thundering along Station Road and the huge increase in traffic alone, this planning application must be either withdrawn for further deliberation or withdrawn altogether. Add to the mix that there is a school in the middle of all this - please planning committee, be aware of all these very important factors. We are talking about peoples' lives here.
On 25th November 2016, ITV Anglia News reported the Official Government Statistics for Car Accident for 2015. It reported that across the country, 2 children are killed or seriously hurt walking to or from school every day. This includes cars mounting the kerb to pass parked traffic.
This planning application will involve more children walking on the highway with no path on this narrow lane. This will be the case even if the town council agree to a path on the playing field as part of the journey will still require children to walk on the road to reach it. We are very concerned that this development will make safety matters a lot worse. Let us hope that the planning committee has some independence of mind to do the right thing and vote for it to be refused.
Who and why is so desperate for this development to go ahead at any cost?
Looking at this application, Planning Officer, Mr Trett informs those at site meeting, this will go through. Case Planning Office, Ms Curtis changes recommendation from refusal to approval and forwards it to go to Committee after discussion with District Cllr, J Hornby. The forward planning team chose and allocated this unsuitable Local Plan site to be included in the development boundary despite local residents voiced concerns. You would think that those in professional planning jobs would look at all the issues and consider what was a suitable site for development or not, and base their decisions on that. Is it that egos need to be protected from embarrassment or those with some local power, think they can just do whatever they want because they can? If so, then this is an example of what is so very wrong with this country. What about exercising some morals?
This application will come up on Wednesday 4th January at 10 am at the South Norfolk Council offices.
"Planning officers will recommend South Norfolk Councillors to approve a vision for seven new houses in School Lane Spooner Row. The trustees of JM Greetham have applied for permission to build the homes on the western side of the lane, between the primary school and where the lane bends to the left. Some residents have raised concerns that the homes would add to the area's traffic woes, were not in keeping with the area's character and would be detrimental to wildlife. Council officer's report said the houses would represent a sustainable form of development".
It is important that the Planning Committee take note of all the objections in this case and in particular to the most recent letters dated 23rd December. It appears that Chris Trett is seeking a deferral to February and I hope that this is the case.
Well, that doesn't seem to be a very accurate summary the planners have put forward of residents concerns. What about the legal obligation to install a pedestrian refuge for school children, which the developer cannot build as School Lane is too narrow? Is there no mentioned of this? What about Wymondham Town Council including in its objections that it takes issue with the fact the developers have not taken further investigations and reported back to WTC before submitted WTC's land (the recreation ground) for a trod path or a car park extension, offering inadequate funding? Are the planners and developers expecting residents to pay for the maintenance of the trod path from our precept forever in the future? Is there no mention that WTC has put in a strong request that his application is refused? What about the low point in the road opposite existing houses who will have an increased risk of surface water flooding? The suggested installation of a new management system of clearing ditches is not enforceable? The very least the planners can do is give an accurate summary. Residents who know the local area are very concerned about the increased risk of more children using the lane with 7 extra family houses. This cannot be described in any way as just a concern which "would add to the area's traffic woes" - I ask you!
It took me 5 attempts for the planning department to acknowledge receipt of my objection letter last week - the first four they said they did not receive - strange that as I tried several different email addresses. Thankfully one of the planning team was very helpful and I sent it to him directly and he gave an acknowledged and placed it on their website, otherwise I would have had to drive to the council offices myself and given it to them in person.
We have just received this email from Chris Trett informing us that the Development Management Committee meeting tomorrow (4th Jan) has been deferred to 1st February. This has not yet appeared on SNC's website. So no need for us to attend until next month:
Further to our earlier correspondence, I am writing to confirm that the above application will be deferred and not discussed at the Development Management Committee tomorrow. The next available meeting is on the 1st February.
There is a committee update sheet on the planning website showing reasons for the deferral and summarising the problems with this development.
