Dear Residents - you should have all received this through your doors today and thanks very much for listening to me. It's good to know how strongly you feel about this issue, and that we are not alone in fighting this development.
There is an error on the note however: the web address should be as below. If you copy and paste you will be OK. If you could pass this information on to other people I would be grateful.
We are local residents of the adjoining parish of Besthorpe and are concerned by the increase of HGV and construction traffic along Bunwell Road and through Spooner Row. We consider neither Bunwell Road nor Spooner Row suitable for this traffic. Our local roads are in a poor state of repair and passage of heavy vehicles can only make them worse.
Much of this traffic is from the site currently under extensive development adjacent to our house (Hill House, Besthorpe, on Bunwell Rd). The operator is storing large rail maintenance and construction plant for use around the region. We are aware of traffic movement to and from the site at night as well as during the day. There are other more sustainable locations available to businesses of this scale and nature without detriment to the rural landscape, such as the already established industrial estates in the area that have good access to the A11 to ensure this traffic does not pass through villages and towns.
A recent planning application has been made to extend the industrial unit behind Hill House. We are opposing this application as we are concerned it will allow unconstrained increase in activity on the site and in associated traffic. The application can be viewed on the internet here:
We have raised this matter with the Besthorpe Parish and Breckland Councils. We have also contacted your local councillor on the Wymondham Town Council. We would like to know the strength of feeling from Spooner Row residents affected by this traffic, and urge you to support the objection to the planning application and to help us pursue any other action available to limit the activity associated with the site.
Please support the objection by contacting us, or by responding directly to Breckland Council regarding the planning application (3PL/2010/0252/F (deadline 15th June) on the basis of:
•the impact of the scale of development and its appearance on the rural landscape from Bunwell Rd;
•that the proposal would increase traffic through Spooner Row
•and that the traffic is unsuitable for the roads.
You can respond in two ways:
•writing to Phil Daines, Developmental Services Manager, Breckland Council, Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke, Dereham, Norfolk. NR19 1EE; or
•directly on the Breckland website - follow the web link above and click on ‘comment on this application’.
We will post updates regarding the site on the Spooner Row website message board.
Did you know there has also been 5 operators licence aplications from these premisis so i advise you contact VOSA to sort before you have even more traffic as it is going to become a haulage yard also
I'm the Wymondham Town Councillor referred to in the original post & I'm now looking into this. It's all taking place in the next Council's area Besthorpe Parish not Spooner Row, within Breckland not South Norfolk, so [1] not our jurisdiction and [2] we may not quite have had as much advanced notice as we might otherwise. I see from the planning documentation that there was no advance press notice; but in any case there is a week for consultation. Any views welcome; either post them here, reply to the originator of this topic and/or email me:
Although this planning application is not in the jurisdiction of Spooner Row and South Norfolk, it will still affect those living in this village. Bunwell Rd and Station Rd residents in particular will be exposed to heavy haulage vehicles passing their front doors. Others affected will be primary school children, users of the village hall, church, pub, recreation ground, railway halt and not to mention additional damage to our fragile county roads. I regularly see people with dogs and pushchairs negotiating the chicane by the school where there is no footpath. An increase in these large haulage lorries will be hazardous for the village.
I think this type of industry should be kept to operating from trunk roads.
Thanks for that, anon. By "not our jurisdiction" I certainly didn't mean "not our concern", of course. Indeed we seem to be in the worrying situation where we get the worst of both worlds in several instances.
The actual usage (intended and already going on) of the site is not at all clearly implied by the nature of the actual planning application which is merely for the construction of a rather innocuous looking extension to an existing building. Only careful scrutiny of minor items (e.g. Lorry Wash) give any clue.
The heavy industrial nature of the site becomes apparent at first glance however. To be awakened at 03:00 by that sort of ironmongery setting off on its journeys is obviously of greatest concern to its immediate neighbours, but I think we should all be concerned with such innappropriate usage level of minor rural roads. The countryside is being industrialised by stealth.
