Have just heard from SNC that there is going to be a
PUBLIC MEETING at Central Hall, Wymondham on
WEDNESDAY 29th APRIL - time:7.30p.m.
A notice about this should be in next weeks Mercury - not that we get it delivered - but I don't know if they'll put leaflets out to everyone. If we haven't received any by the evening of Tuesday 21st. I'll put up several neon posters round all the villages myself on the Wednesday 22nd / Thursday 23rd. I know many of you are fed up to the back teeth with the Gypsy and Traveller issue - but that's exactly the way Government Departments work - they bank on less and less people responding on each progressive consultation which eventually lowers the objection rate. This means that the motion will get passed as there are very few objections by the time it reaches it's final consultation.
Please note: Wymondham Town Council formally requestedthis Public Meeting
It's important that, if you have question and objections, it is in your interests to attend - so hope to see you all there -
Lynn is absolutely right, we must keeping opposing these unsuitable proposals and not let this undemocratic council wear us down. No leaflets have been distributed so I expect many people will be unaware of the Public Meeting. Even so, pass the word around and please attend the Public Meeting if you can, and let the district council know that if they do go ahead with this unpopular development then it will be against a strong public feeling.