Hi I just wondered if any more of the school playing field could be turned into more parking for the school, just thinking this could make it a lot safer for all?
the car park was extended only a few years ago. further car park extensions wouldn't cater for the large number of cars parking on the surrounding roads, there are just too many of them during the start and end of the school day.
the playing field actually belongs to spooner row residents so we can all enjoy the green open space, the school is granted use of it only. more extensions to the school will erode our open space and bring in more cars.
Surely the school only had so many pupils being dropped off, I understand the green space but it’s very large and not often used, safet has to be prioritise, it’s not exactly a big car park in compa to the space
I may be mistaken but I think the house next door owns the driveway which gives access to the rear of the village hall, it is only a right of way. You would need to negotiate with the homeowner.
Would the homeowner and village hall committee want the extra costs involved with insurance, maintenance, liability, and organising the parking and traffic flow? It would also limit the times when hirers could use it. Just saying.
Yet cars parking on the road outside these properties is also a access issue! All it seems is people have a lot to moan about in spooner row yet no one is willing to consider anything that helps bring any improvements, getting the school cars off the road twice a day must be a good thing as parking outside propertlies and all along the road causes so much chaos and danger, just a bit more proper parking would make such a improvement to the village even if it does mean a small loss of the playing field, there would be so much space left anyway even with a bigger car park
We surely need to keep as much green space as possible. The amount of houses and people in the village is growing. We need places to exercise, walk our dogs and relax.
Residents can't go walking all over the countryside as it is privately owned. The playing field is a public open space. Perhaps the school has enough of it fenced off for its own use.
Why should my council tax go on this? other schools do not provide parent parking.
With the new primary in Silfield and prep at Wymondham College, how long does anyone think this school will last, it is too small and there are better sites.
It's survived as a successful village school for all this time and is very likely to continue. The large number of cars parked suggests it is people from outside the village who want their children to go to Spooner Row. It is popular.
I think someone was just considering an option to make the residents of spooner row outside the school another option than to have cars parked all the way up the road causing daily issues, and making the whole situation safer. as it has been noted this page is meant to be constructive for the community however all it ever is is wingy people saying no to all options but still complaining about the problems. The school is a brilliant little school and an asset to the village, and the local children keeping village life alive rather than huge schools where no one knows each other as there are so many kids Churned through.
Can I just say, today I was driving along the school road at drop off and someone had parked right up to the level crossing. Please parents /governer please pass this on as extremely dangerous.
i couldn’t get back on my side of the road , cars were coming the other way.This is just utter stupidity!
I’m talking about parents who use their cars to bring their children to school who live within a 1/2 mile radius of school being excluded from doing so i.e. walk !!
Can I just say, today I was driving along the school road at drop off and someone had parked right up to the level crossing. Please parents /governer please pass this on as extremely dangerous.
i couldn’t get back on my side of the road , cars were coming the other way.This is just utter stupidity!
Safety is an issue for both School Lane and Station Road. There seem to be far more vehicles than normal on the school run this autumn. The worrying thing is that S.Norfolk Council has approved seven family houses on School Lane which would involve many more children walking on the highway to/from school amongst the traffic. This planning application has a legal requirement for a footpath as it is a selected site within the SNC's Local Plan (Policy SPO2) but cannot be delivered as the road is too narrow. There were many objections from residents, Wymondham Town Council (our parish council at that time), and NCC Highways were very clear with their highway safety concerns. What is very strange, I have been on the SNC planning website, and all the Consultee and Public comments have been removed/deleted, only the Developer's and SNC Reports remain - planning references 2016/0627 and 2018/1772. The unresolved safety issues are still ongoing as this site has been forwarded onto the emerging new SNC Local Plan (Site VC SPO3) so you would think these very relevant comments would remain on public view for reference rather than be removed.
Stupid place to put more houses. Driving along Station Road the level crossing exit was blocked by a car indicating right waiting to park on the roadside. In School Lane, a silly little lane barely wide enough to pass in a car with loads of parked and manoeuvring cars all over the place with parents and children in the road. Providing a "drop-off" area and stopping road parking offers no solution. Who will enforce this? Nobody.
The school needs to send out a circular to all parents asking for consideration with their driving and parking during the drop-off and pick-up times. The local roads werent built for this.
A couple of weeks ago the queue of traffic resulted in a stationary car waiting across the railway lines. The barriers started coming down and the car was stuck. Fortunately there was some last second movement that enabled the car to exit at the last second, but there is a genuine risk of tragedy. I have concerns about the impact of more houses and the lorry route at these busy times.
