Spooner Row Message Board

Post Info TOPIC: Proposed new houses in Spooner Row (this topic has a second page)
John Turner

Proposed new houses in Spooner Row (this topic has a second page)

Harvey & Co, a firm of Surveyors and Development Consultants, has written to the Town Council (specifically the Clerk and the three Councillors who represent Cromwells ward including Spooner Row).  On behalf of their client, Mr J. Alston, the letter discusses a proposal for two sites: one in Chapel Road, the other in Bunwell Road.

They mention our Local Development Framework (that's the process now in progress at South Norfolk Council), which is good because that's all about public consultation.

To help everyone have a look at the plans I've put a copy up on the Web.  So have a look & let's have some replies to this post saying what Spooner Row residents think of it.



John Turner

RE: Proposed new houses in Spooner Row

There is something I should have mentioned (in case anyone asks Why are you publishing this now?) because the Site Specific part of the LDF does not come in to play for some time yet.  Harveys actually first contacted me (& presumably our other Councillors too) some months ago, requesting early discussion.  So, in complete fairness to everyone involved, that is why.  This post does not mean that I personally like/dislike this proposal any more or less than any other proposed site(s) under discussion.

Also, this Saturday 3rd March, there's a workshop about the local plan in Central Hall.  A poster is on our Village Hall notice board.



several points come to mind: 1. where would the children who live in these houses go to school? (I presume that all the houses are not just designed as commuter ones) The local school is already full,would Alstons pay for an extension to the school to accomodate this? 2.What benefit would these houses bring to our village? If the residents in those houses drive to work, (which being out here they need to realistically), they would not bring any business to the village at all. 3. Have any of the residents in the designated areas been consulted about these projects? Many have been here for years or have spent a vast amount of money on their properties as its an area/view that they want to keep. 4.Only last year we were all complaining on this very website about the vast amount of traffic on these roads.More houses more lorries to bring supplies etc and more cars when complete.

I presume J.Alstons is the same J.Alston who lives in Besthorpe Hall? So its all very well for him to look out over his acres and drive around in his massive 4x4 knowing that he cannot be built near without taking into consideration the views of others who may of put him in council office at some time of his career. Bit of advice.... dont bite the hand that feeds you



interesting, few points 1. Where would the children fron the new houses go to school? the local one is already full as was said numerous times when the travellers site was discussed.2.More housing, more lorries delivering, more cars,busier roads. Did we not complain about this on here last year?3.Would any new housing bring any new business to the village? I very much doubt it as most would be commuter housing. 4.Have the people around the desired areas been consulted?Many have been there a long time or have spent vast amounts on their properties as they like the area/view not to be spoilt now.

I take it J.Alston is the current proprieter of Besthorpe hall and looks out from there happy that no one can build near to him.One last comment, was it not some of us who maybe put this man into various councils along his career? A piece of advice dont bite the hand that feeds you Mr Alston, a reply would be nice!



Hi all.  I think you will find that the J Alston in question is of J Alston and Son and not John Alston at Besthorpe Hall.  The Alstons are a very large farming family in Norfolk and perhaps before casting aspersions, one should check the facts.no



How long does a new post take to be published?



So that will be a whole load more properties drawing water from a supply which already has pressure problems.  Or is an upgrade part of the envisioned relocated pumping station?

And what about sewage?  Will all these new properties have septic tank sewage sytems or will Mr Alston be paying for a mains sewage system for all of us?



Exactly. As you can see the villages resources are stretched as it is let alone with more housing. These houses might be affordable for the young, but at what cost to us?



Looking through SNDC website. I notice that Spooner Row has now been somehow declared a 'Norwich Service Village' and not a 'Rural Village' like all those around (ashwellthorpe, bunwell etc).  Don't know where and how on the LDF consultation that changed...so other villages around have now had info on where houses are being placed posted on SNDC cabinet minutes. cannot find any info or maps on spooner row despite 2 cabinet meetings on the subject. Any info greatly received as one proposed development will change the countryside views from my livingroom to the backs of new houses who will have my views instead.


