Location: Greenfield Park Chepore Lane Spooner Row Norfolk
Proposal: Increase the number of caravans to six static caravans and four touring caravans with additional parking, hardstanding and infrastructure. (part retrospective)
I will be calling this application into the development management committee as a district councillor
It introduces some high level legal rulings and further explanation of these needs to happen so an informed decision can be made.
It also gives the public an opportunity to attend and make representations either way
Please note I am not in any way predetermined here although I note that this is retrospective and a recent on site bonfire , a matter which I reported but was not followed up, on account of staff leaving at short notice has never been, satisfactorily resolved.
It was at the exact location of the application
Planning Application 2023/1140 - Chepore Lane, increase the number of caravans, parking, hardstanding & infrastructure
Residents were assured by the Authorities that this site would not expand. This is retrospective and if allowed it is likely to happen again. The unlawful caravan site situated only one field away continues to be occupied.
What happened to Julian Halls's request as District Councillor as posted on here back in May? He called for the Development Management Committee to make an informed decision applying high level legal rulings. There is no reason why this still doesn't apply as the Council needs to ensure his planning application follows a proper process even if it is retrospective. Can we all apply retrospectively to our private developments now?
Is the Council now ignoring this planning application to expand from 8 units to 14 (part retrospective)? there hasn't been a decision made or an extension of time beyond last year, basically nothing. Will it continue to expand?
RE: Planning Application 2023/1140 - Chepore Lane, increase the number of caravans, parking, hardstanding & infrastructu