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Post Info TOPIC: planning inspectorate appeal AT LONG LAST !
julian Halls

planning inspectorate appeal AT LONG LAST !

There are in effect two appeals , see the reference numbers but they relate to the same matter.

This is being run by the planning inspectorate and will be all day. Please see the contact details which are identical and I do not have any details of the format or agenda. The principal authority and lead on this will be South Norfolk and I am trying to find out what will be said, but please be advised that repeated messages will , from whatever source be quickly slapped down by the Inspector and that matters of objection have to be relevant to the planning issues.

Our ref : 2020/8033

19 May 2021

Dear Sir/Madam

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Local Planning Authority Reference : 2020/8033

DCLG Reference APP/L2630/C/20/3250478,

Location : Land At: Plots 1-8 South East Side Of London Road Suton Norfolk

Appeal By : Ms Christine Falquero

Appeal By : Ms Violet Smith

Appeal By : Mr Jimmy Smith

Appeal By : Mr Andrew Biddle

Appeal By : Mr A Tidd

Appeal By : Mr William Tidd

Appeal By : Ms Jeanette Tidd

Appeal By : Mr Nathan Young

Appeal By : Ms S Smith

Appeal By : Ms Debra Tidd

Appeal By : Ms Jodie Barham

I refer to my letter advising you of the above appeal.

As previously advised the appeal is to be determined on the basis of a Virtual Informal Hearing, which will take place: -

on :- 16 June 2021

at :- 10:00

The Virtual Hearing will be run by the Inspector in the normal way, with parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone. If you wish to join the Virtual Hearing, you will need to make your interest known to the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer, Opirim Agala

Tel: 0303 444 5209 Email: TeamE3@planninginspectorate.gov.uk, as soon as possible prior to the Hearing, either by email or telephone message, after reading the Hearing Attendance Information below.


Virtual Hearing Attendance Information

Before deciding whether to take an active part in the Virtual Hearing, you need to think carefully about the points you wish to make. All written submissions from application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the Inspector and re-stating the same points won’t add any additional weight to them.

If you feel that taking part in the Virtual Hearing is right for you in whatever capacity, you can participate in a number of ways:

To take part using video, participants will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser). This link gives further information on how to use this.

https://support.office.com/en-us/teams. Alternatively, you can take part by telephone. NB Calls would be to an 020 number which will incur charges. https://www.gov.uk/callcharges

If you wish to just observe the event, you should make that clear in your response to the Case Officer.

If you wish to take an active part in the proceedings, please make clear in your

response to the Case Officer whether you wish only to appear at the Hearing and make a statement or whether you would also wish to ask questions on particular topics.

If you want to take an active part, but feel unable to for any reason, and/or the points you want to make are not covered in the evidence of others, consider whether someone else could raise them on your behalf.

Registered participants in whatever capacity will receive individual joining instructions, providing details of any requirements, guidance and support whether joining by Teams or telephone.

An Inspector (S Hand MA) has been appointed by the Secretary of State to determine this appeal. Their contact details are as follows; Email - teamE3@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

or Phone - 0303 444 5000. You may attend the hearing and, at the Inspector’s discretion, give your views. The appeal documents and decision (when issued) can be viewed at our offices, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, Norwich, NR15 2XE during office hours or via our website (www.south-norfolk.gov.uk). The Inspectors decision (when

issued) and information regarding the progress of the appeal can be accessed at



Yours sincerely

Glen Beaumont

Principal Planning Officer



Our ref : 2019/0330

19 May 2021

Dear Sir/Madam

Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Local Planning Authority Reference : 2019/0330

DCLG Reference APP/L2630/W/20/3246540,

Location : Land East Of London Road Suton Norfolk

Appeal By : Mrs Susan Smith

I refer to my letter advising you of the above appeal.

As previously advised the appeal is to be determined on the basis of a Virtual Informal

Hearing, which will take place: -

on :- 16 June 2021 at :- 10:00

The Virtual Hearing will be run by the Inspector in the normal way, with parties invited to join via Microsoft Teams or telephone. If you wish to join the Virtual Hearing, you will need to make your interest known to the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer, Opirim Agala

Tel: 0303 444 5209 Email: TeamE3@planninginspectorate.gov.uk, as soon as possible prior to the Hearing, either by email or telephone message, after reading the Hearing Attendance Information below.

