Spooner Row Message Board

Post Info TOPIC: So Conservatives voted down the proposal for our new Community Council!

So Conservatives voted down the proposal for our new Community Council!

I have requested a transcript of todays meeting from South Norfolk Council in order to understand fully the part that each Conservative councillor played in todays meeting.  

So much for local democracy.  This shows all the signs of following a similar path to that of the Kings Meadow play ground fiasco.

If you are going to vote tomorrow then please be aware that the only candidate that supported the proposal was Suzanne Nuri.



The local Conservatives act undemocratically. It started with the Kings Head Meadow a few years back and things have just got worse over time, for all of Wymondham. 

I hope you post the SNC transcript on here so we can all see why the local Conservatives overrode local opinion. 




Can someone please provide the names of these councillors. I wish to contact each one to demand why they voted against the 'will' of the majority and ask why they wasted public funds in holding a charade of a public consultation when the outcome was totally ignored.

Robert Foster


Here are the names of those Councillors present at yesterday's meeting and how they voted.

Please take 5 minutes to rattle off a couple of emails to these people and show your disgust.


Councillor Christopher Kemp (Chairman)           Phone                          Email

Conservative VOTED AGAINST                         01508 558825                ckemp@s-norfolk.gov.uk


Councillor Keith Kiddie (Vice Chairman)           Phone                          Email

Conservative VOTED AGAINST                         01379 644750                kkiddie@s-norfolk.gov.uk


Councillor Barry Stone                                   Phone                          Email

Conservative VOTED AGAINST                         01508 499389                bstone@s-norfolk.gov.uk


Councillor David Balls                                     Phone                          Email

Conservative VOTED AGAINST                         01603 813041                dbills@s-norfolk.gov.uk


Councillor Charles Easton                                  Phone                          Email

Conservative VOTED AGAINST                         01953 789881                ceaston@s-norfolk.gov.uk


Councillor Trevor Lewis                                       Phone                          Email


Liberal Democrat VOTED FOR                           01603 621126                tlewis@s-norfolk.gov.uk



Don't forget to also contact George Freeman MP, email:  george.freeman.mp@parliament.uk

Maybe even contact Theresa May, email:  mayt@parliament.uk   and let her know what is going on locally in her Party.  All we are asking for is to be treated democratically and fairly!!!!

We do not currently have a Parish Council that operates as a parish council because Wymondham Town Council is controlled and influenced by the District Council - we all realise now that it's all about their politics and agendas.  And now the new proposed Community Council, which a large number of local people legitimately sought for under the rules of the Local Government Boundary Commission, has also been quashed by the District Council. This totally goes against what the Commission stands for.  

For transparency, which is required, what were the reasons why this was quashed after they initially supported us?



It is utter nonsense that Wymondham Town Council has "looked after us" for over 120 years.  This would mean that Wymondham Town Council was around in the late 19th Century during the Victorian era.  Who makes this garbage up?

It is patronising in the least for "our Authority" to doubt that we could get enough parish councillors.  With the immense local support to form a new community council, there was already more than enough willing and able local residents to come together and form the required 7 needed.  The Authority is totally out of touch!!

A big injustice has happened!!  The reasons provided are worse than a bad joke. 

julian Halls


Please see the text of an email  sent this day to Electoral services basically asking for the reasons and for them to be published in accord with the utterly dreadful wishy washy guidance. The bit about publishing is fortunately in the Act so not so bad but it forces South Norfolk  into a corner. I am not convinced we will get anywhere because the guidance is so bad but I am at least trying and given last night's excellent result will be hanging around for a bit longer.

Dear Madam 1st December 2017

Governance review

At the Electoral arrangements review committee ( EARC ) held at South Norfolk on the 29th November , the committee after minimal consideration and from listening to evidence which confirmed that 90% of the residents who responded wanted to form a separate parish council , decided in their ‘wisdom’ to not allow this.

This is utterly bizarre

SNC are required by law to ask the residents every 10-15 years ( although this is now 16 years) about their governance arrangements and whether they want a change i.e. set up their own council. At the first meeting this was recommended. However at the second meeting after a second consultation which re affirmed the same result as the first ! , with a much lower response rate ,they decided to completely overturn this recommendation.

May I ask formally where it states in the Governance review guidance , having asked the residents their views that they can then just simply ignore them despite a massive majority in favour ? It undermines the whole point of the review and clearly runs contrary to the principles laid down in the guidance Governance review although I accept the guidance itself is full of very unhelpful caveats .

Some key paragraph and paragraph sections from the Governance guidance appear below

An important aspect to approaching sustainable communities is allowing local people a say in the way their neighbourhoods are managed.


