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Post Info TOPIC: School Lane development (2016/0627) no pedestrian refuge supplied, while a legal requirement to provide one

School Lane development (2016/0627) no pedestrian refuge supplied, while a legal requirement to provide one

This planning application was approved in February this year even though there was a legal requirement under the South Norfolk Local Plan Policy SPO2 to provide a pedestrian refuge (called a footway by the Highways Authority).  The footway was required on School Lane to improve pedestrian access to the school from the new development because they recognised the dangerous conditions.  Without this, all new pedestrians would be forced to walk on the highway amongst manoeuvring vehicles including children. The road was too narrow to provide a footway as determined by Highways, yet the plans were approved at the South Norfolk DMC meeting anyway even though the increased highway dangers were made aware to the planners involved and the decision makers.

Their bizarre solution to an alternative to a pedestrian refuge was to provide one of three options; either to put a trod path on the recreation field (which was totally unfeasible for many reasons), provide road markings and signage in the vicinity of the school (which they established at the meeting could not be enforced and therefore to those present seemed pointless),  or to extend WTC’s car park on Station Road (do they really expect all residential vehicles (and I assume that includes existing residents), increased delivery vans, weekly refuge collection lorries etc. to all park around the corner on the Station Road village car park instead of driving down School Lane to significantly reduce the traffic to protect pedestrians walking on the road? It's ludicrous and impractical).  Strangely the school then got involved at this point in requesting a car park extension – is the new academy at the school actually aware of the merging of this with the legal requirement of the footway on School Lane which cannot be delivered?  There may or may not be a need to extend the WTC's car park, but this should be dealt with separately.

The planning officer has requested yet another extension for the "final approval" on 16th August saying that the S106 (levy) is very close to being issued, so we can only assume this has all been wrapped up behind the scenes as there is no additional information on the SNC website regarding the footway.  This was supposed to go back to the DM Committee if no solution was found (apparently it isn’t going back).  This planning approval will not be meeting its legal requirement and will put the increased numbers of pedestrians forced to walk on the carriageway at risk. People at the council are fully aware that this development will be making an existing problem worse yet have put their apparent need to build more houses despite there being a glut above the required Local Plan housing limit for this village.  I hope they are prepared to take the responsibility for their actions should road accidents occur once the new houses are built.





This sounds awful and sounds similar to another development I know about going on. I wouldn't like being in the councils shoes if there is an accident now, because they've clearly been made aware of the safety issues and have chosen to ignore them. This is all about keeping rich landowners happy and the rest of us can deal with the problems that the councils force on us. They know that the cost of any court case will be borne by the taxpayer. Local consultation process - what a joke. That simply means if we can get most people in the area on board (who are not directly affected by such development) then we'll carry on regardless. How's the Parish of Spooner Row coming along? I hate what they're doing to Wymondham (have visited it over many years) and I'd hate satellite villages to go the same way and join up the urban sprawl that's ruining the character of Norfolk and upsetting so many local residents. I notice that George Freeman is trying to stop a development in Mattishall? Where was he for Spooner Row? He picks and chooses his battles doesn't he?



The key thing here is that the District Council has a statutory duty to adhere to the requirements in the Local Plan such as to provide a footway in School Lane to accompany planning approval.

During the many public consultations for the formation of the South Norfolk Local Plan, it was made quite clear to the Planning Policy Team that the no-through road of School Lane was very narrow but we were assured that problems would be picked up during the planning process.  The inability of footway provision was picked up during the recent planning process but approval was gained anyway, which does suggest that their previous assurances were meaningless and false.

The Local Plan was very carefully checked word by word by the Independent Government Inspector over many months at South Norfolk and we even went to his Hearing on the School Lane concerns. The pedestrian refuge along with a multitude of other points was included when he deemed the Local Plan to be legal and sound and fit for purpose. It does rather diminish and make his efforts look pointless if the Council allows specific policies such as SPO2 (a pedestrian refuge requirement) to be disregarded.  I have been informed by SNC that the Local Plan is still current and legally compliant.



"take the responsibility for their actions"

Whether South Norfolk take responsibility or not the law places a duty of care upon them.  How could they defend their actions or inactions on this vital safety issue to prove they exercised their duty of care.




Just because they're not able to construct a wide enough footpath because the road isn't wide enough, is no reason to ignore this problem. They're obviously happy for pushchairs and wheelchairs to use the road, which was meant for vehicles not pedestrians. They would never get away with this in Wymondham or Norwich. An extended car park alone will not solve these problems as a lot of the vehicles using this road are nothing to do with the school.