Thanks for your concern in this matter John. We fully agree that our countryside is being industrialised by stealth. The lack of information demonstrates a total lack of concern and awareness for neighbours and village residents.
It's important that this current application is not seen in isolation. By looking at this 'Hill House' site from Bunwell Road it is clear that the bulk of recent development has not been addressed in this application. We believe there will be further applications to follow. We urge residents to go and see for themselves.
Yes we should be concerned about this application. The applicant is not going to the expense of constructing a new building without getting a return. It's a good bet it will be used to increase the existing business by further repairs, maintenance and sales of heavy plant. All of which will be transported through Spooner Row via Bunwell Rd & Station Rd. Other residents of Spooner Row will also be affected. Those attending functions at the pub, the school, the village hall & the church will not be immune from the extra noise these transporters make.
It might be possible to address individual HGV operators and prevent the issue and extension of further VOSA operator licences on the site, thereby reducing the traffic.
Brian Michael Newman (Mike Newman - the haulier who is moving the Paul John Group vehicles) and John Levi Smith (JS Asphalt) have both recently applied for licences to use the site. Whilst we understand that Mr Newman's contract is necessary for the construction industry, we object to this activity on this particular site as it is unsuitable for HGV traffic.
By studying JL Smith's licences it appears to us that he is moving his operation from it's current location to 'Hill House Industrial Estate'. It's too late to object to Mike Newman's application, but there's still time to oppose JS Asphalt. These heavy trucks - possibly containing asphalt, with all its associated smells - are wholly unsuited to these roads.
The VOSA objection process is difficult to understand, but this link will get you to the right place. TIME IS CRUCIAL - the deadline for this is WED 16 JUNE BY POST.
The licence application for JS Asphalt is on page 14 of that document.
Here's info about how to make an objection - don't let the beaurocracy put you off. The VOSA website is very user-unfriendly but this link tells you what you can do and how to voice any objection:
Our letter addresses concerns about the small site access, the nature and state of the roads, the passage of HGV traffic through Spooner Row (school, chicanes, parked cars etc), and the 'industrialisation by stealth' of our countryside. We also have addressed the problem of how inaccessible this information is to the public - on those grounds we have "retro-objected" to Mr Newman's application although the deadline has passed.
The address to write to is:
Traffic Commissioner
Eastern Traffic Area Office
Hillcrest House
386 Harehills Lane
Another copy must be send to the operator making the application:
John Levi Smith (JS Asphalt)
Sunnyside Farm
Golf Links Rd
Morley St Peter
NR18 9SU
Because of the closed nature of the licence application process, most we think go through unoppposed because there is no obligation for the operators to make local residents aware of their intent. Again, 'industrialisation by stealth'. This is an issue we are currently pursuing with our MP.
We urge you to respond to this VOSA licence application by John Levi Smith (trading as JS Asphalt).
This is an update on the “Hill House Industrial Estate” planning application.
At present we believe there are 5 businesses using the site (even though the site is not completed), so it is reasonable to assume that activity and traffic will increase significantly upon completion. This traffic will pass through Spooner Row, further damaging our roads and thereby increasing the need for repairs, and consequently our taxes. The industrialisation of our environment causes the value of our homes to fall, increases the risk of accidents on our roads, and makes the countryside a far less attractive place to bring up familes. There are other established sites in the region that are specially designed for these activities to occur safely, considerately and responsibly.
Click on Documents, and you get a menu of all the public documents from all parties involved. If this issue is important to you and our environment please take the time to read these documents. It is possible to respond to any of these that you feel may have influence over your concerns: I am particularly interested in the letter in the Highways Comment section. This letter refers only to the current application but does not mention the massive on-site development nor the number of businesses currently in operation - surely if the site is considered as a whole then the increase of traffic becomes of serious concern?
All the objections are filed under Neighbour Comments – this is a big file so it takes a while to open, please have a cup of tea to hand!
It is not too late to make an objection: the current deadline is Tues 15th June, although too late for the postal service, but still possible for an online objection or if you take a written objection in by hand.