By taking this decision they have removed the voice of the people and have not allowed this



Building a sense of local identity may make an important contribution to cohesion where a local area is facing challenges arising from rapid demographic change. In considering the criteria, community governance reviews need to home in on communities as offering a sense of place and of local identity for all residents


Once again this has been completely compromised



In rural areas, the Government wants to encourage the involvement of local people in developing their community and having a part to play in shaping the decisions that affect them. A parish can be a useful and democratic means of achieving this.

Just exactly how has the decision encouraged this process

I am aghast and cannot for the life of me understand this decision and believe it to be completely unjustifiable and undemocratic ?

This decision simply re enforces the widely held view, as evidenced by the 90% wanting to form their own council that the governance arrangements, communication etc etc are poor and need change and that the current council governance arrangements fail miserably ,in this regard , as they do not reflect the views and wishes of the electorate , something which the district councillor clearly has also forgotten given his clearly biased ‘presentation’ for want of a better word to committee!

Finally may I point out that SDC has to publish the reasons for this decision and tell everyone who had an interest why? See the paragraph below again from the guidance


Under the 2007 Act the principal council must both publish its

recommendations and ensure that those who may have an interest are informed of them. In taking a decision as to whether or not to give effect to a recommendation, the principal council must have regard to the statutory criteria (see paragraph 51). After taking a decision on the extent to which the council will give effect to the recommendations made in a community governance review, the council must publish its decision and its reasons for taking that decision.

I look forward to the reasons being spelt out and all the affected residents, as all were consulted, being informed.


Yours faithfully


Julian Halls Cromwells ward town councillor



julian Halls


At someone's helpful suggestion I have copied in our MP with my letter .

As our District councillor used to work for Mr Freeman I am not hopefiul of a positive response but I hope I am proved wrong



Julian, definitely let our MP know what is going on, after all, I am sure he will want to know if his own district council is working fairly and promoting his Government's localism agenda or not.

julian Halls


Dear Julian,


Thank you for your email and letter which I have passed onto the Chairman for information. As you are aware the EARC have made their recommendations which will be taken to Full Council in February 2018.





Julia Tovee-Galey

Electoral Services Manager

t 01508 533795 e jtovee@s-norfolk.gov.uk www.south-norfolk.gov.uk





julian Halls


I raised the setting up of a Task and finish group to begin the process of improved communication as an issue at the Town Council meeting tonight so we can begin to improve matters of communication to the villages ( the term sub parish is not to be used  please). However until the full South Norfolk council sit and approve the minutes of the EARC we cannot move forward, so post February.

I will be writing to the Sec of State shortly at the DCLG ( Communities and Local Govt) but suspect he will not get involved even though it is his guidance which in my view is being ignored.

happy days

Stephen Ward



Why does our parish / town council need to wait until Febuary to start to work out how to improve communications? I do not understand the relevance of the outcome of the EARC to a council's communication strategy with the electorate they are serving.

julian Halls


I agree but the logic is that until the full council (SDC) approve the minutes of the EARC and accept them, there remains the slim possibility that we could still go it alone. I do not think this likely given the very clear politically biased vote  we experienced but it is the excuse being used.

There was a suggestion from Councillor Hornby that I am in a wonderful position to improve commuincation lines now. I pointed out that I am one of ( now) three councillors for Cromwells and whilst we , that is suzanne nuri and myself want to hold surgeries there will be a cost to this and the council Governance report , much overdue has suggested we hold them. Whether the other councillors engage , and the public incidentally is another question and the poor circulation of About Wymondham they tell me is being addressed. 

I , as you do want to keep the pressure up, so want the council to pay for the venues we hope to hire locally. The suggestion is that we use the Town council offices but I think the argument against that is obvious for Cromwells at least.

There is a great deal more I could say, but not here as opinion as opposed to evidence is not a good argument base. I think before long we might need an informal gathering in the pub to see where we want to go and when best to try to get something out from this episode which is positive.  Highjacking  is also a distinct possibility which means we need  tread carefully 




that is very noble of Councillor Hornby to suggest that you are in a wonderful position to improve communication lines. It would be nice to have all three councillors (not just you as usual) working to improve communications, particularly as Councillor Hornby was so very very keen that Spooner Row is to continue being "looked after" by the existing Town Council.  

I think, as the existing parish council unanimously voted to keep Spooner Row, Suton and Wattlefield under its "care" and clearly influenced the District council in going against strong local aspirations, the improved communications should be forthcoming from the whole of Wymondham Town Council.  I think it is a damned cheek that they put a stop to something, that for once, would have benefitted this community.



Is the transcript available from the SNC meeting yet? I would like to understand the full reasons why.