Picking up from an earlier comment, you are correct that extending the playing field car park will not solve the current school related parking issues.  You could tarmac the whole of the playing field and you would still have parents parking in School Lane and Station Road.  



Thats true. It's the bad standard of parking and lack of consideration that causes bad feeling.

A car park extension cannot be defined as a pedestrian refuge so its a bit of a non starter. The developer has given £10,000 which is a tiny amount by today's standads to build a footpath or "alternative". It's going to need a considerable amount more than that. who is expected to subsidise this developmet?



South norfolk council provides a public service and that includes having a legal duty to care. Have they done this? It seems not to me. This duty of care includes those with disabilities and mobility problems. This development should include proper access and the required 1.8m footpath to the end of the road. Why was this planning application accepted and not refused?



There are several excuses given by the Authorities on how this planning application (2016/0627) gained approval despite the legal non-compliance.  These include:

  • It is an allocated site under the Local Plan Policy SP02 and therefore the principle of the development has been accepted.

This is a weak excuse as the Policy SP02 wording includes the provision of a pedestrian refuge from the new development to the school to provide safe access. As this section cannot be achieved, then that “principle” cannot stand as valid. The Policy does not discuss mitigation measures.

The District Council has supplied various comments based on different Planning Acts in order to override their South Norfolk Local Plan despite the Council confirming that its Local Plan is current and not out of date. Excuses include:

  • Any adverse effects do not out way the benefits
  • The decision must be taken in accordance with the development plan unless there are material considerations that indicate otherwise
  • Development proposals should be granted planning permission unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits
  • If the 5 year supply of housing cannot be demonstrated then the Local Plan is out of date (bearing in mind the Council recently ignored this with the Top Common planning application and refused it)

In total, this basically means that the District Council considers its lack of a 5 year land supply is more important than pedestrian safety on School Lane from the new houses resulting in all residents including wheelchair users, pushchair users, children and people with mobility needs all forced to use the carriageway dodging traffic because the footpath cannot be achieved.  Can they not see that people’s lives are more important than the need to keep building more and more houses way and beyond the required limit of 20 for this village?

I think the District Council has made its priorities quite clear.  Whatever happened to their code of conduct and duty of care?



The South Norfolk DMC (Planning) Meeting is scheduled for 16th August as is the extension deadline for the planning application to reach its "final determination", but this application is not on the Agenda! For the "final approval" to be met, the S106 agreement must be issued and the alternative highway options must be resolved (they should have been resolved before going to the original DMC meeting – their words, not mine).  The alternative highway options have not been resolved yet this looks like it will have its "final approval" with just the S106 money. This is not what the Committee decided.

In addition, it was decided at the previous DMC meeting that the other highway options (which incidentally did not offer any proper highway protection to pedestrians on foot) should not be left to an officer and must return to DMC if unresolved and likewise Cllr Jack Hornby wrote in his email to Planning that decisions were to go to Committee and not delegated to an officer. Why is the District Council acting in this undemocratic way in steamrolling this application through without adhering even to its own decisions and conditions on this?

As this is not going back to a DMC meeting, it can’t be delegated to a planning officer and it hasn’t met its highway solution, is SNC just going to pass the “final approval” anyway, hoping that no one will notice? Could it be that the "final approval" is going to be made in secret?  It is already not complying with its legal obligation to provide a footway, and now this!



The landowner/developer seems to be coming off very nicely with this development. £10,000 is a tiny contribution and is nowhere the cost of a car park extension. Who is going to fund the difference? I bet the Parish council plans to subsidise this using our taxes. 



A car park extension would not offer pedestrian protection on School Lane.

The amount of £10,000 was based on a cheap trod-path of short distance, to go on the WTC's recreation ground with no access to or from it unless they expected pedestrians to leap across a brambled entangled, deep ditch and use a muddy field. There was no quote for a full-length footway of any kind from the new development to the school as you would have expected, if there had been, it would be a lot more than just a mere £10,000.  But hey, what do we know, they are the experts.



Granted final permission without a footpath. Dangerous and ill-thought through.



I sent an objection regarding road layout and pathway an didn't even get a reply from planning !!! 



I've got to hand it to South Norfolk District Council, they have achieved what they set out to do; to give the go-ahead to an unsuitable housing development on a narrow dangerous cul-de-sac.