One of the things that annoys me is that the developer has presumed Wymondham Town Council will either give or sell part of our recreation ground (with the loss of amenity) to enable this development. In addition, the maintenance and public liability etc. of the trod path on the recreation ground would fall to us forevermore, as the council precept payers. Also, a car park extension on Station Road cannot be described in any way, shape or form to provide a 'pedestrian refuge' in School Lane under Policy SPO2.
They also need to seriously take into consideration the two new developments opposite the entrance to School Lane, making it a busier and more dangerous junction at the school entrance, which had not previously been considered.
This application has mysteriously re appeared on the agenda for WTC Planning sub next tuesday at 1800 BUT is above the comment line which is not good.
Please do attend however to at least see what happens and I may be able to suspend standing orders to allow comment but that is up to the Chair
This whole application has been very badly handled from the outset and whatever way you look at it, one has to say that Planning at South Norfolk have really made a mess of it.
Wymondham Town Council Agenda for next Tuesday 17th Jan:
Why is the Town Council revisiting this when it has very rightly and fairly already declared that it wants this application refused? it involves the developer taking some of our recreation ground (owned by WTC) with future maintenance charges taken from our council precept as well as a possible contribution from Wymondham residents towards it now (see correspondence dated 9th Jan):
Julian is right, it is not good that the Town Council is revisiting and discussing the application BEFORE Public Comment is allowed - it doesn't look very fair and democratic, does it? It looks to me that pressure is being put on the Town Council.
Just for a change, we went to WTC's meeting tonight, the Town Clerk offered a season ticket with all the visits.
WTC, in response to Mr Trett's email (who is a SNC Planning Officer), decided to agree to negotiate with the developer on the option of a car park extension, assuming the developer will engage on this. It looks to us that WTC is between a rock and a hard place. WTC recommended for Refusal in its letter sent to SNC last month and this still stands as nothing as yet has changed.
My opinion is that even if there is a car park extension provided in Station Road which may (or may not) alleviate some of the on-road parking, it cannot be described as providing a "pedestrian refuge" on School Lane as described in SNC's Local Plan, Policy SPO2 - a lawful requirement. There will be a lot more children walking on the narrow road, from the new family dwellings, plus the extra cars from the site and is not a good place to ignore the highway safety of young children walking on the road.
Actual Wording from the SNC Local Plan, Policy SPO2: Land at School Lane:
The developer of the site is required to ensure the following:
2. Pedestrian refuge should be provided on the western side of School Lane to improve pedestrian access to the school.
Excellent photo. It shows how ridiculous and dangerous this site is for development. What were the Local Plan 'experts' thinking when they allocated and adopted this site in their Local Plan - they must have visited and assessed it as suitable? What annoys me is locals alerted them to the problems with this site during the public consultation process many times, our concerns were clearly ignored. How can they consider it viable to put a pedestrian refuge on School Lane when it is a road that is considered by Highways (and us) to be too narrow to accommodate it?
This application is on the DMC Agenda for 1st Feb, third item. A decision will be made then. Agenda:
Having studied the Planning notice I note that the Planning officer has recommended approval subject to conditions being applied and concludes in her report 'that this development will not adversely affect the amenties of the neighbourhood'
I have to say that this is a disgrace and also point out that the 'identified housing shortfall' she also refers to, is non existent as we exceed by a large margin the number of houses already allocated to the village including the floating 1800 in the local plan which like the pedestrian refuge is being effectively ignored .
Why is it that some of the Planning policies as listed on the Planning portal and so proudly being featured as relevant in the application, have been practically dismissed.