This is an update on traffic-activity on the 'Hill House Industrial Estate' (20/06/2010):
Observed traffic flow:
120 individual traffic movements in the 12-hour period between 12.40pm Sat 19th – 12.10am Sun 20th June. We stopped making log entries and went to bed, but were aware of further movements until at least 2am. We were awoken at 6.30am by more of the same. During the hours of darkness the rear field of the site was continuously lit by floodlights.
Has anyone along the routes noticed an increase in traffic that corresponds with these observations? Most of the traffic is vans, minibuses and smaller trucks – not HGV for this present activity however. Much of this traffic has ‘Balfour Beatty’ written on the vehicles.
We are led to understand that this site is now also being used as a 'sign-on point' for Network Rail work. We have received no notification/information from Network Rail, Balfour Beatty or Paul John Group about this activity. Our information comes from personal observation, and from a text message from a third party not in the employ of any of the three companies who are apparently involved. We do not know how long this activity is planned to continue, but it is interesting to read the 'Sustainability' message on the Balfour Beatty website in the light of these current activities immediately adjacent to our home.
Again, we question the suitability of the site for this activity.
all operator need to put an add in local papers about intended operating centers so i suggest you as locals read you papers then you will see who is applying
Mike Newman is only applying for one operator's licence at Hill House which is for a 7 1/2 tonner and he already has two existing operator's licences at Stubley Farm in Bill Watlings Yard.
JS Asphalt does not need an operators licence for road sweepers. Facts should be checked out before making comments online.
I am a resident of spooner row village and have been for a number of years now. I have a few concernes regarding this matter which I think need to be voiced. After reading all the messages and looking at the planning applications I took it upon myself to visit the site in question. Upon arriving unannounced I was greeted by the chap that runs the existing workshops (Mr Chris Watling) and was quickly introduced to everybody that is working from the site and found them all to be very friendly approachable people. Mr Watling was more than willing to give me a tour of the site and explaine what they are actually trying to achieve the construction of a new building is actually a small extention to the existing building which will be used by the guys that are already working outside the truck wash is actually an area to wash the plant equipement so any noise will be to a minimum. They have erected fences to help block the view from hill house which if my memory serves me correctly had tall trees surrounding it to which the current owner cut down. The enterance has been made wide enough to take heavy commercial vehicles and the entrance has also been laid to grass and landscaped to help the appearance. The rail guys that are opperating from there are maintaining and upgrading the rail lines in our region which I personally think is a good thing they also repair their plant from the site and provide employment for lots of men and also provide schemes for young local school leavers. I spent over 3 hours there in total and traffic movement in and out of the site in my opinion was minimal there was more heavy traffic on the road that I could hear and most of my time spent there all I could hear was the birds singing!! JS ashphalt has his vehicle maintenance carried out at the site which from what I could see included sweeper trucks and a tipper truck which caused no smell what so ever. I had the pleasure of also meeting Mr Newman who came in to collect some machines that were being used on local rail his truck was no bigger than all the other heavy goods vehicles that come and go through our village to local farms etc. Mr Barnard who owns the site used to opperate heavy earth moving machinery from there which makes the rail equipement look very small I can remember this but some of you may not and before that the site was a coal yard operated by the Morter family from 1937!!
In my opinion these guys are doing there best to keep people happy in the village and to employ local people and provide oppertunities for school leavers which I'm all for giving the current climate and unemployment rate! I also think that any one locally who has any concern about whats going on should not always listen to others who seem to blow things completely out of proportion and take time to visit these guys and the site and see for themselfs these guys who are trying to get on in life. After all said when you sit down at meal times just take a minute to think how the food you are about to eat actually got to the supermarket shelf as with most things we buy in life some time or other has been transported by road or rail.
well said that man who took time to find out ,there seems to be some people complaining who are only interested in there own end with there own motives
many years ago i moved mr barnard plant on to this site ,with old type trailers and units, i had to revers in to site useing grass banks to get in,modern vehicles with steering axels take up less room and do less damage to banks ect,plus i have looked at the entrance its nice and wide and no damage is being done to the banks (lucky modern day truckers )
For the people who are supporting this insensitive, expanding activity - would you like to live next door to it? I assume they are not going past your front door. And I suppose you also agree that it is OK to put these large lorries through our small village! Lets hope that no residents get in their way especially when they automate the level crossing!
As a matter of fact they do pass my door not that I really take much notice of them as they are part of everyday life in the village and have been for many years now in fact since the closure of penwoods factory I think the number of HGV vehicles that pass is less and from what I see the ones that do still pass through do so in an acceptable manner unlike some car drivers I have seen!! which route do you sugest these trucks are to use as well as all the farm delivery trucks that pass through? we all have a choice where we live if you choose to buy a house next to an industrial unit or a level crossing because it looks cheap what do you expect I could understand if these guys were creating lots of noise pollution etc or working 24/7 365 with a fleet of 50 trucks???? I personally prefer whats going on now what with creating employment etc compared with 20 travellers and caravans moving in DONT YOU?? What is your concern exactly with automated barriers as most of the other small crossings in the area are already automated or do you not know this??
have you no idea how awful automated barriers would sound CONSTANTLY going off right next to your head as you try to sleep??you are an idiot!think before you spout your mouth off.
I think I am right in saying that the person living next to the level crossing/signal box has been living there for many years. It is the PROPOSED INSTALLATION of an unmanned, half crossing with a claxon instead of the manned signal box that is concerning him. In fact the claxon noise will affect all households living near to the level crossing if it gets installed. I think calling this person an idiot is a bit out of order.
What has this thread about "Heavy Construction Traffic" got to do with Level Crossings anyway?
I went past the Hill House HGV site today and there is a lot of development and changes going on there. How big is this going to get and how will it affect road users and residents?
I think complaining about the traffic going through the village of spooner row is stupid! we have cars driving at i dont know what speed! how would they not effect school children walking on paths? also, farm traffic, what about the big tractors going through the village, surely they leave more mess after muck spreading, and what mess does the lorries leave? absoutley nothing! These people are trying to help kids coming out of school without a job! You should of thought about what affects it would have living in the house that you do before you moved in.
To be honest, the people in the house next to the yard should get over themselves. they knew that there was a workshop behind where there living. and if they dont like it mayb they should move. From my point of veiw i think the people in the house are making a big fuss about this and its getting all abit childish... its almost as if they are trying to get people out of work, when job centres are trying to get people into work!!!
im totally disagreeing with all the bad comments about the 'yard'. the comment saying there are 5 companies down there before the place is ready, when they need to work down there to get it ready. isnt that abit of common sence?
and if you dont like the train line business why live near a train line!!!!
Has a planning decision been made about the vast increase in activity at this site yet? I hope the planners take into consideration all the people it will adversely affect with the increase of heavy lorry traffic through the area.
its not just the heavy duty lorries that affect spooner row, tractors and fast cars affect it too. i dont see why so much fuss has just been caused after the workshop has been in buisness so long.
The person who is in favour of this yard should get real. Don't you understand that the vast majority of us in Spooner Row don't like heavy lorries going through our village - making it dangerous for everyone, slowing us down, breaking up the road that we all have to pay for and making noise day and night. I feel sorry for the poor sod who has to live next to this yard - there is no planning permission for the increase in activity that is going on there. Why on earth are the Council or Police allowing this sort of activity to continue, effectively at the end of someone's back garden! We don't want this sort of business in this locale. The only one's benefiting from this yard are those who run it..the yard's business should be relocated to an industrial unit near a trunk road, where it would not upset anyone.