Residents have objected to this throughout the many South Norfolk Local Plan Public Consultations over the years, and throughout this planning application, so the Council is fully aware of the hazardous situation, yet residents concerns have been ignored. We were right in that we believed it was a done deal years ago, so not surprised by the outcome. It was obvious to all and sundry, that School Lane was not wide enough to provide a pedestrian refuge/footway and we didn't need the Highways Authority to tell us that. 

The sparrow colony (a Red Listed species) had better find itself another roost before the ancient species-rich hedgerow is ripped out.

So, well done to South Norfolk Council with the power to do whatever it wants because it can. Those involved at the Council must be feeling very proud of themselves in promoting and approving this.





Who at the District Council authorised the final approval? In the circumstances, it was supposed to go back to Committee for final determination?

Local Councils are servants of the public and they have codes and protocols to follow.  It is their job to uphold the integrity of the Council. 




Not looking forward to the road accidents created by the extra traffic from the new builds.  Cannot believe there will be no pavement. School Lane is more like a track.



Karen is spot on but why?

In brief the views of local people and logic count for nothing and if you have time the reasons in my view are given below, but basically it is the evil of money

Being ex local Govt I have been for years concerned by the role played in our lives by Planners , who, to be kind might mean well and spend years researching population demographic, jobs and care needs predictions, school numbers etc when drafting the local plan which is then presented to councillors to adopt. After all time it takes, which can be years you would think it would be near as perfect as it can be.

Unfortunately there it just more than a little arrogance in the way it all works , including the inspector who checks this who also has a major influence in the final version before being finally adopted. In my experience he/she nods sagely whilst listening to local views and to what people have to say and then, with more than one eye over their shoulder approve what the Govt wants to happen anyway.

Where it really goes wrong is when a mistake is made , as was clearly the case here , as no one bothered to look at the site. Whilst true the Planners get very defensive and then whilst hiding behind the arrogance of their degrees quote selectively this Policy and that to support their argument and the local well researched plan . Rule one is never admit you are wrong and for the reasons given below!

Where it starts to go wrong is when the local plan gets high jacked for this reason and that , mostly on legal grounds to justify what the developers want ,which is to ignore the Plan and build where they want and sod the lack of infrastructure AND the Plan.

Planners then find themselves in a bind where they end up agreeing to this because they do want to appear incompetent, or have to face expensive almost always successful appeals . In addition they know that keeping the hand that feed them sweet is a recipe for job security with more austerity on the way.

The Govt also attempts to influence the outcomes with broad wishy washy Policy ,( NPPF) now up for review again and this Policy passes down the Political chain. Local Councillors do not want to upset the Govt otherwise they will suffer poor rate support awards , where for years Councils who do not co-operate or are of a different Political persuasion, get a very poor deal . However in 2019 this will all stop as the rete review awards will stop( Hooray) However LA’s will have to get revenue in somehow to fund their future existence, so’ let’s build more houses and get the money in ‘. The bigger the house the bigger the rate income. Councillors are briefed along these lines and with the benefit of closed door meetings ( yes they do happen all the time) agree everything before the open meeting when the decisions are actually made, thereby consigning local views and opinions to the nearest bin.

The only come back the public had(! ) was the Standards board which was conveniently repealed so apart from once every 4 years, the ballot box, there is NO accountability. Open and transparent Governance goes down the pan. That works well then!

South Norfolk are not the only offenders. It is happening everywhere but this is not a valid excuse for ignoring local views and lack of infrastructure. There are very few examples of where local views win the day which proves the rule.

This planning permission is a disgrace.




Thank you for that, Anonymous.

There are three areas where it can be considered that the District Council has gone wrong and fell short on School Lane:

1.  The allocated Site should never have been included in the Local Plan as any development here would make an existing dangerous highway situation worse. The road is not wide enough to provide a footpath yet they still included it as Policy (SPO2) even though it cannot be delivered. The Independent Government Inspector was provided with incorrect information before making his decision when declaring the Local Plan as sound and legal.

2.  The District Council has chosen and decided to give priority to a vague planning policy from the NPPF in order to build more houses over and above a specific Local Plan Policy (SPO2) to provide crucial pedestrian road safety and to prevent an existing dangerous road situation from becoming worse. Therefore this demonstrates that decision makers consider new house building to be more important than road safety on School Lane.

3.  The Planning Committee (called DMC) decided on three alternative options to a footway.  All of these for different reasons were either vague, irrelevant or bizarre, either way, they do not conform to the legal requirement for a pedestrian refuge from the development to the school. Nothing progressed with the undeliverable footway options so someone has given the plans a "final approval" without going back to the Planning Committee. It was to go back to Committee if this was the case.  This is a demonstration of a blatant lack of democracy and the result will endanger lives.  The District Council cannot say it is not their responsibility as it is, or what is the point of planning procedures and their declared Duty of Care?