Quoted as being relevant
Policy 6 Access and Transportation , which for Spooner row is a bad joke
Policy 15 Service villages where allocated house number to be built has been exceeded and ignored with the help of the Planning Inspectorate
DM3 11 Road safety and free flow of traffic please see pictures above
DM4.2 Sustainable drainage and water management High risk of flooding to land and adjacent existing properties
DM4.4 Natural Environmental assets removal of green space to provide a trod path or extend the WTC council carpark
DM4.4 Natural environmental assets remove three sections of hedge with nesting sparrows
SPO2 site pedestrian refuge requirement fudge around
What credibility has the Planning team got left if they ever had any to begin with??
I am convinced the Planning officer who originally refused this application has been pressured to write this rubbish and get it through at any cost
I say again this is a disgrace and I hope that the development management committee ate South Norfolk DMC actually chuck it out but, of course we know not where all this pressure is coming from and why??
I have it on good authority that the Hornby's are in favour of all the developments in Spooner Row. Please all remember this at next time of voting! The silence coming from our local ward counsellor is hurting my ears!!! Not just this site but also Bunwell Road where the existing residents are being treated appallingly!
What has the dealings with Spooner Row got to do with Cllr Lee Hornby? He was not elected to represent Cromwells Ward. He needs to focus on his own Ward.
If what you say is true, then Cllr Jack Hornby has completely reversed on his election promise and done the opposite which was to stop excessive house growth and speculative building in his Ward. He has achieved this well in Spooner Row and Suton hasn't he? (not). We are getting unplanned and unsustainable houses on nearly every street in the village and Suton is getting about 400 new houses. Suton was designated as a hamlet not suitable for development.
I am looking forward to seeing what the decision is tomorrow on this planning application. If the Committee vote for this then they will effectively be voting to contravene their own safety Policy SPO2, which requires the developer to provided a "pedestrian refuge" on School Lane. A pedestrian refuge for children to walk to school from the new houses cannot be delivered as the road is considered too narrow.
The planners and developer have been looking at alternatives but these alternatives cannot be considered an interpretation of a "pedestrian refuges". The developer has offered Wymondham Town Council some money (apparently nowhere near enough) towards a car park extension. Residents have counted the vehicles parked on Station Road/School Lane during the school-run and it equates to a doubling up of the existing car park size to cope with existing numbers. Numbers averaged at 31 vehicles for on-road parking during November 2016 when they were collected. The £10,000 offered by the developer falls way below what would be needed (approx £35,000 plus). Although the Town Council continues to be prepared to negotiate (they had to confirm that at their meeting), the developer has made no approach on costed plans and no agreement made. This should not be made a "condition" for approval.
The developer has also offered money to Highways to improve the junction in the vicinity of the school. Again this cannot be considered an interpretation of a "pedestrian refuge" from the new houses, which is legally compliant. We have been told several times that the junction at School Lane is a separate issue to this planning application, but now it appears it isn't. The bottleneck junction does need addressing, especially with the two new developments opposite the school at 1 & Cantley Villas - this will change this junction from a T-junction to a 5-way junction - the developers for these two sites will be doing some highway improvements, e.g a footpath opposite the junction. Again, a little money placed here instead of a "pedestrian refuge" on School Lane, should not be made a "condition" for approval.
The developer has also said in his email, that he may take this to Appeal if the application is not approved to try and remove the need for a "pedestrian refuge". Hmm... I wonder how that will be considered an improvement to pedestrian safety?
We went to the Committee Meeting today and it was approved. They let it through without any plans or appropriate funding in place for road safety issues for pedestrians walking to/from school from the new houses. They admitted there is a safety issue on School Lane with pedestrian safety, but they were prepared to accept the proposal without securing sufficient funding for the road safety improvements for the new build. They did not consider it was the developer's responsibility to provide this. It was also said that the onus of getting children safely to school is on parents, not the council.
The Council have effectively voted against its own Local Plan Policy SPO2, which requires a pedestrian refuge from the development to the school. The Local Plan is legally compliant and I would not like to be in their shoes if a serious accident were to happen once the new houses are built.
With hindsight, I think us residents, speaking/objecting as members of the public was a complete waste of time. The developers and planners needs and the need to comply with their Local Plan (even though they have just voted to contravened it) were far more important.
