Due to Covid-19, we do not plan to hold any CPR Training in the Village Hall this year.
However, cardiac emergencies haven’t stopped during the pandemic, so it’s still important that people with CPR skills step-in, safely.
Due to the current situation, there are several important changes to CPR that the Resuscitation Council UK advise.
If you find someone unconscious follow these simple steps:
* Shake and shout for help
* Call 999
* Do not put your face close to theirs. Use a towel or piece of clothing and lay it over their mouth and nose.
* Give chest compressions only - do not give rescue breaths.
* Continue until the ambulance arrives
* After the ambulance has taken over, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol based hand gel.
For up-to-date guidance on how to perform CPR and use a defibrillator while there is a risk of Covid-19, please visit the Resuscitation Council UK.