Virtual Hearing Attendance Information

Before deciding whether to take an active part in the Virtual Hearing, you need to think carefully about the points you wish to make. All written submissions from application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the Inspector and re-stating the same points won’t add any additional weight to them.


If you feel that taking part in the Virtual Hearing is right for you in whatever capacity, you can participate in a number of ways:

To take part using video, participants will need to have access to Microsoft Teams (via an app or web browser). This link gives further information on how to use this.

https://support.office.com/en-us/teams. Alternatively, you can take part by telephone. NB

Calls would be to an 020 number which will incur charges. https://www.gov.uk/callcharges

If you wish to just observe the event, you should make that clear in your response to the Case Officer.

If you wish to take an active part in the proceedings, please make clear in your

response to the Case Officer whether you wish only to appear at the Hearing and make a statement or whether you would also wish to ask questions on particular topics.

If you want to take an active part, but feel unable to for any reason, and/or the points you want to make are not covered in the evidence of others, consider whether someone else could raise them on your behalf.

Registered participants in whatever capacity will receive individual joining instructions, providing details of any requirements, guidance and support whether joining by Teams or telephone.

An Inspector (S Hand MA) has been appointed by the Secretary of State to determine this appeal. Their contact details are as follows; Email - teamE3@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

or Phone - 0303 444 5000. You may attend the hearing and, at the Inspector’s discretion, give your views. The appeal documents and decision (when issued) can be viewed at our offices, South Norfolk House, Cygnet Court, Long Stratton, Norwich, NR15 2XE during office hours or via our website (www.south-norfolk.gov.uk). The Inspectors decision (when issued) and information regarding the progress of the appeal can be accessed at http://acp.planninginspectorate.gov.uk..

Yours sincerely

Glen Beaumont

Principal Planning Officer




Daz, Suton



Hopefully we can get some resolution at last. 



Daz, Suton wrote:


Hopefully we can get some resolution at last. 

 well someone will get a resolution at least. The fact it is being investigated suggests the outcome is not guaranteed, question is, what do you do if it is not what you want?



It says that this case is to be determined on the basis of a Virtual Infomation Hearing. I hope SNC puts a good representation forward for its planning refusal which was sound.

This site is only a small field or two away at its rear from the existing traveller site on Chepore Lane. It is likely the two sites will merge. Isn't it in the Government's rules that independent gipsy and travellers sites should not be located too close together?



julian Halls


Merging is doubtful which is one of the reasons why correctly you have identified the DCMS guidance that says sites should not close or even in the same parish but no hard and fast rules here.

My concern here is that what weight the inspector places upon this, and this is a complete unknown. 

Sitting in London ish does not bode well




Would Mr Halls care to comment on the rumour that he withheld making public details of the planning inspectorate appeal until AFTER the Community Council held on 20th May so as to ensure that he didn't have "20 or so Suton residents turning up and standing at the back of the hall"?

You can clearly see that the notification from South Norfolk Council was issued prior to the meeting.  Why would you delay getting this information on such an important matter into the public domain?




As a resident, I am very glad that this unlawful planning situation is being addressed by the Inspector at last. Hopefully we can now see some fairness in the planning system, after all, we all want to abide by the same planning laws.

Twenty or so residents would not have been allowed to attend the Council meeting due to the COVID restrictions.




I don't believe the date on the letter aligns with when it was actually sent or received. If you'd objected to the original planning application, you would have received your own personal copy from South Norfolk. Mine arrived some days after the date shown.

As the letter indicates, this is an appeal against South Norfolk's refusal to grant planning approval. The Community Council supported South Norfolk in that decision. Why would 20 people turn up at the Community Council meeting? To congratulate them on their publicly stated position?

If you have new and compelling reasons why the planning decision should not be over-turned by this appeal, then I would recommend that you submit this directly to the planning inspectorate, as indicated in the letter.

julian Halls


Thank you Mark and quite correctly the dates on the letters do not reflect when they were sent and copies were posted on the message board and I assume the website as soon as possible as the letter arrived very late in the day and well after the agenda had been published.

The council are very cognisant to the strength of feeling in regard to this debacle and we wished to establish that all those who had registered objections had been notified of the hearing as South Norfolk did not tell us this. They , as is the norm, informed everybody once the PI had decided on the day and there was of course in built delay.

Once again someone is mischief making and engaging in personal attacks against me. If you are so concerned with the way the council is operating please join  the council and stop sending vicious and unecessary snipes so that you can then contribute in a positive way. I am sure the council would welcome you as long as you can make a positive contribution and not one coming from  puerile vitriol. 




