Spooner Row Message Board

Post Info TOPIC: co option as a councillor
julian Halls

co option as a councillor

The call period for an election has passed so the council can now proceed to co option. There is no requirement to canvass only to complete the following form and pass to the Clerk please for the council to consider .


Councillor Vacancy

Would you or someone you know like to be more involved in your local community?

Following the resignation of a Councillor, a vacancy has arisen which will now be filled by co-option.

To qualify for co-option as a Parish Councillor, applicants must:

-Be a British Citizen, a Commonwealth citizen, or citizen of a Member State of the European Community and be aged 18 years or over.

·Be an elector of the parish, or

·Have occupied as owner or tenant, land, or other premises within the parish during the whole of the last 12 months, or lived within 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) of the parish boundary.


Candidates will be asked to attend a short informal interview and the successful candidate will be advised as soon as possible after the selection process has taken place. All members of the council will receive copies of applications and they will be treated as confidential


Starting as a Councillor


The successful candidate is asked to start as a councillor immediately after completing their declarations of acceptance of office. If the candidate is present this can be completed immediately following the voting. The candidate is then able to take part in the council meeting should they choose. They may choose to observe and then formally attend from the next meeting. The fact that the new member has not received a summons does not make his/her attendance as a councillor illegal (Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12, para 10(3)). If an absent candidate is successful, members must agree to him/her signing the declaration of acceptance of office before or at the very start of the next meeting. New councillors will also be made aware of the fact that Register of Interests Forms will need to be completed within 28 days of co-option.

The final date for submission is Thursday 3rd March 2022

If you have any queries, please contact the clerk, at clerk@spoonerrow.cc

DO NOT post this form onto this platform.

Please return in confidence to the clerk at the above e mail address or give in confidence to a councillor

If you are aware of anyone who does not have access to a computer but will still be interested can you let them know about this please

Application Form for Co-Option to the Council

This form should be used in the event that a casual vacancy arises on the Community Council. Residents who are eligible to apply should complete the form below and submit to the Clerk by the above date. This will also be posted on  the website and community notice boards. All information provided will treated in strict confidence and will only be shared with current Councillors prior to the meeting at which the co-option will take place.



Full Name:



Home Telephone:












Section 1 - To be eligible to become a Parish Councillor please confirm that;


 You are a British Citizen or a citizen of the commonwealth or the European Union and are aged 18 or over at the time of your application


 For the whole of the 12 months prior to your application you must; (one option must be answered as Yes to be eligible)


 Have been an elector of the parish and either occupied or owned/rented premises in the parish, or

 Have resided within 3 miles of the boundary of the parish, or


 Had your principal or only place of work in that area


Section 2 - You are not eligible to become a councillor if you;


• Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order

• Have, within five years before the day of application, been convicted of any offence in the United Kingdom, and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine

• Work for the Community Council which you want to become a councillor for.


If the answer is Yes to any questions in Section 2 your application will not be valid. By signing and submitting this application you are confirming that the criteria in Section 2 do not apply to you.

Please detail below, in no more than 300 words, why you consider you would be an appropriate candidate for the vacancy of Community Councillor.


Useful points to include are;


• How long you have lived in the parish

• If you are involved in any community groups or activities, particularly within the parish

• Are there any areas of the parish and its responsibilities that you are particularly interested in?

• Do you have any work-related skills or experience which would be of benefit to the council? 










I confirm that I meet the required criteria to become a Community Councillor and all information submitted on this application is correct to the best of my knowledge;





Print Name……………………………………………………………………………………… Date………………………………………….



julian Halls


Posting as District councillor

Unfortunately there have been no candidates so far so I have attached an updated form for submission please

The call period for an election has passed so the council can now proceed to co option. There is no requirement to canvass only to complete the following form and pass to the Clerk please for the council to consider.

Councillor Vacancy

Would you or someone you know like to be more involved in your local community?

A vacancy has arisen which will now be filled by co-option.


To qualify for co-option as a Parish Councillor, applicants must:

-Be a British Citizen, a Commonwealth citizen, or citizen of a Member State of the European Community and be aged 18 years or over.


·Be an elector of the parish, or

·Have occupied as owner or tenant, land, or other premises within the parish during the whole of the last 12 months, or lived within 4.8 kilometres (3 miles) of the parish boundary.

Had your principal or only place of work in that area

Candidates will be asked to attend a short informal interview and the successful candidate will be advised as soon as possible after the selection process has taken place. All members of the council will receive copies of applications and they will be treated as confidential.

Starting as a Councillor

The successful candidate is asked to start as a councillor immediately after completing their declarations of acceptance of office. If the candidate is present this can be completed immediately following the voting. The candidate is then able to take part in the council meeting should they choose. They may choose to observe and then formally attend from the next meeting. The fact that the new member has not received a summons does not make his/her attendance as a councillor illegal (Local Government Act 1972 Sch 12, para 10(3)). If an absent candidate is successful, members must agree to him/her signing the declaration of acceptance of office before or at the very start of the next meeting. New councillors will also be made aware of the fact that Register of Interests Forms will need to be completed within 28 days of co-option.

The final date for submission is Tuesday 29th of March 2022

If you have any queries, please contact the clerk, at clerk@spoonerrow.cc

DO NOT post this form onto this platform.

Please return in confidence to the clerk at the above e mail address.

If you are aware of anyone who does not have access to a computer but will still be interested can you let them know about this please.

Application Form for Co-Option to the Council

This form should be used in the event that a casual vacancy arises on the Community Council. Residents who are eligible to apply should complete the form below and submit to the Clerk by the above date. This will also be posted on the website and community notice boards. All information provided will treated in strict confidence and will only be shared with current Councillors prior to the meeting at which the co-option will take place.

Application Form for Co-Option to the Council


Full Name:


Home Telephone:









Section 1 - To be eligible to become a Parish Councillor please confirm that;

You are a British Citizen or a citizen of the commonwealth or the European Union and are aged 18 or over at the time of your application

For the whole of the 12 months prior to your application you must; (one option must be answered as Yes to be eligible)

Have been an elector of the parish and either occupied or owned/rented premises in the parish, or

Have resided within 3 miles of the boundary of the parish, or

Had your principal or only place of work in that area


Section 2 - You are not eligible to become a councillor if you;

• Are subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order

• Have, within five years before the day of application, been convicted of any offence in the United Kingdom, and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine

• Work for the Community Council which you want to become a councillor for.

If the answer is Yes to any questions in Section 2 your application will not be valid. By signing and submitting this application you are confirming that the criteria in Section 2 do not apply to you.

Please detail below, in no more than 300 words, why you consider you would be an appropriate candidate for the vacancy of Community Councillor.

Useful points to include are;

• How long you have lived in the parish

• If you are involved in any community groups or activities, particularly within the parish

• Are there any areas of the parish and its responsibilities that you are particularly interested in?

• Do you have any work-related skills or experience which would be of benefit to the council?







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