Robert Foster



In reply to the earlier comment and having visited South Norfolk Council offices this morning, I have finally been able to obtain a complete recording of the EARC meeting of 29th November.  From asking for a copy on the day of the meeting, almost 3 weeks elapsed before its release.


If anyone would like to volunteer their time to transcribe one of the 4 14 minute long sections of video then please contact me.  





julian Halls


A reply from the DCLG

In short we can go for judicial review or express our disatisfaction at the ballot box in May 2019 !!!

Our even shorter reply = Not interested

At least I had a reply I suppose........ MP did not even do that

Julian Halls

2 Chapel loke

Spooner Row


By email: julian.halls@talktalk.net

Tel: 0303 444 1165

Fax: 020 7035 0018



Our Ref:3594455

Your Ref:

Date:19 December 2017

Dear Mr Halls

Thank you for your email of 7 December to the Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, expressing

concerns about South Norfolk Councils on-going Community Governance Review.

As you will appreciate the Secretary of State receives a significant amount of

correspondence on a daily basis and it is not possible for him to reply to each letter

individually. I am replying in his stead as I work in the team responsible for issues

relating to local councils.

The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 devolved the

power to create, modify and abolish parish councils to principal authorities through

the Community Governance Review (CGR) process, and allowed the public to

trigger a CGR by collecting a certain number of signatures for a petition.

I appreciate that you are unsatisfied with the results of the Electoral arrangements

review committee ( EARC), however the final decision to create a new parish council

rests with the local authority. The decision can be subject to a judicial review if

campaigners are unhappy with it.

The Government believes that these should remain local decisions and for this

reason it is not possible to intervene in this matter. Indeed, while the Government

hopes and expects local authorities to consider and take seriously the concerns of

their residents, they act and take decisions within their statutory powers

independently of central government. Ultimately, elected representatives are

accountable for their actions through the ballot box.

With thanks again for your time,

Aamir Mehmood Malik

julian Halls


As some of you will know Robert Foster has been working tirelessly to try and get this assinine decision reversed and we were working on a petition for the next Council meeting. Sadly both Robert , who has done a tremendous amount of work here and myself crocked up with a virus  so we could not get as many signatures as we wanted in the time left before it has to go to South Norfolk , which Robert delivered yesterday

Can I just say on behalf of the village a big thank you to him and to Stephen and others for their work in this regard whatever the outcome




How much would it cost to run a Spooner Row Parish Council?



I notice that you have less than 200 signatures on your latest petition, is that a majority?



I believe, and correct me if I am wrong, but this was collected over a couple of days in a rush to meet a deadline for SNC to put this important local issue back on the full council Agenda. This is an amazing number to collect in such a short time with most people out at work. This really does need to go back on the Agenda and not swept under the carpet in order for SNC to operate in a fair and open manner. How can a vote be taken if it is not on the Agenda to be discussed?  It is the Government's policy under this current electoral review to promote new community councils.

Robert Foster


The petition was a snap decision to gauge support and not designed to be an exhaustive consultation.  It was conducted by me and 2 others, over 2 days before the weather turned bad.  It was also conducted during 2 days of a working week, so some people were at work and others away from home.  With 171 signatures we were pleased with the result.

In answer to the post regarding new council costs, we have spoken to a number of local parish council’s and prepared a budget.  These are the very same figures that I was stopped from disclosing by members of Wymondham Town Council but I can see no reason now to remain silent.  In answer to your question, allowing for clerk at 20 hrs per month, the first year estimate is £6,013.55 from a precept of £21,965.72, giving a net retention of £15,952.17.

However, if my offer to stand as clerk to the council is accepted I am willing to conduct this role without accepting the salary of £2,486.40 pa for a period of 3 years, thereby reducing the first year estimate to only £3,527.15 and boosting the new councils reserve for future community projects.



Would the position of parish clerk need to be advertised first?

julian Halls


In a surprise move last night at the full Council meeting of South Norfolk , the majority 20 v 11 voted to IGNORE the recommendations of the Review Committee and allow Spooner row and Suton and Wattlefield to form their own council effective, once the Boundary Commission approve this change, starting  in May 2019

Lots of details to sort and the vote was undoubtedly swung on the decision of the Leader of the Council to declare the matter as a free vote. The debate took over 90 minutes.

My personal view is that this win for the views of the residents and democracy and I was impressed with the role of the Leader to make the matter non political as it appeared to be previously.

As details of what happens now emerge we will let you know, as we do and not just via this forum



Very pleased with this outcome.

It is included in an online EDP article reporting on yesterdays meeting.



Mr M Koster


Can someone share a link to a map showing the new proposed boundary please? Thanks.



Proposed boundary maps are on SNC's Agenda pages 34-37:




Good to see that such a large majority of the committee voted, 20 vs 11, in favour of the new community parish.

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