Many if not most people here in the village own animals that will become distressed by flashes and loud, unexpected noises such as fireworks. This can be mitigated by owners if they receive courteous advance notice that someone is planning a display outside of the expected dates around November 5th and New Years Eve, especially when the fireworks being used are of groundshaking magnitude. On the one hand there is lots of "speak" about the community of Spooner Row but actually very little evidence that anyone here gives a damn about their neighbours and fellow villagers let alone their pets!
The fireworks were indeed impressive but I have to agree, without wanting to sound like a killjoy, that it would have been courteous to have at least warned residents. I have a baby, a small child and pets. The fireworks caused distress which could have easily been avoided had I been forewarned. I don't know whether it was arrogance or ignorance but it is a shame it still exists in our village.
I agree the fireworks were impressive but as mentioned before on here, they were heavy duty and of ground-shaking magnitude. The display was after 10pm, so a considerate pre-warning would have been helpful.