South Norfolk Planners are a bunch of incompetants who appear to be working for the developers and whoever else has influence. They are choosing to ignore their own plan which is designed to protect us against this sort of thing, and I am astonished they can sleep at night.
I wonder how they can sleep at night as well? I am sure they think they have done a very good job.
Isn't it council policy to encourage children to walk to school? Is it right that the extra residents from the new houses, will have no choice but to walk on the highway?
This application was allowed through by a majority vote; 8 voted to approve, 3 refused, and 0 abstained. A local councillor, I think it was Colin Foulger voted to refuse, he made some sensible points.
I am a bit bewildered as to why NCC Highways seem to have become vague with this application. On a previous 'withdrawn' planning application for this very same site, they recommended it be refused. Although it was for several more houses, the road safety situation on School Lane has not changed. Their previous concerns included:
- Given the evidence above it is clear School Lane is limited in width and in part of insufficient width to enable two cars to pass safely
- If approved the increase in vehicle movements generated by the development is likely to increase the likelihood of vehicles meeting on School Lane and the need for vehicles to reverse over-run the verge to facilitate passing, to the detriment of highway safety.
- The lack in carriageway width is compounded by a lack of pedestrian provision over the entire length of School Lane.
- the development if approved will lead to increased pedestrian activity along School Lane which in turn will increase the potential for vehicle / pedestrian conflict.
- Of particular concern are the more vulnerable highway users such a small children.
- The unclassified road serving the site is considered to be inadequate to serve the development proposed, by reason of its poor alignment / restricted width / lack of passing provision / substandard construction / lack of pedestrian provision. The proposal, if permitted, would be likely to give rise to conditions detrimental to highway safety
The full NCC highways report can be found on the SNC website, dated 1st May 2015:
This develop will require the ripping-out of the very part of the hedgerow that has served as the roost for the long-established, large sparrow colony in School Lane. Was this really necessary? Bearing in mind that sparrows are now a IUCN red-list species because they are a fast declining bird. So much for SNC's policy for conserving biodiversity.
.... They did not consider it was the developer's responsibility to provide this. It was also said that the onus of getting children safely to school is on parents, not the council.
It might not be the developer's responsibility to provide funding for pedestrian safety, and obviously, it is parents responsibility to get their children safely to school, BUT IT IS the council's responsibility to refuse inappropriate planning applications if there are gross safety issues to pedestrians on the highway. They have a legal obligation to do this. The pedestrian safety issue is also clearly and legally recognised in the S.Norfolk Local Plan. They have left themselves vulnerable to personal injury claims once the houses are built. Does S.Norfolk Council have lots of reserves? It is our money as tax-payers. There needs to be more personal responsibility held to those involved at the District Council.
Members and employees of councils have a duty of care to the public. Health & Safety problems must be mitigated not compounded. Installing highway signs would be a cheap option and not the required option for pedestrian safety. Perhaps the road signs should read, "Children are not allowed to walk on the road". It is ill-conceived and ludicrous planning which seeks to provide a footpath as policy, but in reality, the circumstances on the ground make it undeliverable.
If the Planning Committee did not consider it to be the responsibility of the Developer to provide funding for road safety on School Lane (where it is essential for the new builds), why did Chris Trett, SNC's Planning Decisions Team Leader, offer on behalf of the Developer's Agent, a financial contribution to NCC Highways to be spent on highway improvements in the vicinity of the school instead? Either the Developer is required to provide sufficient funding in the vicinity of the new builds, or it is not - the Council's reasoning is peculiar and not consistent. See email correspondence dated 9th, 20th and 26th January 2017:
As a Wymondham Councillor who sits on the Planning committee I can confirm that our objection was unaltered , despite an attempt by the Planning Team to get us to change our mind
I am fairly sure that this was a unanamoius decision but one councillor was missing from the meeting so in consequence ( obviously) did not vote
No guesses as to who that missing councillor was then?
