With the Met office issuing weather warnings for cold weather and even possibly snow for Norfolk, we can be sure that winter is well and truly with us. We know that many amongst us will struggle to stay warm and fed this winter. Below we offer some general advice on how to stay warm without spending too much money. For people needing immediate assistance help is at hand: Community Hot Spots and Libraries Norfolk County Council working with Norfolk Community Foundation have funded a number of locations where you can go to access services and other help; receive a hot drink and refreshments and a place to socialise and stay warm. Follow the links:
Food banks and larders There are a range of places around the county where food parcels or cheap and wholesome food can be obtained. More information about locations and opening times can be found via the Nourishing Norfolk network, or via the list held on Norfolk ALC’s website:
Wear plenty of thin layers rather than one thick one is the best way to keep warm in winter.
Wear clothes made of wool or fleecy synthetic fibres (cotton is only effective if the garment stays dry)
Keep your feet warm with rugs and slippers.
Wear bed socks and thermal underwear at night
Putting on a coat, hat, scarf, gloves and warm shoes or boots when you go outside. If you're heading out, make sure you take some extra layers – even if you don’t need them immediately, it's a good idea to be prepared because the temperature can drop significantly when the sun goes in.
Heat where you need it
Only heat the rooms you use – heat the living room during the day and the bedroom just before going to sleep. Turn the heating in other rooms down or completely off.
Keep doors and windows closed.
The ideal temperature is 64°F (18°C) for your bedroom and 70°F (21°C) for your living room. Check your thermostat or use a room thermometer to monitor temperature, and keep your bedroom window shut on a winter’s night.
Draw your curtains and tuck them behind the radiator to avoid cold spots.
Use a hot-water bottle, wheat bag or electric blanket to warm the bed, but never use a hot-water bottle and electric blanket together as this can be dangerous.
A healthy balanced diet will help keep you warm and healthy in the winter. Make sure you and your family eat at least one hot meal a day like soup which is nutritious, keeps you warm and is inexpensive to make or buy.
If you have them, microwaves, slow-cookers and airfryers are often the most cost (and energy) efficient ways of creating hot meals.
Batch cook and reheat in a microwave.
Get your 5 a day.
Avoid comfort eating.
Stay active and stay in touch
Staying active is good for your health. Walking, for example, can be good for you. If the weather prevents you getting outside, stay active indoors by catching up on all the household tasks you've been putting off.
Stay in contact with friends and family, especially if you've been stuck in the house for a few days. If you have elderly relatives or neighbours who might need help, check up on them.
The cold weather could be just one of many reasons why someone has tumbled into crisis and needs help and support. Places where that help can be found are contained in our “Help in a Crisis” document available from our website. Good places to try first are as follows:
Norfolk Assistance Scheme can help you get support and financial assistance for food, energy, water, and other household essentials including white goods. You can apply yourself or a support organisation, such as Age UK Norfolk or Citizens Advice can apply on your behalf. 0344 800 8020.
Citizens’ Advice - CABx can offer help with energy bills and with advice on how to reduce your ongoing energy requirements. 0800 144 8848
Cost of living vouchers – if you are eligible for free school meals you will now receive a monthly ‘cost of living’ voucher. The vouchers will be £15 per month per child with an additional payment of £30 per child in December.
Anglian Water provides an Extra Care Support Service for people who need help paying their water bills including advice, payment breaks, flexible payment plans and discounts. 0800 169 3630