John Turner


Coincidentally, this topic was mentioned in the WTC meeting yesterday evening.  By way of a follow-up, Cllr Robert Savage, the newly-appointed Mayor of Wymondham who is also a SNDC Councillor has sent an email the text of which I quote below:--

At Tuesday's Council meeting, the question of how Spooner Row was to be treated under the site specific allocations for houses was raised. The following information has been provided by SNC.
Spooner Row is defined as a Norwich Policy Area 'Service Village' in the Joint Core Strategy meaning it will be considered as part of the Site Specific Policies and Allocations document rather than through the Wymondham Area Action Plan. As a 'Service Village' we will be looking to make an allocation of 10-20 houses in Spooner Row, although as it is in the Norwich Policy Area there is a chance that the village may have to accommodate an element of the 'floating 1800'.
As far as I am aware we will be taking proposals for Spooner Row (along with other settlements in the Norwich Policy Area) to Cabinet on 11th June, this means it would be likely to be considered by Local Plans Steering Group on 23rd May.
With regard to the Wymondham Area Action Plan I am currently finalising the report of the consultation results which I am hoping to be able to share with Members at the special Local Plans Steering Group on 14th May. It is planned to take the results of the consultation and some early work on developing a vision/objectives for the Area Action Plan to Cabinet on 11th June, with more detailed work on the preferred options to follow in July.
Robert Savage
Councillor, Abbey Ward
6 Park Lane
NR18 9BG
01953 603722



This distiction between different types of village seems rather strange to me.  Spooner Row seems to be in a worst of both worlds situation again (like we are in the case of paying Council tax to Wymondham for the street lamps and pavements but not actually having any).  On the other hand it could be good for us by giving us more time to consider housing allocation questions.  Thanks to Diana Hockaday for raising the point in WTC.



Yes, it does seem strange that Spooner Row is being carved up from the rest of the Parish of Wymondham and allocated a new status of a Norwich Service Village.  We are part of Wymondham and should be considered within the Wymondham Action Plan, after all many of us attended the recent Wymondham Action Plan Meeting and Consultations held in March.  For the LDF Councillors to suddenly change Spooner Row's status from a Rural Village to a Norwich Service Village halfway though the LDF's planning process and at the crucial stage of the 'Site Specific Policy and Allocation' stage without even consulting the residents is definitely not on.  As a "Service Village" of Norwich I would imagine that we would not only have our rural village turned over to cater for an excess of new housing but probably for industry and commercial use too - lovely!

I thought the essence of the Local Development Framework (LDF) was to consult the public during the various processes and collect their views at each stage, after all it costs a great deal of money to do public consultations – we even had our MP at the last one. Yet this change of status for Spooner Row has just been slipped through without us knowing.

I am glad our two local Town Councillors have picked up on this and hope that they can get us back under the Wymondham Action Plan. Come on South Norfolk Council, treat us fairly and inform us and consult us on this! 



Our local councillors who represent us clearly didn't know any of these recent quietly made changes to Spooner Row’s LDF status, so how do they think the villagers do?..and yet the LDF  'consultation' is supposed to be engaging us all...most have no idea of what South Norfolk are now up to.

The planners pretend to consult the locals, when really they just meet with other planners and officials…and then make decisions quietly and unilaterally. They then make it all inaccessible or indecipherable to everyone affected by their decisions just for good measure. In short, they treat us spooner row villagers with contempt. The developers pretend to know what is good for a village they don’t have any ties with, but really only care about making as much money as possible at the expense of others. However, planners should be intelligent enough to not listen to them and rubber stamp things. If they do, many will challenge their decisions when they have brick walls rather than fields immediately in front of their windows..as I will do.

Planning authorities should act with integrity and with existing council tax payers  in mind ..and build housing estates (like the one proposed up on bunwell road and rumoured here in the centre of the village) in towns with amenities, not in small rural villages who sacrifice a lot of amenities for peace and quiet…. and rural views..




The last comment is spot on. I couldn't have put it better myself.



