It is becoming the norm in the village for people to park on the pavement wherever they happen to stop. This has been happening more & more often near the Boars and now the people working on the new housing development on Bunwell road have started this selfish habit. Mums & small children, as well as walkers, now have to use the road as there is simply not the space on the FOOTpath for both vehicles & people.
It is against the law and 3 photographs of number plates have already been taken. there is plenty of space for even a tanker to pass a car, so why put pedestrians at risk The foot path should be kept clear at all times;( although if you have enough money and a big house you can still refuse to trim your hedge, in case anyone looks at your garden, and get away with it!)
I would suggest a note to South Norfolk planning department re- the new houses as parking, disruption , mud on the road etc. are normally conditions of planning. It may also be worth contacting the building control people as they also have a responsibility to ensure the construction phase of the build does not cause disruption. things like noise, start and finish times, mud on the road are treated quite seriously.
As to the pub, this is unfortunately a side effect of a popular establishment, which ultimately we all benefit from as well, so we have to be careful here. But if it is causing you significant disruption I would firstly suggest a word in the ear of the owners or manager, if that brings no success (I am sure they want to be a 'good neighbour' so hopefully this is unlikely) then the licensing authority (SNDC I believe), Norfolk Fire service or ultimately Norfolk Police will have powers to enforce the pub to scale back its activities so that it has sufficient parking to support the number of expected vehicles without causing mayhem in the immediate surrounding area. The only thing I would say to this is 'be careful what you wish for'.
The only thing you say for sure, is 90% of the people parking like idiots are unlikely to be reading this noticeboard because they are very unlikely to be local!