Parking also on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the choir at the church,where I welcome the church being used .I do not welcome if you want to turn left in to chapel road cars parking right up to the junction.making it extremely dangerous trying to go round them.This also applies to people who use the pub ,who think parking on the pavement is acceptable.
To add to this my wife and I were nearly struck along station rd whilst walking our dog by a Newalls lorry. The lorry mounted the pavement to avoid a van coming the other way ! We were in clear sight ! The van was more important maybe
Im not sure this thread was made to start throwing accusations at people and companies it’s was purely a simple comment to come up with a solution but well done spooner row usual outcome!!
all these comments about parking along the road and as per the first comment a bigger car park could solve all the problems! a long thread with one simple answer 🤷♀️
To add to this my wife and I were nearly struck along station rd whilst walking our dog by a Newalls lorry. The lorry mounted the pavement to avoid a van coming the other way ! We were in clear sight ! The van was more important maybe
I am not surprised. Station Road is ok until two large lorries need to pass then mounting the pavement seems to be the option of choice. I once took a photo of a large lorry that mounted the pavement close to me while I was walking among, he saw me and got quite aggressive.
Even if the council built an enormous car park, people would still park on the surrounding roads, there is no law against them doing that.
The Newall lorry route through Spooner Row is a problem. Why wasn't the impact of this route examined with Newall's planning applications? That is a reasonable question. The junction opposite the pub on the lorry route is also dangerous.
It is ridiculous to suggest that the two are separate issues. When discussing parking options and congestion in the village one must consider the lorry issue.
It beggars belief that developers working alongside the District Council want to build dozens of houses on Station Road and Bunwell Road, which will increase the highway use at school times on a lorry route. Where is the infrastructure upgrade? No bus service for the village, only a long walk with the traffic up to the London Road bus stop. Can you imagine how much busier it will be at school times? They need to invest in a new road system and proper drainage for the whole village first.
They should be building houses on the outskirts of Norwich where there is the infrastructure to cope rather than in rural villages where people will have no choice but to use their own transport causing a massive increase in car use.
Whilst in no way advocating new housing being built in Station Road, but if this does happen at some time in the future, surely the installation of a footpath to the London Road should be a case for the developer to provide?
Also, regarding the Newall lorries, they should have more respect for the pedestrians who use Station Road and act accordingly. It is not all about them.
Considering the chaos at school times, it doesn't seem to slow or put off any of the ever increasing numbers of tractors or Newell's lorries hurtling through this village. Traffic seems heavier than ever and I hear stories of near misses through mounting kerbs. I feel they do not respect this village or it's inhabitants. Bring back the SAMS monitor.
Then why not object, I hear people moaning yet as per usual noone does anything about it, they are also going through Bunwell and Upgate Street on a regular basis. Contact highways too.
I agree we should all speak up more to the decision-makers and contact the Council and highways.
On the Norfolk County Council website, there is as yet no letter of objection from the Community Council and only two from members of the public. On the Consultees list, Spooner Row was not included. The Community Council should insist it is informed as this development has a direct effect on Spooner Row.
I asked the driver of this car who had parked across my drive why she was doing so, her reply was “ it was only halfway across drive “ implying that that was ok!! I also had to ask another driver, who had parked against level crossing, to move so I could get into my driveway! Hopefully the school will see this and act on it.
What I can’t understand is people say the car park is ok, but it’s fairly full all day so who is that teachers - which then leaves no space for parents to park
Even if they extended the car park for the school run, there would be too many vehicles queuing at the entrance which would cause further tailbacks along Station Road. It would make things worse and parents would still continue to park on the nearby roads. Not forgetting the lorries driving past.
Enrich Trust should not be looking to expand the school.
I don't think that would make much difference. It would be just another vehicle entrance for queuing cars and how much of the playing field would be used for this? Probably quite a bit. It is likely that the parents will continue to park where they like.
What about the school requesting that all those in walking distance of the school, walk and for those further away a coach pick-up service? The school is independent so this could be arranged.
As Station Road is closed all week due to the flooding at the level crossing, the lorries are using an alternative route. Why can't this alternative route be the normal route they use?
The lorries are going via Top Common and have along with all the cars destroyed the grass verges. The railway bridge is unlikely designed to take this weight of vehicle either. This road is not meant to have this volume of traffic. there are not passing points either.