Subject: FW: South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan Reg 19 pre-submission - briefing event for parish councils
Dear Councillor,
For information, please see the email below which has today been sent to all parish councils in South Norfolk. This relates to a briefing session that the Place Shaping Team will be holding for parish councils on the evening of 26th January, regarding the forthcoming publication of the proposed Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan.
If you have any queries, please contact the team on (01508) 533805 or at .
Yours sincerely,
Richard Squires
Richard Squires
Senior Community Planning Officer
t 01603 430637 e
From: Local Plan (SNC)
Sent: 09 January 2023 14:47
To: Local Plan (SNC) <>
Subject: South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan Reg 19 pre-submission - briefing event for parish councils
Dear Sir/Madam,
South Norfolk Council intends to publish the pre-submission version of the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan on at 9.00am on Monday 23rd January, in accordance with Regulation 19 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012. The period during which representations can be made will last until 5.00pm on Monday 6th March and, during that time, anyone that wishes to may make representations on the legal compliance and/or soundness of the document. Please note that the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan deals with the growth of villages within South Norfolk, rather than growth within the Norwich fringe, market towns and larger settlements. A list of the parishes covered by the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan can be viewed on the Council’s website, here.
We will be sending out a formal notice to parish councils in the district and other stakeholders once the consultation has gone live. We will also shortly be sending copies of a public notice to each parish council in the district, to ask if you might be able to assist us in publicising the consultation by posting these on local notice boards.
In the meantime, however, I wish to inform you that we will be holding a briefing event for parish councils in South Norfolk, regarding the publication of the Plan. This will take place on Thursday 26th January at 6.00pm, in the Council Chamber at South Norfolk District Council offices (Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Road, Norwich, NR7 0DU). The event will present an opportunity to learn more about this advanced stage in the development of the proposed Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, including how the proposed Plan has been prepared, the process for making formal representations, and the next steps in the process.
We would like to invite parish councils to book a maximum of two places for the event. If your parish council is interested in sending representatives, please respond to providing names of up to two attendees and contact email addresses before 5.00pm on Monday 23rd January.
We also intend to video and run a live-stream of the event, so if you are unable to attend in person but would still like to view the proceedings then it will be possible to view the session remotely. We will send out a link for viewing the event nearer the time.
If you have any queries in the meantime, please contact the Place Shaping Team at or on (01508) 533805. We look forward to welcoming representatives of your parish council on 26th January.