These temporary lights are to allow ducting to be installed for a new broadband fibre cabinet and will last 3 days.
Works will later take place to install a dslam cabinet at Top Common corner, in addition to the dslam cabinet to be installed at Guiler's Lane by the pub.
Are there any plans to improve the mobile phone reception? The centre of Wymondham gets 4G, we are lucky if we get to receive 2G in Spooner Row and there's often no reception indoors.
On the mobile front I have already spoken to Tom Garrod and David Bills (chair and vice-chair) on the Norfolk County Council Digital Innovation & Efficiency Committee about the poor state of mobile coverage in our community. The digit road map will be released on 11th May at the next committee meeting. The plan is to call the network operators in and ask them about coverage gaps. The new EE mast at Wymondham College may provide options here in Spooner Row.
Moving now to the broadband, the cabinet for Top Common is going in soon (see other update post) and I will post an update on Guliers Lane once I have spoken to Karen O'Kane at Better Broadband for Norfolk at the end of the week.