Elections are looming on the 4th May and if you are thinking now is the time to join your Community Council then before the 4th April 2023, ( They can be submitted anytime after the 17th March ) you should be submitting a nomination form.
We need 7 community councillors and if there is more than that number there will be an election
The whole form, 16 pages needs to be printed off but if you are standing as an independent only 4 need to be completed and other members of the council can assist you if you feel you need it. Please get in touch with the clerk if you do not know a current councillor.
The forms have to be delivered by hand, to the election officer, who checks it while you wait, now in Norwich, at the new offices at Broadland Business Park off the A47. At the very latest by the 4 pm on the 4th April.
If you have any concerns, need help or simply wish to discuss this, or know of anyone else who might wish to be a councillor then please let them know.
Forms can be printed off for you. The submission can not be done by the clerk but they will happily advise you. Dawn Clarke spoonerrow.cc@gmail.com or 01953 304401
If you aren't happy with something, then do something about it. a few new additional councillors would probably make all the difference. We all live in this community.
Unfortunately the rules on getting rid of 'hassle' are very feeble but we have an election coming up and the Govt says if you have issues, express them at the ballot box.
If we get more than 7 candidates for the community council, we have to have an election BUT you do not have to vote for 7 and if you only want or know 1 or 2 candidates , that you would like to see on the council, then that is perfectly acceptable. Leave the others blank and do not be tempted to write or draw something rude because your entire ballot paper will be rejected if you do and it will get listed as 'spoilt' and achieve nothing .
Famously, at a recent election someone drew quite an accurate depiction of a piece of male genitalia, but having done so within the box next to we assume someone they did not like , with no other commentary, at the check, as happens in all these situations, the presiding officer decided that it was a mark , in a single box so she decided that it was a valid vote for the person concerned. I think that was completely the opposite response the voter intended.
Please use the e mail address at the top of the original post in the text not the one at the bottom of the poster which was prepared sometime ago, or come to the workshop, this saturday or give the clerk or a councillor a call so we can advise or help.
Just for the avoidance of doubt ...there are seven (7) places up for Election.
If the same Councillors stand as is now then without more than seven they would be re-elected. However if the number is more than 7 there must be a vote.
Likewise if the candidates standing are not those in office now equally they would be elected ( up to the maximum of seven)
Hope that is not too confusing! The point I am trying to make is only Councillors in office are eligible to Re-Election. You cannot be re-elected if you are not in office.