Note: The plans had their "final approval "with the three ill-thought-out footpath options included as a Condition still to be resolved. Despite this manipulation, this is not what the Committee decided.



What did highways have to say about this? They could surely be held responsible for any incident that may occur in the future? 



Highways:  The District Council has said that Highways has no objection. But actually, Highways has not said whether it objects or not.  There is a play on words here in that Highways has said that in principle the School Lane site has been accepted because it was an allocated site in the Local Plan Policy; this is not the same as having "no objection".

In a recent School Lane report issued by the Highways Authority in 2015, it said that although residents currently have to walk on the carriageway, development would increase pedestrian/vehicle conflict, of particular concern, are the more vulnerable such as small children. In that report, Highways recommended for it to be Refused.  Admittedly that report was for 16 dwellings but the point taken from this is that an increase in residential traffic is of concern.

So to be clear, Highways has not stated it has no objection to this planning application. It has, however, determined that the road is not wide enough for a footpath, which says it all.




Relevant to the planned development in School Lane. I just witnessed two young children on bikes riding erratically on Station Road before turning left into School Lane nearly being mown down by a car that was driving too fast after passing the level crossing. The children did not understand that they had to give way to oncoming traffic and just proceeded to cycle in the middle of the road. The car had to slam on its brakes. This is even before the construction starts! South Norfolk Council - you really are a bunch of irresponsible (edited).

-- Edited by webstation on Saturday 19th of August 2017 10:59:03 AM



Are there are more sites included in the local plan within the village? Which are outlined as suitable.. 

suitable? (never) but just passed anyway!



It was just meant to be 10 dwellings on Chapel Rd and 5 dwellings on School Lane. 15 in total was considered the sustainable amount for Spooner Row!  The Chapel Rd site later had the unpopular Bunwell Rd development shackled to it. The local plan is obsolete when it comes to development sites.

The postings elsewhere on the GNDP topic are all about the next load of local plan development sites which will be put forward. Probability is that the sites will have already "been decided"  before they go to consultation asking for public views. Democratic outcomes don't apply to this area.

Shocking about the 'approval' on the treacherous School Lone development without a pedestrian pathway!! That lane isnt even considered a standard road, its far too narrow. How on earth was that site ever considered sound and suitable in the local plan?




my comment reagrding planning Inspectors may have appeared jaded to some. Please note that on saturday tensi properties got their appeal at Breckland ( Watton )  for 177 flats and houses approved by the Inspector even though noboby wanted them, except Tensi of course and the Government. 

It could not clearer . Localism and local views are dead in the water and all these plans and policies are a complete FARCE so why not get rid of the Planners altogether and save us some money for mental health and caring sevices instead



Well said!! Planners are obsolete!! Localism is dead, all developments are approved no matter how flawed and detrimental to a community, careful consideration is no longer applied. Without planners, our local taxes can be put to better use. 



Looking at this School Lane situation, how can planners and a planning committee strive to support a new development of seven FAMILY houses which will result in the new occupants having no choice but to walk on the crumbling road, together with no choice but having to compete with moving traffic for space? No footpath will not only result in children walking to school with this predicament but also children wanting to USE the recreation ground and play equipment where the pedestrian ENTRANCE is on School Lane and serves the whole village. Do the authorities concerned actually expect parents to control and supervise all children's every movement until they are 18 years old?

Committees and planners who choose to create a high-risk pedestrian environment MUST take responsibility.  On road safety, this is A DERELICTION OF DUTY.



The mess the Council has got itself into concerning the development on School Lane has made the EDP. Here's the news article:





Well done to all those who brought this to the public's attention.   It appears that the "holding up" of the development was of more concern to Lee Hornby than the provision of a suitable path.



It does appear so. Note how the SNC news article contribution hasn't been made by our elected district councillor, Jack Hornby, but by his dad instead. 



why was this pushed through without a path and before a proper alternative solution was found? its common knowledge it was to go back for another consideration if nothing progressed and nothing did progress. The council has made decisions behind closed doors and the essential path lost without a duty of care. I cant see much point in the silly alternatives anyway as they cant protect those walking along the road.

on Wymondham Politics Facebook our own district councilor said  " Also it is law that every submitted planning application be considered fairly. "

maybe he needs to have a word with his council and familiarise himself with what is happening here and everywhere in Spooner row. 