As to joining the Council, what is the point when those with control bandy together to keep out those with specialist knowledge that could help the village.  (...edited...) had a resident stand to be a councillor who had knowledge of traveller issues and a professional background in local government enforcement but he was rejected because he dared question the lack of openness shown by certain members of the council when dealing with the school expansion.  It is a small village and people talk to each other.  Did you think that this would not get out?


-- Edited by webstation on Wednesday 9th of June 2021 09:56:07 AM

julian Halls


As to joining the Council, what is the point when those with control bandy together to keep out those with specialist knowledge that could help the village. (...edited...) had a resident stand to be a councillor who had knowledge of traveller issues and a professional background in local government enforcement but he was rejected because he dared question the lack of openness shown by certain members of the council when dealing with the school expansion. It is a small village and people talk to each other. Did you think that this would not get out?

Evidence please that any of this is true ?

There were four candidates who went for co option and two were selected by majority decision and as I recall none of the reasons you give above are at least valid or true and as I recall , if we are talking of the same individual he/she remained anon throughout, so this is entirely baseless.

As for my experience as an EHO I joined local Govt in 1986 until my retirement in 2019 as a principal,  that is 33 years. The previous 12 were as an EHO in the RN. During my time in Local Govt I dealt with Travellers sites and was heavily involved in enforcement but of course, we are dealing here with planning law ( planners)  not site licensing ( EHO ) which only kicks in ONCE planning has been determined, but you being such an expert in this field would know this? I am not a planner and do not pretend to be.  

You are correct on one thing however, that people do talk and I would hope recognise this  for the unfounded rubbish statement that it is.  




Hi Anonymous

I like the sound of your statement. Why don't you stand at the next parish council election? You've got my vote.

julian Halls


The appeal has started but has been twice moved back  on account of the appellant  turning up at the council offices, along with his solicitor who clearly cannot read the instructions sent to him telling him it is virtual hearing. So,  thus far it is turning out to be fiasco. The council has given one of the residents a laptop and their own room at the offices  to enable them to take part, whilst the solicitor has gone home to do what he should have done in the first place. Unfortunately the appellant spokesperson from the site is dyslexic, cannot read or write  and is having enormous difficulty as you would expect using a computer . The inspector is being incredibly patient.

For personal reasons I will have to leave the meeting soon but I am pleased to note many of my comments have been directly added to south Norfolk's case submission and I am reassured that the decision will not be made today and that my comments have been noted 

Microsoft Teams as usual is proving to be disaster with people not being able to hear anything even though we can hear them

Appeal now been put back AGAIN to 1115



The Appeal has been put back to 1115?

Do you know when the decision will be made?



yes you have got my vote too ..........except I have not a clue who you are, which is sheer genius and makes choosing you just a tad tricky because you could pretend to be anon and how would I know? Of course your name could be ANON of course. Put that on the ballot paper then that would be easy but you must be incredibly busy and are so opinionated in so many areas life must be so very complicated  

julian Halls


appeals both dismissed


Appeal Decisions

Hearing Held on 16 June 2021

Site visit made on 16 June 2021

by Simon Hand MA

an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

Decision date: 29 June 2021


Appeal A: APP/L2630/C/20/3250478

Land at Plots 1-8 South East Side of London Road, Suton, Wymondham





Appeal A and all other Enforcement Appeals

1. It is directed that the enforcement notice be varied by deleting requirement (ii) and replacing it with “ii) Remove all buildings, structures, material and equipment – including but not limited to all hardstandings and all fences and gates except those fronting the B1172 - associated with the residential use of the land from the site in their entirety”. Subject to this variation the appeals are dismissed and the enforcement notice is upheld, and planning permission is refused on the application deemed to have been made under section 177(5) of the 1990 Act as amended.

Appeal B – 3246540

2. The appeal is dismissed.


Many thanks must go to the residents solicitor who gave a very strong case Sebastian Charles 


The requirements of the notice are i) Remove all the mobile homes/caravans from the site in their entirety. ii) Remove all buildings, structures, material and equipment associated with the residential use of the land from the site in their entirety. iii) Cease the residential use of the land.

• The period for compliance with the requirements is 1 year.




Very good news that the Inspector's decision was to support the original decision made by the planners at South Norfolk District Council. Read the details on why the appeal was dismissed https://info.south-norfolk.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=PMK787OQ0FJ00


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