More or less every road in Spooner Row has a field close by which has proposals for new housing.  Any one of us can have our open views ruined and replaced by brick walls.  It will be interesting to see if any of the decision makers at South Norfolk Council, eg those on sit on various planning boards will have any new developments ruining their views!



The recommendations for housing in Spooner Row are now public.  The recommended locations are for Chapel Road (which is on a dangerous bend) and in School Lane (which is a no-through road and has a bottleneck at the junction next to the primary school.  Here, twice a day when the primary school opens and closes, there are countless parked cars, which causes traffic to back up the road while school children try to negotiate the cars - this is a serious accident waiting to happen). 

There are more appropriate sites in the village such as Station Road which would have no visible impact on anybody.  Both sites are unsuitable yet the planners have chosen them.

The Spooner Row map can be found on the SNC website: http://www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/democracy/default.aspx?



John Turner wrote:

Harvey & Co, a firm of Surveyors and Development Consultants, has written to the Town Council (specifically the Clerk and the three Councillors who represent Cromwells ward including Spooner Row).  On behalf of their client, Mr J. Alston, the letter discusses a proposal for two sites: one in Chapel Road, the other in Bunwell Road.

They mention our Local Development Framework (that's the process now in progress at South Norfolk Council), which is good because that's all about public consultation.

To help everyone have a look at the plans I've put a copy up on the Web.  So have a look & let's have some replies to this post saying what Spooner Row residents think of it.


John, its a pity that the landowner of the site in School Lane didn't have the courtesy to contact you and us before the recommendations were formally put up.

Cllr D Hockaday


I understand that there will be further consultation regarding the housing allocation for Spooner Row.

I will try and find out how  the present allocated sites were made and when and where the consultation will take place

Thank you

Diana Hockaday

Town Cllr for Cromwells ward





The LDF process has run, we have been in wymondham, then out of wymondham and in norwich. The decisions were delayed and then made by the council and announced to the public. 15 houses have been allocated to the village. Can somebody explain to us all how it is still possible for developers to ignore the decisions and undermine this process by further communications with the planners? It is quite astonishing.



The 15 houses have been allocated to Spooner Row under the LDF, these were part of the floating 1800 houses.  I think, but I may be wrong, a developer can still apply for planning permission outside the LDF.  The LDF is not operational yet as South Norfolk is still going through the various levels with public consultations.  What we are wondering is why weren't we part of Wymondham's consultations for housing allocations and who decided for us if it was not our parish council that this was the allocation we should receive? With the poor infra structure of our rural village, situated 15 miles from Norwich and on the edge of Breckland with potential flood areas, why have we been categorised us as a Norwich village?  There are other villages situated much closer to Norwich yet they have not been allocated any extra housing.



Makes a mockery of the LDF if you can go through all of its processes and then find that a parallel process is also being allowed to undermine it...If this is true, then it is a genuine attempt to mislead those who care about this issue and trying to use the LDF to make their voice heard. I guess some voices (and money) speak louder with the Council. All the developments in spooner row were clearly submitted as part of the LDF. In truth, the housing allocation (which was rebadged and then delayed) has now been finally pronounced on and John Fuller was in the paper (W&A Mercury last friday) reassuring small villages that they had now been spared most of the submitted developments. If this is now untrue, I'd like to hear the councils reasons for such a dramatic and rapid a u-turn of their own cabinet decisions.



Last post is surely correct. According to the paperwork from the cabinet meeting where this was all signed off, The proportion of floating 1800 house numbers allocated to a village/area takes account of the proposed LDF allocation and visa versa. 15-20 homes were envisiged for spooner row as stated earlier in this post by the planning officer. It is clearly stated that the number is not in addition. They took spooner rows allocation and mapping out of the earlier meetings as it was to have its housing determined as part of the norwich strategy. which it now has. that should be the end of it.