I have asked SNC three times in writing via George Freeman MP to try and get answers on why SNC did not follow its road safety policy (SPO2) and applied another general policy instead to cover its absence of a 5-year housing land supply.  Not acting in accordance with Policy SPO2 demonstrates the council has not provided its duty of care by making an existing, recognised, dangerous road situation worse. George Freeman MP is Chair of the Governments Policy Board so I was hoping he could get some relevant answers as councils complying with policies is important. 

Other questions included as to why the planning application had its "final approval" made six months later without the "alternative options" conditions being resolved or failing that, its decision to go back to the DM Planning Committee.  SNC's response has been disappointing, to say the least.  A council does have a duty of care to the public it serves and to take responsibility where it is due.  Deciding to make a hazardous highway situation worse for the future, to ignore safety policy and not to take responsibility, is not acceptable.

I have been advised to go to the Ombudsman.




Fair play with your conviction on this, but I feel as with most things planning related, it’s a waste of time.

All planning should be decided on a parish level with local people deciding, simples.




This is beyond planning, it's about conduct



School Lane development (2016/0627) no pedestrian refuge supplied, while a legal requirement to provide one - Complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman:


After waiting nearly four months for the Ombudsman to publish its results in its weekly public newsletter, the outcome of my complaint has been listed with the following summary:


South Norfolk District Council

Summary: The Ombudsman will not investigate Mrs X’s complaint about the Council’s decision to grant planning permission for a development close to her home. We have not seen any evidence of fault in the Council’s actions.


I don’t know why the Ombudsman mentioned the proximity to my home as this was not included in my complaint as I specifically focused on the planning processes and procedures of SNC and the lack of highway compliance with this planning approval.  I submitted lots of accurate and detailed evidence (with the offer of more) which included relevant transcripts of the DMC planning meeting and a Councillor’s email stating that it was to return to the planning meeting if no highway solution was found for Condition 12 (which was not followed through).  Bear in mind that the Highways Authority had safety concerns of its own and its entry in the planning report included that Policy SPO2 for a pedestrian refuge has not been provided and needs to be amended to comply with that policy before commenting; and another entry regarding Policy DM3.11, that planning permission will not be granted for development which would endanger highway safety – in this case it does endanger highway safety to make an existing problem worse.  The actual policy wording in the South Norfolk Local Plan has been carefully and legally drafted (and adopted) and the wording has not been altered and must be adhered to otherwise what is the point of policies?  This and more (including details of the inaccurate Minutes) was covered in my complaint.


I can only assume all my detailed evidence provided to the Ombudsman was carefully assessed (investigated?) before it was concluded it would not investigate.  The Ombudsman also said in correspondence that it was a decision the Council was entitled to make, as well as no evidence of fault with the Council’s actions.  As the Ombudsman concluded that SNC was entitled to make that decision, then it is only just and proper that those concerned at SNC must be held accountable for the increase in highways dangers their decision will create.


Any private agreement between the Developer and the Council (with a financial contribution) is additional and does not change the legal compliance of highway safety policies unless SNC chooses to dismiss its policies.  SNC must take responsibility for its actions taken, rather, than the situation as it is at present, which is to put the onus on the Highways Authority to approve a highway scheme as yet unsubmitted and one that will not return to the DMC planning meeting for a final decision.  This is passing-the-buck to the Highways Authority for a legally required “pedestrian refuge” that cannot be met and where that requirement was established with substantial public consultation on Allocated Sites.


George Freeman MP advised me to go to the Ombudsman after he corresponded with SNC on this matter.  I have let him know my views and he has not replied.  Does a council’s “duty of care and safety” still exist, or has it been discarded?  I am of the opinion, that the current system for redress to the public via the Ombudsman (and the public consultation processes on planning applications) is biased in favour of councils and their cohorts and is a complete waste of time and money to both members of the public and the council (at taxpayers expense). 

Julian Halls


Modern day accountability !! = none.

Do nothing as regulatory body unless you want to get deemed as 'uncecessary'. The Audit commission and the standards board went this way.

The Boundary commission and the Ombudsman claim independence but this is very questionable and unless you have a pile and can afford a judicial review they get away with it.

The enquiry into the Windrush papers was very quick to claim Amber Rudd was not in anyway to blame, moments after our  MP's voted to make the the papers secret to protect Theresa May from further backlash and fallout.

This is not democracy it is autocracy.

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