initially, i did agree with the non expansion of the area. Then after talking to the man responsible for the planning application (he actually came round to our house of his own accord to apologise about noise, etc) it seems to me that the guy is just trying to make a living like the rest of us.I have lived around the area for all my life and there has always been a business behind the house in question.Was this not picked up in your land survey before you moved in? Can the people against the application please answer these questions;1. If we stop these lorries coming through the village are we going to do the same to Banham Poultry? We get more of those lorries coming through at all times of the day and night on a constant basis and certain lorries do leave a gut wrenching smell. 2.The extra traffic was for rail work to improve the track in preparation for the 2012 Olympics... Do we not want any of the extra income from from probably the biggest event the country has ever held? 3. There would be a lot less traffic if those people who live a mile or less to the school actually left the gas guzzling, ozone killing, 4x4s at home and walked.Everyones a winner then. Unfortunately sometimes expansion is needed but in moderation
1. Yes it would be good to stop the lorries from Banham Poultry going through our village. Why can't the lorries find an alternative route onto the A11, at least for some of the time? Don't you see that nobody likes heavy lorries going past their front door in a rural village setting. Would you? - that's why we have industrial units next to the trunk roads on the edge of towns. The operation of heavy lorries in the village, just to line the pockets of a few individuals, is unwelcome. Nobody has the right to upset their neighbour - it does not matter who was there first. We all have to try and live together, but moving heavy lorries around all hours of the day close to a dwelling is hardly neighbourly..!
2. How on earth will the 2012 Olympics help us in the village and what is this extra income you are on about - it certainly won't go into the pockets of anyone in our village. The only one's to profit are those operating the yard..The trainline has to be maintained anyway and it doesn't need vehicles operating in Spooner Row in order to do this.
3. The school is a community asset - nuff said. How can people walk to the school as there are no pavements at the end of Station Road. Would you like to walk in the road with lorries approaching? Perhaps some of the money that the operators of the yard are making could be ploughed back into our community? Where does the operator of this yard live anyway - I bet it's in a large house in a quiet lane, and is not bothered by anyone.
Iam not defending anyone just saying things should be done and can be done in moderation. Like you I dont like lorries going past my front door and I live a lot closer to the road than some of you! An idea ask the company in question to help with the road costs or as a goodwill jesture donate something to the community but dont forget to ask Banham Poultry,Brocks Waste Services and the dairy in Bunwell too... the list could go on forever.The reason lorries use our road is cause they are banned from going through Old Buckenham.. Whats good for 1 village is good for another? No paths on Station Road? as far as I am aware there are paths from the Thatched Cottage to the Boars, from the council houses on Chapel Road to the Boars,and pathing all the way along Station Road to the school. So, unless you live in Queens Street, Top Common or School Lane there are paths so lets get out there and use them! Regarding the Olympics the extra benefit to us is the income coming into the region that could keep us, or someone who we know in a job within the city with added tourism, unless they read this message board and pick up on all the negativeity!!!!!!
i think people are being very unfair on others here. this poor man who is running the company- is trying to earn a living for himself and his family. when others are trying to get him out of business.
im afraid to say if you dont like that fact lorries exist move away. tractors go through like that person up there said. its not just the lorrys that go through the village!!!
what would you do without lorries? -nothing. you wont be able to get food or anything, use your common sense people seriously!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, very well done for your business prowess. How does that help the quality of life for people living on the HGV route in Spooner Row? Going by those pictures, I feel even more sorry for the poor sod living next door. I prefer the idea of it remaining "completely overgrown, with a Nissen hut in the middle". The site would be only 1 minute to the A11 from an industrial site on the edge of a town, but that site would cost more money no doubt!
but what you dont understand is the business was there before the people moved in....... was it not high lighted on their land survey from the estate agent when they moved in??? it was on mine and i live over 2 miles away. Another thing would you object if it was your son or daughter who worked there so they put food on tye table for their family?????
Have people forgotten this yard has been a earth moving yard since 1976 its not a new one is it Jelous people or people who have moved in the village to die that have a problem with the yard its difficult enough for people to find jobs in the country as it is
if that 'poor old sod' doesnt like it then why doesnt he move out of his house. he bought that property knowing there was a yard behind it.. i just think this man needs to get real to be fair!!!!!!
insted of writing all over a website complaining... nothing is happening about it. so just leave it and get on with your own sad lives!!!!!!!
