I use this cut through a number of times a week and often see others walking through. It is a lovely wide track through the fields and deer and hare can often be sighted.
It was sad to see that the track has now been gated off with a sign stating no public right of way.
I had understood that it has been used by the public for some time. It has a chance of being designated as a public right of way if statements could be given that it has been used as such for 20 years..
Having only live in Spooner Row for 5 years unfortunately I cannot be sure how long the track has been used as a cut through.
If it is the same track that I used some time back to walk my dog, then that would have been about 12 or more years ago. I'm sure it had a public footpath sign.
We agree with you, we use it alot and it's a beautiful, peaceful and safe area. Recently we disturbed a red kite eatings its kill in the trees by the dog leg and just this week have seen feather evidence this is a popular hunting spot for this bird.
It's popular with walkers, dog walkers and also with horse riders especially when the bridleway further up Guiler's Lane is inaccessible due to mud or overgrown shrubbery.
Prior to being widened and coated with the various hardcore surfaces to facilitate builder access to the housing development on the corner of Bunwell Road/Hill Road it was just a wide swathe of grass going back the 20 years we have lived here.
Unfortunately the landowner is not known for community spirit and goodwill and I fear the additional surfacing that has appeared very recently and gating may well be a sign that he's intending to develop more of the land.
Thank you everyone who has responded to this topic. It is a shame to lose such a lovely walk through and opportuntiy for wildlife spotting. I have yet to see the Kite but live in hope.
Today I contacted Norfolk County Council and the gentleman I spoke to was very helpful. He explained that for the footpath to be considered as a right of way due to use by the public for 20 years, witness statements would need to be gathered from users of the track. There is no minimum number needed but it helps the case if 10-12 people can make a statement as the more people using the track over the 20 years the more likely the landowner would be aware of the usage. He advised me that such applications are usually made through the Parish Council as they have the resources to gather statements. The process is very long and time consuming however.
Interestingly when researching online to see if the track had ever been a public right of way my son has discovered that there was another footpath coming out on Hill Road and joining with the Bridleway. This can be seen on the Ordnance survey map of 1904 and is called Taylors Lane. Aerial photography from the 1940's shows where this track was. The gentleman at Norfolk County Council advised that this has potential to be reinstated but would need to be checked that it was a public highway and not just a farm track (which he said seems unlikely as it is named on the map) We have a few avenues to explore with this. I intend to contact the Ramblers as they are looking at lost footpaths before the 2026 deadline when these will expire and may know more. Another avenue is the National Archive at Kew but they are closed at the moment due to Covid. Again another long process
The current track which has just been gated off appears never to have been a public footpath according to maps, although it would seem a number of people have been using it Sometimes where it can be shown to have been used as a footpath for a time span of 20 years application can be made for it to be designated as a public footpath
There was however a lane going between the wider part of the current bridleway and Hill Road which was named Taylors Lane It is likely that this was a public right of way as it was a named lane, this could hopefully be reinstated before being lost in 2026
I am happy to emal you the details of our research regarding Taylors Lane and would be interested in anything you may have discovered
Hi Gill - I think the best person to contact in the Ramblers is Ian Mitchell - 01603 622539. e-mail: norfolkramblersafps@gmail.com.
He has a huge knowledge of the footpaths etc. in Norfolk and has been in the Ramblers for many years. He has recently written a letter to the EDP on this subject. I certainly used the path over 20 years ago. I hope that the path may remain open as it forms a link in several Spooner Row walks.
Gill it's great that you're following through on this.
I took a walk round that way yesterday and along the bridlepath which, in the narrow section nearest to Potters Lane, was horrible and had a horse not passed through yesterday would have been blocked by stinging nettles in places. It's not a pleasant walk (nor the road route round Wattlefield Road) compared with the track .
I've been taking a look at the old o/s map you mention and looking at the current Google satellite image and it appears the route of the Taylors Lane footpath where it crosses the field to join Hill Road is still visible in the ground markings. I wonder if, when the current crops have been harvested, this may even be visible from the ground now we know where to look.
It would be FANTASTIC if this path was re-opened to create a nice circular route to walk. I've often thought it odd how few footpaths there are in Spooner Row.
Please keep us updated and shout if any help is needed.
Now that lockdown is lifting, I need to get out walking off the excess pounds around the waist (the dog needs help as well). I'm looking at public rights of way. Are there any good ones in Spooner Row or nearby that I can use?
If you do an internet search for Norfolk County Council public footpaths it will take you to an interactive map on public rights of way. Type in your location where you want to walk and it will show what is available.
All of the local footpaths are marked on ordnance suevey maps. The South Norfolk definitive footpath maps for the area are also available on the Community Council website linked to a footpath update message on the Grapevine section.
At our Community Council meeting on Thursday 25th June, the Council agreed to take the lead on behalf of the community to develop the network of footpaths around our villages.
Some councillors had previously undertake some personal research towards proposing a longer-term project to Council, but with interest in the footpaths picking up recently, we have shared our research with Gill and her son Ed, who had recently posted further information on the Spooner Row message board. With Gill, who attended the Council meeting, we have agreed to work on four course of action to try to increase the provision of footpaths so that everyone can get out and enjoy the countryside around us. It is worth noting that some of these options will involve research and submission of evidence to different official bodies, so will are unlikely to be quick wins. This work may take months if not a year or two to substantially change the current number of footpaths.
We will endeavour to keep you all appraised of our progress via the Council’s Website www.spoonerrow.cc. The four areas we will be working on are:
·Existing Footpaths: Signage and clearance
·Reinstatement of Old Footpaths: Researching evidence of old paths
·Presumed Dedication: Collecting evidence of continuous public use
·Permissive Footpaths: Requesting access from local land owners
Further details and footpath maps can be viewed at: