herewith an e mail I sent to the secretary of this august body with replies to follow shortly when SRMB allows me to post
Dear Mr Burrell
Andrew Proctor was recently in the press stating that there will 7 future patterns of growth for consultation for the new ?? GNDP
The article briefly alluded to a mini dispute as to how this will be achieved between the various leaders, which is rather ironic as it is his Council which is screwing up the JCS by not having a Plan! There is slight error here which is mentioned in the next post
Leaving that aside, I would be very pleased if you could let me know where I can get access to these patterns as previously discussed Spooner Row seems to be being royally stitched up and John Fuller’s comments that he believes that new houses should be dispersed along the A11 corridor, which is coincidentally the other side of the District to where he lives does not seem to be helping matters
( John Fuller is the leader of South Norfolk and he sits on the GNDP )
Public consultations are a joke, they have already decided the outcome beforehand, they are just a formality.
So Spooner Row is being stitched up again? Why don't they just leave us alone? Nice for John Fuller to designate the future growth areas to be away from where he lives.
Lot here so I have edited a bit but the link to the papers is here is you wish to see them. Lot of waffle hence my jaundiced summary, which appears first but I believe sums it up as far a Spooner row is concerned, let alone Suton which is getting the Gonville Hall deveolpment evn though the Plan said no development will take place there !!!
Please see the 3 emails below obviously the most recent at the top
Dear All
as Spock would say ‘fascinating ’
Some boiled down facts from the report papers which is a simple read if you have two hours to spare
1. Universally , in all options that 1000 homes to go in service villages so on average 20 per village
2. Option 5 and 6 talk about another 2,300 +200 for service villages so a total of 3500 ( so a total additional number proposed of 70 houses per service village, which is NOT in the report) )
3. A vague reference to housing need in the South west of 3,100 and another 2,900 in Wymondham (6,000) which does NOT apparently link up to anything very much as far as detail is concerned
4. No mention of the floating 1800 additional allocations for service villages . Are they included or not??
5. No mention of where the infrastructure to support these proposed development numbers is coming from
6. No mention of how this will marry up with the call for sites numbers which, if all approved for Spooner Row alone will be 294 , so 15 times the value proposed (@20 houses ) or 4 times the value (@70)
As the number of houses already approved in Spooner row is 54 with another 9 pending, so 63, ( as South Norfolk approve anything nowadays as they are scared tishless of appeals ) it would appear that we have done our bit even though no NEW infrastructure in place whatsoever to cope, and of course completely out of kilter with proposed call for sites numbers. Villagers with children having to drive miles to get their children to school somewhere else so how is that Environmentally sustainable? To say nothing of no shops , utterly despicable and totally impracticable transport links and no real Economic benefits.
Perhaps you can understand my concerns , and that of the village that we are being royally shafted here. Members of the GNDP when faced with these confusing reports with key details left out, in my view will struggle to make sense of this. Of course I am looking at this from a village perspective and your and the GNDP members role is to look at the wider picture, BUT I am very sure that some are looking at how this will affect their patch and if development is to take place , anywhere but on their own doorstep is no doubt is a key driver to ensure their political future. If I were being terribly cynical I could say that such long reports and selective data inclusion are burying the truth of what it all means on the ground. Previous reports talked about 6,000 houses in Spooner row so what has happened to that ?
On the ground is where I live and operate and I think we have suffered enough, and the lack of infrastructure , despite the declared opinion by developers that all is wonderful, is not reality . Evidentially, none of this is sustainable, by any proper definition and one could be forgiven by suggesting that the GNDP is out of touch with the real world, and these clearly unsustainable development proposals, will have implications for us all.