Did any Wymondham District Councillors sit on the SNC Planning Committee when the decision was made on 1st February - the important decision that gets the final say? It would be nice to know who supports Spooner Row and who doesn't at District level.
What a cheek that the Planning Team at the District Council tried to get the democratically elected Parish Council to do what it wanted and change its mind. This just gets worse - why go to such lengths?
Noted from the SNC website that Chris Trett the lead Planner in this case chooses to correspond only with District Councillors.
So local views , because they do not agree with the Planners view and actions, which may I remind the reader is to ignore their own plan, are simply to ignore anyone else.
Sorry SNC Planners, who monitor this site on rate payers time, I will not cow tow to your views and will continue to remind you that you have policies and plans which are supposed to protect us from speculative and inappropriate development. These plans should not be ignored when it is inconvenient to apply them or they reveal , as we learned that they had not been properly researched in the first place as you did not even visit the site before declaring this site as suitable.
As the pedestrian road safety issues under SNC's Local Plan policy were not sorted out before planning approval was made, I have written to District Councillor Jack Hornby. Cllr Hornby has now replied after I wrote to him again with a deadline. Here is the correspondence:
Dear Cllr Jack Hornby,
South Norfolk Local Plan, Policy SPO2 provision for a Pedestrian Refuge on School Lane, Planning Approval 2016/0627
I am writing to you as my District Council Representative. Please can you explain how the specific Local Plan Policy SPO2 (Section 2) can be implemented now that planning approval has been made without it? Policy SPO2 requires that the developer of the site is to provide a pedestrian refuge on the western side of School Lane to improve pedestrian access to the school. Although there has been controversy over the term “refuge”, the policy description does imply a footpath of some kind to provide pedestrian refuge on the highway from the new houses to the school.
I am a little bewildered as to why Policy SPO2 has been intermixed with a long-standing item on the local school’s ‘wish list’ to reconfigure the car park on the recreation ground, situated on Station Road. This ‘wish list’ item of many years, is due to existing car parking problems during the school-run. No one will dispute that there is an on-going car parking problem which needs to be addressed but this should not be confused with the extra vehicle and pedestrian usage which will be generated from the new builds on School Lane which Policy SPO2 has identified. Please can you explain why these two very separate issues have been bundled together on this planning application? A car park extension around the corner on Station Road may alleviate some existing road parking in the general vicinity but it cannot be assigned as a refuge for pedestrians on School Lane.
I understand that documents and policies under the South Norfolk’s Local Plan (including SPO2) are legally compliant and not there to be ignored. How will the Council now seek to resolve what will be a worsening, dangerous health and safety situation on School Lane caused by the above planning consent for more houses? Installing additional road signs on the junction and road makings are not enforceable and would not be considered a ‘refuge for School Lane’.
Please take this letter seriously and I look forward to your reply. Thanking you for your help.
Kind regards,
The reply:
You will have a response from the Planning Department at South Norfolk Council as I have past on your query to them.
Kind Regards,
Jack Hornby
I have already received a less than adequate reply from the Planning Department - I don't find this helpful, just passing the buck
It's hardly reassuring when our elected official doesn't know the difference between "past" and "passed" let alone the fact that he "passed" the buck back to SNC.
That answer from Jack Hornby is nothing short of wholly inadequate not least bordering on rude. Can I please suggest you all do not vote for this young pup next time of asking. He clearly could not give two hoots about his role and responsibilities. I would say its safe to assume he was in favor of this and other developments in Spooner Row!
Basic lack of real engagement and responsibility to the concerns of his electorate. Sounds like a typical mouthpiece to help carry out SNC policies and keep in with their representatives to further his own 'career' ambitions. We deserve better than this.
That's the problem, SNC is not conforming to its own policy which they have a legal duty to do. We do deserve better than this. What has happened to this council? Is it serving our needs?