The Spooner Row Planning Application for 13 dwellings in Chapel Road and 20 dwellings in Bunwell Road can be found on SNC's website, Reference 2012/1806:




Has anyone the faintest idea what is going on here. I thought Bunwell road had been refused after previous planning objections and that it was rejected by both the Local Development Framework and then the Norwich Area Plan. W

Spooner Row seems to be a plaything of south norfolks planners at the moment. Constantly and deliberately changing the rules and the process by which we can object. Do we have any sort of legitimate planning process, any local voice or informed representatives in any of this..if we have I have yet to see any evidence of it.



I wouldn't mind betting they're having another go with the Bunwell Rd site because the only red mark it got on the site assessment table was due to flood risk.

If you look at the Environment Agency flood risk map some of the houses on Bunwell Rd are apparently at flood risk alongside a small section of the proposed site.

Maybe they're going to try and appeal the decision on the grounds that most of it is supposedly not at risk of flood.



does the council take into account about other planning permission within the village? I refer to the proposed 5 dwellings along Station Road (opposite the Top Common junction) there is an accompanying letter with this but is now unreadable on the roadside. At least this one doesnt affect anyone else,but it will probably be refused as it isnt anything to do with the council!



J Alstons planning application for 33 dwellings is no longer available for public viewing on the councils website. 



Comments can be made on-line for the proposed developments at Chapel Road (13 dwellings) and Bunwell Road (20 dwellings). The planning application number 2012/2016 and is different to the planning application number above. 

The SNC link is:  http://info.south-norfolk.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=MBKWKSOQ00X00



Is it worth objecting? It seems that the council planners ignore local residents' views and do their own thing anyway......



You can and should, but they will just keep resubmitting via different hidden routes until it happens. Welcome to south norfolk. Lots at stake here for a few people.



Lots at stake here for a few people? The only ones who will benefit are the ones within SNDC so it shows that they have submitted their quota of housing for this particular time, and no doubt will receive their bonuses and care one bit about who it affects. The sooner we can hopefully become a seperate council from Wymondham the sooner we might have some sort of voice that will be heard.(Whether or not its listened to is another matter!)



What amazes me is that Spooner Row's proposed housing developments are based on the new status of the village being a service village - mainly due to the tiny railway station (supposedly, Spooner Row has good public transport).  For those who have ever used Platform 1 to Norwich, you will know that this platform is so low, that to get up into the train you need to either take along your own step-ladder, wear stilts or be double jointed in order to raise your whole leg to a height above your hip. This is hardly a practical, safe or viable set-up for using public transport - I'd like to see those at SNCouncil try and regularly use this platform! Then there's the fact that few trains stop and the times at which they do stop, are no good for a working schedule - the situation is almost laughable. Do the people at SNCouncil actually have a clue as to what they are doing? - or do they just enjoy upsetting as many people as possible by allowing houses (and other unwanted developments) to be built where people least want them? - just look at the list of objections on many of the developments they've passed.

Maybe South Norfolk residents should be given a council tax refund under the Trades Descriptions Act 1968 - is the service provided by SNCouncil of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose? who is actually satisfied with their decisions? - a handful of land developers perhaps?



Regarding this proposal

If you think south norfolk planners will have any respect for local  views, democracy, development boundaries. Here is reminder of how they actually operate.

Don't hold your breath..if you want democracy move to a dfifferent part of the country. South Norfolk planning holds local views and planning processes with contempt.

Watch these plans for spooner row go the same way.




If the developers are so keen to urbanise our village, why then dont they pay for a train station upgrade, including safe platforms and provide us and the new people with better train and bus services to get us to Norwich and back.  Two/three £million should do it. We would also like some decent footpaths where there are none and a village shop would be nice.



You're right, those two articles in the local press this week don't look good. Where's the money coming from for people to buy these house - if they get completed that is. Developers working with property managers sometimes rent their properties out to the council for a reliable income - maybe that is what will happen here.

I don't like the way they want to build these Legoland style developments on prime agricultural land when so many houses are still standing empty. Today on the national news, they said that grain is in short supply and the UK will need to import a lot more grain resulting in food price increases.  Prime agricultural land should be used for what its best for - growing crops. Why aren't they building on more brown field sites and using the empty houses? This part of Norfolk is starting to look quite ugly and scruffy with the type of piecemeal developments they are allowing through.



And again and again and again. Good old south norfolk planners.. Mulbarton earler this week. Now wymondham again. Read this link. Anyone in spooner row who seriously thinks that people power, democracy or planning processes are given a fair hearing in this bit of the world need to think again.

Money and developers voices speak way louder than the electorate. Just you watch our chapel road and bunwell road get waved through. This bit of norfolk will be littered with half built unwanted houses miles from services and employment just like ireland and spain.   

A shame (literally) on all your houses.





Given that mulbarton, wymondham and suton local people power is clearly no match for blinkered, indifferent, target hungry planners in south norfolk. It seems some action groups do have the money and will to question the need for large scale development outside norwich (note spooner row have been secretly/mischievously removed from wymondhams LDF and added to this Norwich centred process too now..even though we are 13 miles away)


Lets hope some light is shone into the whole murky business.




Looking at the amount of work and professional bodies involved with this planning application, it is clear that it will go ahead despite the lack of public support and lack of public transport. The Developers said at their recent public exhibition that they would negotiate with Network Rail to provide a better train service for us in Spooner Row if the house building went ahead. I can't see any mention of that in their planning application: http://info.south-norfolk.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=documents&keyVal=MBKWKSOQ00X00 

There have already been in the last few months, several other substantial developments within the parish which were given planning approval. Most of these were in the main part of Wymondham plus the G&T site in Suton. The Council's Development Policy/Framework for house building and G&T sites etc has not even been finalised, yet Planners and Councillors are giving the go-head to big developments in the meantime. Why is the Council continuing with its Public Consultations and Local Development Policy/Framework if its business as usual when it comes to planning approval for big local developments? It makes a joke out of the whole process - their LDF has been a continuous work-in-progress for years and years.  By the time they have finalised their Local Development Policy/Framework it will be out of date. The Council should stop wasting our money and scrap their futile policy writing for their Development Framework Document and spend our money elsewhere where it matters (other council services are being cut).  Just their public consultations alone must cost a fortune - and they rarely consider what the public wants anyway, so it’s a pointless time wasting exercise for everyone.



As SNC thinks that we are now part of Norwich with our muddy roads, churned up grass verges and backward communications, why then does BT deliver to our doors, their phonebook for "South Norfolk and Lowestoft" area? BT used to give a goodwill telephone book to cover telephone numbers in Norwich, but not any more.  BT doesn't consider Spooner Row to be part of Norwich but more akin to being situated in rural south Norfolk and so provides the telephone book to cover this area.  They obviously have a better understanding of our rural position within the county than the planners at SNC. 

It seems that everyone recognises the fact that Spooner Row is a rural, backwater small village except SNC who see it as a prime house building location.  The council are desperate to build houses here as part of Norwich, under both it's LDF scheme and with independent local developers. Why doesn't SNC do the right thing and find a suitable location close to Norwich with the adequate services and infrastructure to accommodate significant house building schemes. I wonder what sort of connections the local developers have with the council to make them so very keen to develop here no matter what? How will all the extra houses benefit this village? They won't, they will just make existing problems worse and none of these existing problems will be addressed ever. How can they get away with this?



It was reported on BBC Look East News yesterday, that councils in this region no longer need to provide the number of new houses that were previously allocated to the region.  It is up to individual local councils to decide on how many new houses they want to build. Many councils can now take into consideration the views of the local people and will not build houses where people don't want them. However, they interviewed a South Norfolk Council representative, who said that his council will be ploughing ahead with what it has already allocated.

If South Norfolk Council goes ahead and builds these unwanted houses in Spooner Row and the local problems (eg risk of flooding & dangerous roads), which residents have informed the council about come to pass, then surely some liability must rest with the individuals who plan, recommend and vote for the housing developments to go ahead. Those individuals at the council cannot say that they were unaware of these problems. Insurance companies do not like flooded properties particually if new developments have caused (or are) the problem.



Anyone have the faintest idea what happened to this. supposed to have had a decision by last week and as usual with south norfolk there is no info/links available for anyone.

Did the planning group do the usual ' two fingers to the locals and warm handshakes to the developers' and wave it through?



Saffron Housing Trust is interested in the affordable housing part of this development, see letter to council.




who buys the properties should have no place in the deliberations on whether a planning application is successful or not. This consultation deadline has also passed so it is interesting (but on recent form, of no surprise) that south norfolk are still allowing this sort of vested interest lobbying to be submitted.



The applicants for this proposal are still being allowed access to planners and to submit letters to influence the planning decision after the consultation phase for others has been closed. See planning website link above.  These submissions contain a rubbishing of a serious and detailed submission (by a highly regarded contributor) by the architects being paid by the applicant and therefore with a clear financial vested interest.




It is in the District Council's interest to approve this planning application as it will be financial rewarded under the New Homes Bonus scheme. The more new homes built the more money the council will receive from the government. This is what the EDP reported a few months back:


These schemes are supposed to be community lead and community supported with the benefits ploughed back into that community.

Perhaps this is why valid concerns and objections put forward by locals on any planning application are ineffective in the face of extra £'s made available to the council. I wonder how much the District Council will receive under the New Homes Bonus scheme when the Bunwell Rd/Chapel Rd development goes ahead? How much of that will be plough back into this community with improvements to the infrastructure? I won't hold my breath.



The floating 1800 are part of the Norwich Policy Area allocation. The new developments at Bunwell/Chapel Rds are a private planning application outside of the NPA. Private planning applications and NPA allocations are not the same. The developer here has blurred the edges and put the 'Chapel Rd floating 1800' with an additional private development at Bunwell Rd.  There is only supposed to be 10-15 houses for Spooner Row under the NPA.

The floating 1800 is nothing to do with John Turner, he is just a parish councillor.  All the floating 1800 decisions are made by the Planners/Councillors at South Norfolk District Council.



So what if somebody submits after the deadline for consultation, it may  or may not be used ,however the date is not statutory it is only to encourage people to submit sooner rather than later, and if you had new evidence you would be the first to want the Council to be made aware!


Mr Turner comments

although as it is in the Norwich Policy Area there is a chance that the village may have to accommodate an element of the 'floating 1800'.

Well done, you have just given the applicant his grounds for appeal, although I assume he would have known that allready.



This planning application is still pending even though it was submitted way back last year! Other applications have come and gone with decisions made on them, but this is still outstanding. Why are the planners asking for so many expert opinions for this site? Are they making sure their "decision" is watertight? All the expert opinions in the world will not change the fact that Spooner Row does not have the infrastructure to cope with this amount of new housing. Why aren't the planners dealing with these fundamental issues first? 




Does anyone know what the status of this is now or when a decision will be made?



The new Localism Bill is there to promote what local people want.  The public can attend planning meetings and see how decisions are made



There has been a revised plan submitted for chapel lane and the developers want it to go for decision on 19 June. Looks like they are expecting planning approval




Proposed new houses in Spooner Row (this topic has a second page)

Anonymous wrote:

The last post here is clearly either made to wind up the locals already facing a miserable future overlooking these houses rather than countryside, or the person is so stupid that they genuinely believe that localism has any meaning when up against south norfolk council planning matters. If you want to see how much faith locals have in localism having any voice in south norfolk councils actions, go to chapel road and count the new for sale signs. 

I was being ironic. I don't for one second believe that the Localism Bill is promoting what people want here, quite the reverse. If Localism did exist then south norfolk council would uphold the locals objections and refuse approval.  Are you going to the planning meeting to have your say when this is decided? 



The last post here is clearly either made to wind up the locals already facing a miserable future overlooking these houses rather than countryside, or the person is so stupid that they genuinely believe that localism has any meaning when up against south norfolk council planning matters. If you want to see how much faith locals have in localism having any voice in south norfolk councils actions, go to chapel road and count the new for sale signs. 



Just looked on SNC's website, they haven't got an agenda ready and itemised for next weeks planning meeting on 19 June 2013! How will we know if this planning application is up of decision then?? This is not helpful.




