I have rung Officers at Breckland District Council this morning.
1. Chris the planning office informed me that the planning application 3PL/20/2010/0252 /F New Industrial Unit Bunwell Rd Besthorpe has not been determined yet because negotiations are continuing regarding linking the new unit to the existing industrial unit.
2. Possible Gypsy and Travellers site
Officer David Spencer has recommended viewing Brecklands LDF.
On Breckland District Council Home Page Click on LDF (on the right of the page) then
Attleborough and Snetterton Heath Area Action Plan
Issues and Options
Consultation Portal
There are two remaining public drop in sessions.
Attleborough Town Hall 27th Nov 10.am - 12.30 pm
Attleborough Connaught Hall (near railway station) 2nd December 10.00am - 12.30pm.
Officers are searching two broad areas for a 15 pitch site within the area North of the A11 and within the area of South of the A11
Hopefully the northern arrow is indicating the general area and not a specific site.
I attended Wymondham Town Council Planning meeting on 21st December because I had requestd on 7th December that Breckland District Council's future plans (Local Development Framework ) be discussed. Their proposals are out to public consultation at the moment.
After a journey in the snow to the third public session held in Attleborough it would appear that at least two proposals from Breckland District Council may, if implemented, impact on the Spooner Row,Suton and Morley areas which are in South Norfolk Council's area.
One is a distributor road the other a Gypsy and Traveller Site. I have asked that the Town Council requests a public drop in session in Spooner Row before the end of January 2011 when the consultation ceases. The Town Council have agreed and are writing to Breckland.It was reported verbally by the Town Clerk that South Norfolk Council are strongly objecting to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller site. ( minutes to be confirmed))
Residents in the past have made very valuable contributions to South Norfolk Council's consultations and I feel strongly that residents have a right to be consulted either via South Norfolk or Breckland Councils or in a joint consultation.We need to see the detailed plans, clarify the detail and respond with the full facts.
I would emphasise that these are early days and clarification of Breckland's proposals are needed. It is unacceptable that it was due to the sharp eyes of a resident that these proposals came to my attention and that I was able to draw them to the attention of the Town Council.
I attended the public meeting at Morley Village Hall on Friday to discuss Breckland District Council's development proposals for this area, particularly as their proposals will affect villages in South Norfolk Council's area (Morley, Suton, Spooner Row) as well as Besthorpe with their Distributor Road and G&T site. It is a poor state of affairs that no one from Breckland Council could be bothered to turn up; we were told they were invited and their development map ACTUALLY includes not only their own land but land in South Norfolk Council's area as well.
Morley Website has a link for more information and action to take at http://morley-village.co.uk/ follow the News and Making a Protect links.
At the meeting it was suggested that all your comments and concerns which are to be sent to Breckland Council should also be copied and sent to South Norfolk Council for information. South Norfolk Council said they would be objecting to the Breckland's proposals in this area.
thanks to Tim Horspole from South Norfolk Council for attending Morley's meeting and also Diana Hockaday for being there. Shame on Breckland Council for failing to attend and answer our concerns - if they are so sure and proud of their proposals, you would think they would have jumped at the chance!
Is Breckland council going to do a drop-in session at Spooner Row and properly inform us of their Action Plan and proposals for this area?