Is anyone else concerned about the increasing number of abandoned vehicles currently appearing on Suton Street. This morning there is currently three parked on the verges, all of them outside fields and not peoples properties.
These vehilces keep randomly appear for a few months, disfiguring the appearance of the street, before disappearing again.
Does anyone know what steps can be taken to stop this from happening as it is very annoying.
Are the vehicles there now? Model type, colour and registration?
I have a direct number for Sgt Jim Squires and Suton also has a Traffic Officer who lives on The Street. We have the means within our community to deal with issues like these.
Is anyone else getting fed up with the constant abandonment of vehicles on the grass verges of Suton Street. I think i can count on one hand the amount of days there has not been one left in the last 12 months.
There are currently two there now, conveniently left on the verges next to fields and not someones property.
Does anyone know who is doing this, why, and can we get them to stop.
I have just checked on the DVLA website, both vehicles are untaxed and have no valid MOT. The Mondeo’s tax run out in December 2018. These vehicles can also be reported as untaxed through the DVLA website at the following link: