I attended Wymondham Town Council's Planning meeting on January 19th and outlined the reasons why I was requesting they respond to Brecklands LDF Consultation.
I also requested that the Town Council explore with Breckland whether Distributor Road 3 which initially adversly appears to impact on Spooner Row might remove HGVs from Station Road and that I would wish to be included in any discussions.
I also mentioned that at the Morley meeting South Norfolk Council's Planning and Housing Policy Manager had offered to share South Norfolk's response with the Town Council in order for it to be taken into account when formulating their response.
I understand that the Manager's report was originally being taken to South Norfolk's Cabinet Meeting on 31st January but this meeting has now been moved to the 7th February.
One resident has expresed concerns that this date is beyond Breckland's Consultation deadline. However I explained that, in my experience, it was not unusual for a few days leeway between councils - but that we still needed to respond to Breckland's official deadline of 28th Jan with copies to South Norfolk Council.
Whilst I have been told that it is not possible for one planning authority to plan in another authority's area it would appear that this has happened and that the public's responses are being recorded. It is difficult to know who to believe. Should we respond or not? If someone in Authority had stood up early on and publicly clarified the situation alot of time would have been saved.
Diana Hockaday
RE: Breckland District Council LDF - informed response
In order to make a more informed response to Breckland's LDF Consultation I have arranged a meeting with the Principle Planning Officer at Breckland Council on Monday 24th January.
I am grateful to Mr Spencer for this opportunity at such very short notice.
Diana Hockaday
RE: Breckland District Council LDF - proposals in the South Norfolk Area
Concerns about the Gypsy and Traveller site search area in the Spooner Row,Suton and Morley areas of Wymondham Parish appear to have deflected local awareness of possible distribution routes from major new developments being considered in the Attleborough Area. Cllr John Turner drew my attention to this and as mentioned in my previous posting, I arranged a meeting and met with the Principle Planning Officer for Breckland at Dereham. I am grateful to him for clarifying the possible routes, especially route 3 which I now understand may join the A11 at the Spooner Row roundabout.
Local residents will be interested to consider the potentail effect such a road may have on HGV traffic.At this early stage no detailed research or plans have been carried out .The picture should be clearer in the Autumn.