I was passed this information regarding Wymondham Town Council’s meeting on 5th July for which residents may want to be aware of. The monitoring officer attended to give a strong recommendation to the Council to set up a working group to examine and improve the way the council works which she clearly spelt out right now does not appear to be working well at all and ignoring concerns of residents on the Kings head meadow play area. The following document, which is in the public domain, is self-explanatory of her recommendations:
Wymondham Town Council – Monitoring Officer Decision
In recent weeks, I have received multiple complaints against 3 Wymondham Town Councillors, and also had concerns raised with me with respect to the actions of other members of the Council. One such complaint has required me to remind the Council of the need to ensure their own Standing Orders are upheld. It is evident, from social media postings and media reporting that there is significant discontent on the part of some residents of the Town with the decisions of the Town Council and the actions of individual Councillors.
In the current circumstances the District Council’s duties with respect to Town Councils are limited to considering written complaints that a Councillor has breached the Code of Conduct. It does not have the power to consider complaints against the decisions or actions of a Council as a whole; that is the responsibility of the Town Council itself.
As I have reviewed the complaints raised, and the circumstances that led to the complaints being made, it is clear to me that the perceived behaviour of individual councillors and the residents’ dissatisfaction with the decisions of the Council are intrinsically linked.
I am required to consider how these complaints should be taken forward, and take into account the views of South Norfolk Council’s appointed Independent Person. Our priority, in making such decisions, is to ensure effective working relationships exist between the Council, the Councillors and its residents to secure lasting positive outcomes for the people of Wymondham. Whilst an investigation is feasible, it is not clear that this would lead to the outcome we wish to achieve.
In 2014, my predecessor wrote to Wymondham Town Council to note his concerns regarding the situation within the Council at the time, seeking to explore the potential for solutions to the challenges which the Council. It greatly saddens me to be in the position where two years on, admittedly under different circumstances, we are again required to consider the way in which the Town Council is operating.
The Council has a legal duty under s.27(1) of the Localism Act to promote and maintain high standards of conduct. I cannot compel the Council to act, but it is my expectation that the Council should now take action to:
•Evaluate decision making processes to ensure that decisions are taken in a clear, inclusive and compliant way;
•Ensure there is a clear governance framework, which emphasises clear control and decision making processes, with which all Councillors are familiar;
•Take steps to see how it can improve relations between residents and the Council;
•To explore the most effective governance and operational model of the Town Council
To this end, it is my recommendation that a working group is formed to consist of myself, The Town Clerk, the Town Mayor, a representative cross section of 3 Councillors, a Peer representative from another Parish or Town Council, and at least 2 representatives from local community organisations to assess the matters the Town Council needs to consider. The group would assess each matter, making recommendations for the Council to consider. Formal Terms of Reference would be established at the Groups’ first meeting, again to be endorsed by the Town Council.
We recognise that such intervention is challenging. To demonstrate our willingness to support the Council in moving forward, we will contribute a sum of up to £2,500, to be match funded by the Town Council, to support the costs of training and any necessary advice (whether legal or otherwise) that may be required.
I will emphasise in approaching the solution in this way, we have not drawn any conclusions as to whether or not the Code of Conduct has been breached.
I very much hope that the Town Council can support this proposed way forward and look forward to hearing the outcomes of their discussions at the next Town Council meeting.
According to the report the previous town council were told in 2014 to carry out a review but they failed to do so. At least this new council has said yes to looking at things which go back to the workings of the old council.