Anyone else hearing these ? Stood outside at 11pm tonight, emense deep thumping noise coming from what seemed the Attleborough directon. The other morning at 5am and 7am and many other times at night.
I also heard these noises, I wondered if it was Military Gunfire as I have seen what looks to be Army helicopters over Stanta grounds recently & the sound would travel longer on damp, autumnal air at night.
At about 21.15 yesterday, we were once again disturbed by loud thumping sounds. It was audible with tv on & through double glazed windows. It ceased before midnight.
I would have thought that the international disquiet at the moment may have caused a warning to be given in the local press/on local tv. if only to prevent those of us old enough to remember less peaceful times worrying about something more sinister than STANTA Training.