There is another planning meeting on Wednesday 17th July, perhaps this planning application will be on the Agenda for a decision then - a "decision" which everyone already knows what the outcome will be. 

Other residents in Wymondham are having unwanted developments too. Last month there was a Special Planning Meeting held on 18th June for two planning applications for major housing developments in Silfield. One of these developments was for 1200 houses on an area that is very close to the Great Crested Newt reserve. Not even a very sensitive and sound reason like this stands in the way of development in south Norfolk.  These houses are in excess of SNC’s proposed housing allocations policy.



This is now on the south norfolk website. recommending approval solely on the grounds that the council have been unable to carry out their duty of care to the community and identify land for government housing targets using the LDF. Given the number of houses approved already or being put forward for wymondham seems unbelievable. Local opposition therefore has no ability to alter an outcome that was inevitable from the start of this knowingly rigged consultation process. 35 of us formally opposed this, which in our small village is a significant percentage, but our real concerns are brushed aside as irrelevant on their website. Same as the traveller site, same as will be with the solar park. I also note the hundreds of houses now planned for land on the roundabout turning to spooner row too. Yet again, while they deliberately stall the LDF, we now end up with even more houses than the original targets. My neighbours are moving out having lived here for decades. Our planners and worse still our councillors have no time for localism and hold rural life with contempt.  What a disgraceful legacy they will leave.



Paragraph 6.4 of the Council's Committee Report says .... the indicative layout has demonstrated that the development can be accommodated for without impacting negatively on adjacent dwellings... What an absolute joke of a statement!  It is quite clear from the 35 objections submitted by local people that there are great concerns about the "negative impact" this development will have on the "adjacent dwellings". 

Is our district councillor going to support us? Didn't he speak out about the proposed development next to him and that was stopped. 



The application has been passed.  You will note that I stated one application, as both the houses on Chapel Road and then those on Bunwell Road are on one application.

The next battle will be on street lighting.  These two new developments will bring with them new paths and almost certainly street lights.  And additional street lights will increase the council tax of every house in our village.  Take a look at your last Council Tax Statement and you will see that we pay for only two lights at the moment - it's under "special expenses".  It's not yet clear how many street lights we will end up but you can bet your last dollar that SNDC will find a way of extracting more money from each and every one of us.

Spooner Row will gain no benefit from this development. 

It will add to traffic in the village.

I will still not be able to let my kids ride into Wymondham using the back road.

The primary school will be full and has nowhere to expand.

The broadband will still suck.

And very soon I risk losing the ability to see the stars at night!

Those that will benefit financially and handsomely I might add will be the applicant Mr Alston and South Norfolk District Council. 



If we believe what we are told about there being a desperate need for new housing in Norfolk (including Spooner Row), why are there numerous "new builds" on Rightmove and Zoopla that have been "reduced" because they are not selling? Properties close to Norwich do well, but not further out in the rural areas, similar to here. It is the developers and not the landowners who are taking all the risk if properties don't sell. If they do build the new houses in Spooner Row, the developer could be out of pocket and we will be left with unwanted empty houses.



It is strange to create new dwellings in a village that has so little to offer new residents. No shops, limited local transport, a very small school, poor broadband - having lived just outside the village for nearly 40 years I love it like that!



For those it will affect, there are some new documents on the Planning website which includes the approved outline planning permission with conditions. 


Julian Halls


Thank you for bringing this matter to all our attentions

Whilst I note the very long and lengthy section 106 agreement which includes some clear payment to help the Primary school in a very small way, the local secondary school in a much larger way, include some affordable housing , the development of community facilities ( which I think means the village hall), some help with the Library ???, some sensible Japanese knotweed contols, and provision of 2000 Square  meters, their spelling not mine  ( presumably gas ones ! ) of some recreation space (which the District or Town will have to maintain), I was disappointed to note that the original proposal mentioned bus stops , provision of a service and identified the village a 'service village' with a train station, with a clear hint at improved service, and some promised allotments, but where have they gone?

However this has all been agreed by South Norfolk

It is only those items marked in bold above that will directly benefit the village that I can see.


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