I politely asked South Norfolk as to what was going on, on the day in question and was given no explanation until a couple of days later and this was simply a brusque comment that you have to put bins out by 0630 or it is deemed to be your fault. I suggested that perhaps a notice on the web might have been good and pointed out that in the past we have been advised never to put the bin out the night before because it can get tampered with , set fire to etc and was advised that that advice was not current.
I appreciate that for operational reasons they might have to change a route and a time for pick up but a very clipped reply , which basically said that it was YOUR fault that we changed OUR collection time is not the way to win friends and influence people.
As I drove down Bunwell road today, (Monday) I noted that a new property had already got their overflowing black bin at the end of the driveway.
It didn't give a very good first impression to the people trying to look at the house next door. It wont help the already awkward arrangement to get to said property, that is, to drive past the living room window, if there is to be a bin in the way for 3 days of the week.