Going by previous postings on here, the council experts didn't even visit the site before making the policy requirement of providing a footpath for public safety. No wonder it has turned out the road is far too narrow to build one which will force more pedestrians to dodge traffic, including children walking to school, onto the road itself and amongst cars trying to park and reverse along the narrow highway.
Why was this application not refused on safety grounds?
It seems incredible that the council actually made a legally compliant, policy requirement for a footpath on road safety grounds without visiting and assessing the site first to see if it was viable. Not sure if I believe they are actually that stupid not to do this. It seems incredible that despite this enormous error, the planners are still defending and promoting this as a suitable development site even after the realisation that it is impossible to build the all-essential path. How can the public have any confidence? We have to live with their mistakes. Come on Councillor Jack Hornby, do something to help.
Fun and games in School Lane today during the quieter time of day. Tractors busy pulling their loads along with several cars had to wait about half an hour to leave School Lane. The road was blocked by vehicles and a delivery lorry opposite the playing field entrance. It looked like the zig-zag lines by the school gates were ignored as well, as usual. The wait was so long that children in one of the queuing vehicles got out of the car and played up and down the road. It is so reassuring that the council consider this tiny no-through-road, which is regularly subject to roadblocks like this, as a suitable location for a new housing development....NOT!
I saw it as well. Absolute chaos. The Jewsons lorry ended up mounted at a steep angle on the grass verge so vehicles couldn't pass. Good job no emergency vehicles had to be called, as they would have had no access. The authorities have a responsibility to ensure that roads are not blocked at any time. This is even before the building work starts. South Norfolk Council just couldn't give a damn. If there is a legal pursuit over some incident in the future, the council will be quite happy for the taxpayer to pay all the fees if they lose the case. The council have had ample warning, in writing, from local residents, so can't wriggle out of this one.
Thank goodness that chaos didn't happen during the school-run, it would have been much worse than a blocked road on School Lane. An extended car park elsewhere wouldn't have changed that situation as the delivery was on School Lane itself (which people are quite entitled to have) and the other vehicles were mainly work vans from elsewhere. Road markings and road signs (no matter how many they intend to install) are ignored as there is no one there to enforce them. Stupid.
John Fuller ( Tory leader at SDC) tells us we can avoid all the problems of reduced services and austerity but adopting a business model or working at South Norfolk . Anyone running this business would have gone bust years ago.
I hope the Planners who monitor this site are enjoying reading about their gross ongoing incompetence or perhaps that should be incontinence
"Final determination" no doubt means "final approval". How was this development ever included in the Local Plan and allowed planning consent? Duty of care issues applies to this one with serious highway problems. Shame on the Local Authorities.
The houses which are being built here there and everywhere in the village should have never been allowed.
A good lovely village has just been ruined. No thought what so ever for the community.
Its not even nice coming home with all the noise, traffic light hold ups, lorry congestion, frequent power cuts, frequent water problems.. and I struggle to get in my driveway with queueing traffic! It's such a shame and just a burden..
One delay after another and still South Norfolk didn't deliver on its statutory responsibility of requiring the developer to secure a footpath. I thought policies to safeguard the public would have been obligatory.
Anyone and everyone can see this little lane is too narrow for a footpath and gets narrower and bendier as it goes along, yet planners with all their qualifications and experience thought otherwise. They need to get themselves along to Specsavers (other opticians are available).
Very risky that these plans were approved without the obligatory footpath/pedestrian refuge included. Dread to think what the outcome will be when new properties are built and the increased traffic puts pedestrians at an increased and perilous risk.
Where will pedestrians go to avoid extra moving vehicles, as on days like today the grass verges are so muddy and slippery they are lethal in themselves? No footpath, muddy grass verges and narrow road - what a combination!!
There is a proposed variation to this development, which could very well intensify existing safety issues.