This information has been forwarded by the SRCC Clerk:
Dear Parish Clerk,
We are writing to let you know about the changes that are being made to the mobile library service, following the public consultation last year and the final decisions made by Norfolk County Council Cabinet in January 2023. We are preparing to decommission one mobile library and continue to operate five vehicles, and an electric mini mobile, due for commission later this year. In accordance with the key principles agreed by Members, Norfolk Library and Information Service will cease the majority of stops that happen within 1.5 miles of a branch library.
We will be working with customers to ensure they know what is happening. Anyone that is unable to visit a branch library will be able to contact their local library and request a visit from the Home Library Service (HLS) that we operate in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Services (RVS).
Every route and stop has now been reviewed and whilst we have tried as hard as we can to minimise disruption, it does mean that in a number of cases the day and time which the mobile library visits has had to change. This is to ensure that we make best use of the mobile library resource for as many people and communities that we can.
I am attaching a copy of the new timetables for your Parish. Can we please ask that the changes are placed in you Parish newsletters if you have one.
Customers at all affected stops are being given a copy of the new timetable and the planned introduction date for the revised services is Monday 3rd July. All the new stop and route information will be on our website (available from 30th June).