This morning,Tuesday 21st June, at 9am, a fully laden Newall lorry thundered passed our home with the air horn blasting!! totally ignoring the speed limit and no thought for shift-working residents. How much longer can this be permitted? The speed can be checked by the onboard equipment, unfortunately the airhorn can't.
The best way to understand the type of people that drive the lorries is to speak to the people that run the company. My advice is to goto Newalls meet Ben Allison, after about 30secs conversation your think he is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Then you realise you want to speak to the organ grinder and not the monkey, so ask for his dad Leigh.
After around 1 minute conversation with him and your realise he doesn't give a toss about anyone apart from the money, typical director 10 + companies most of them dormant. If you look at the Company one of the appeals is against, it has no assets, dormant, I wonder why they decided to do that
Refer to the mineral recycling post and make your comments to the planning inspectorate, it will be your last chance to put your views across
If the truck was loaded then report it to Norfolk cc as they are recording complaints, see previous thread for contact details. it is important that you mention the fact it was loaded
People need to follow the link and make their objection known, if you look at the original planning no more than a handful objected.
People posting are fed up with the attitude of the drivers/company yet never bothered to object, this will be your last chance to voice your objections, don't complain in the future if you can't be bothered to write your objection letter.
As a side comment the speed at which the lorries travel down Bunwell Road back towards Attleborough are crazy for a 30 ton vehicle.
Our granddaughter was quite happily' helping' in the garden this morning when a Newall's truck roared past, blasting the airhorn. She was terrified, I don't see what pleasure the driver gets out of scaring 5 year old children,!!( unless there is a darker side).
Complaining wasn't possible as the phone was not answered.
Does anyone have any further information on this Enforcement Notice Appeal? It says on the website that the Decision Date is not yet decided. Newalls trucks are still in action and regularly go through the village despite not having permission for this operation.
With the planning inspectorate, no idea how long they take.
interestingly they have another application on Breckland, looks like the planning before this planning they exceeded, so now going for lawfulness. These guys need a medal for how not to get planning, it's a joke.
I see that Newalls lorries are now doing local work and removing the waste from The Ridings development in Station Road. When are they going to get a license?
Surely the drivers of these lorries must be aware they are working for an unlicensed company; if they are involved in an accident, how would the insurers deal with the 3rd party?