I am sure this e mail will not be at all welcome, but is there any chance, that a reply which says ‘this is all early days and no decisions have yet been made’ NOT be sent , and some of my points be addressed please Julian Halls From: Julian Halls [] Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 9:51 AM To: 'Burrell, Mike' Cc: 'Colin Foulger'; 'Colin Foulger'; 'Lee Hornby'; 'Tim East'; 'Karen Dunn'; Subject: RE: GNDP Dear Mr Burrell Sorry maybe I was being imprecise. Whilst we might have plans we still do not have a 5 year land supply, so Developers are doing what they like, claiming the JCS is out of date and threatening appeal to the Planning
Julian Halls
Subject: RE: GNDP
Dear Mr Burrell
Sorry maybe I was being imprecise.
Whilst we might have plans we still do not have a 5 year land supply, so Developers are doing what they like, claiming the JCS is out of date and threatening appeal to the Planning inspectorate to ensure their profligate developments get passed at every turn.
I am sure you will understand when I say that the fact that the Housing market is suddenly stagnating as everyone fears for the economic future, and that house sales and building will slow dramatically as a consequence , is not exactly something I am crying about.
I think the comment that the CPRE has made very publically that there is enough land already allocated, questions the very existence and need for the GNDP.
However, thank you for the papers which I will study
Julian Halls
Subject: RE: GNDP
Dear Mr. Halls,
Thank you for your email. In my response I will attempt to both answer your question and provide background information on the current situation with adopted plans and with the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) plan making process.
The consultation on the GNLP is scheduled to start at the end of October this year. When adopted, which is timetabled for late 2020, this plan will supersede the JCS. Broadland currently has a full suite of adopted plans consisting of the JCS itself, the Growth Triangle Area Action Plan, the Site Allocations DPD and its Development Management DPD.
As part of the work towards the consultation on the GNLP, two papers were considered by the Greater Norwich Development Partnership (GNDP) in June. The papers are available from the link on this page. The first paper covers housing numbers for the plan. The second paper sets out the seven developing growth strategy options you refer to. Emerging sustainability appraisal is also included in the paper. Minutes of the meeting are also available from the link.
The work will be developed further for the consultation document, enabling people to have their say on the growth strategy. Sites submitted through the Call for Sites, which are also available from the link above, will also be consulted on from October. No decisions on either the growth strategy or the site allocations have been made at this stage. The plan will be submitted in 2019.
I hope this answers your query,
Mike Burrell
Greater Norwich Planning Policy Team Manager.
Tel: 01603 222761
-- Edited/reformatted by webstation on Sunday 6th of August 2017 07:14:17 PM
Needless to say I have not had a reply from anybody on the GNDP and no doubt they would wish that I go away
Unfortunately save one respondent who questions quite rightly the validity and point of consultations I have not heard anything from anyone else either
I can only conclude that there is an assumption that commenting is pretty pointless as nothing will change anyway OR that you are actually not that bothered. In any event both to me look exactly the same, BUT do not give me any indication as to how you wish me to continue with this. I can do nothing with no responses and can only assume that you are all happy with the proposed way forward.
I totally accept that as a lowly Town Councillor there is not a great deal that I can do other than continue to ask for points of clarification. There have been cracks appearing in the poltical wall of silence even amongst members of the same Party and I really do wish the opposition was more inclined to do their job and actually start opposing things.
Standard procedure apparently is to simply ignore me with the hope I will go away eventually
I hope I am wrong on all counts but do please let me know
I suppose things will take off during the next consultation in October.
Most people find the GNDP tedious, unimaginative and pointless, but isn't this a ploy to put people off? It will affect most people's lives and usually in a detrimental way. The fewer people that ask questions the more control they have to do whatever they like no matter how stupid.
Keep at it, Julian. If you are being ignored, you are getting somewhere.
I wonder if we will be having the "floating 1800 houses" again in South Norfolk? What a ridiculous phrase and concept.
Don't stop what you're doing Julian! The village will be destroyed if a certain, greedy, land owner gets his way...and a useless council let him. I personally feel totally useless in stopping any of the developments. Objections and concerns are repeatedly put forward and ignored.
There's more than one greedy landowner with an eye for development in Spooner Row. I doubt if their future developments will impinge on where they live.