Why should he move away? It is the business who should move to an industrial estate which is where considerate businesses such as this, usually locate themselves. A relocation would not affect how many people are employed - that is a stupid excuse. Village roads in the area would be safer too.
Supporters of the site keep portraying this business as being a major employer of local people in the village and puts bread on their table, but just how many local people does this business employ? Is it 10, 20 or maybe even 30 locals or more!? Please let me know as there are plenty of people around here looking for jobs, maybe he can help.
if that 'poor old sod' doesnt like it then why doesnt he move out of his house. he bought that property knowing there was a yard behind it.. i just think this man needs to get real to be fair!!!!!!
insted of writing all over a website complaining... nothing is happening about it. so just leave it and get on with your own sad lives!!!!!!!
I wonder how much the property next door has devalued since the site started to expand beyond control without planning permission. I drove past there and was surprised at just how much it had grown. Maybe they are trying to drive these people out of their house, particularly as the comments are now getting more personal.
If you move somewhere that is relatively quiet and you know it has a yard then it expands WITHOUT planning permission to such a degree that you are deprived of your sleep and not allowed to have a say, then there is something wrong with the system.
I think, the house next door should find out how much their property has devalued and ask the expanding business site to compensate them. That is what I call as "getting real to be fair", to quote the message above, and perhaps then we can all "get on with our sad lives".
how come we have heard nothing from mr hylton lataly? it seems all us villagers are arguing but nothing is coming from them? there is nothing wrong with expansion as long as its done with consultation of all parties involved, and after speaking to the very nice bloke from the yard who came to my house to apologise about the lorries and then staying for the next 30 mins to explain everything what has gone on it seems to me that he is doing all he can to not invade their privacy.... live with it or unfortunately move out as i am sure others would jump at the chance to move to a village such as ours
Simon, the reason why people remain anonymous is because of people like you. Stop trying to turn this into a stupid battle between "locals" and "outsiders". What the hell do these terms mean anyway? Are you defined as an outsider if you were born in Spooner Row, Suton, Norwich, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, England, UK or The World? There's a whole world full of life and industries outside Spooner Row and plenty of opportunities for employment and industrial expansion. Spooner Row is a village and most of us in the village want to keep it that way. HGV's are unpopular in any village location - hence why there is so much opposition nationally to such developments in any village community. Agreed, the site was there before the person moved in, but it was only light industry. If the owner wants to expand, and he clearly does, he should look for an alternative site closer to other similar industries outside the village. Workers could easily travel there to work. How would you feel about having this site at the end of your garden? The reason why this site was selected was primarily for financial reasons. Spooner Row is not dead - it's a villlage, not a town, and is not a suitable site for industrial development. I suggest that you get out the village sometimes to work and explore the world around you. You can then return to a bit of peace and quiet, which is sadly hard to obtain these days.
how come we have heard nothing from mr hylton lataly? it seems all us villagers are arguing but nothing is coming from them? there is nothing wrong with expansion as long as its done with consultation of all parties involved, and after speaking to the very nice bloke from the yard who came to my house to apologise about the lorries and then staying for the next 30 mins to explain everything what has gone on it seems to me that he is doing all he can to not invade their privacy.... live with it or unfortunately move out as i am sure others would jump at the chance to move to a village such as ours
I am not surprised that we have heard nothing from Mr Hylton lately jj, with all the agro he has received on here. From what I have read on here, he moved into a house with a small industrial site next door which was considered fine. But then it turned into an enormous 24/7 lorry park with NO PLANNING PERMISSION! I expect anyone in that situation would stand up for a right to speak out to such an intrusion - that it why we have planning permission. How would you feel if they built a Travellers site without planning permission!?? Yes we do need lorry parks but IN THE RIGHT PLACES. I am sick of these damned lorries going up and down Station Road - what a stupid place to put an HGV route - it just encourages heavy lorry parks in all the wrong places.