2018/2758 | Reserved Matters for Phase 1 (89 dwellings) - comprising details of the appearance, landscaping, layout (including access within the site) and scale of the development. | Land Between London Road And Suton Lane London Road Wymondham Norfolk
Looks like a reasonable proposal attached to a preexisting one with consideration for leisure, care home, pub etc. A more sound and sensible development than those proposed for Spooner Row. However, no doubt the developer will make his money and scarper leaving no pub, care home, football pitches etc. Also, consideration needs to be give to the road between Wymondham And Spooner Row along with our schools which are bursting at the seams.
Remember that this is only Phase I, the total number of houses here is 335. The superseding of the South Norfolk Local Plan did much to allow this development through, which was initially regarded as outside the development boundary and with merits such as the Grade II listed Gonville Hall and that any development would be harmful to the surrounding countryside and environment. One of the numerous side effects could be flooding along Suton Lane - it floods already at certain places. What will the run off from 335 houses do? This is one of the most harmful developments to be allowed in Wymondham.
Got to agree with you. It is getting very worrying the way planning developments are being approved by the local District Council with serious issues such as increasing the likelihood of damage to areas with existing flood risks.
The South Norfolk Local Plan hasn't been superseded yet, as they are currently in the long and expensive process of creating a new one. The existing one still stands but is constantly overridden by the Council's own omission that they do not have a 5-year housing land supply - so no point to the Local Plan at all then. I think we, as taxpayers should all be reimbursed for the exorbitant amount of money the Local Plan has cost us all because of the Council's failure to deliver the allocated, sustainable numbers of houses and allowing some detrimental approvals such as this one on an area considered unsuitable for development due to the harmful impact on the countryside and Gonville Hall. We are being let down by our Council/Planning - it is not the Government's wishes for councils to shaft people and their homes in this manner.
Several questions here I will try to answer but please be mindful that I am only a Town councillor and not District so have limited influence ( none) although I hope that any reader will appreciate that I do respond to questions and would very much like to have greater influence on what happens in our villages as we go independent in the future .
The plans for the care home and the pub next door to each other ??? are in development but no details provided here and will now form part of a later application , where sadly they do have nasty habit of disappearing
The fact that the local plan is now almost a work of fiction and that the new plan, no doubt being prepared at vast expense will be similarly circumvented in my view is clearly evidenced by past experience. To be clear South Norfolk objected but when it came to the appeal simply withdrew offering no evidence. You will have to ask them why, not me. I guess the lack of 5 year land supply will be the reason given , even though school numbers or lack of them apprently counts for nothing.
The issue of flooding along suton lane ( annoying called Sutton which as you know is just outside London ) was raised by me at the town consultation phase and the plans do allow for a massive attenuation pond which they claim will cope with 100 year events plus 40% on account of climate change. This is the standard norm nowadays but I have my doubts as to whether it will work and have pointed out a drain the the river is a must. Watch this space
Linked to this application is a new cemetery for Wymondham which once we go independent we can use but NOT at the reduced in-town rate although this will be in Suton , BUT that bit which will remain in Wymondham.
Please note that this application , as later ones are for reserved matters and this is NOT a revisit of the original application which is done and dusted. Do not shoot the messenger please