I have received one or two understandable concerns about the works that appear to have started at the level crossing.
One concern is that the passenger shelter has been removed and it raises the query as to whether it will be replaced? Some old plans do not indicate a replacement.Clearly if there is a replacement it is important that its position is sensitive to neighbouring properties.
Other concerns relate to the unannounced arrival overnight of a large conatainer which as far as I can ascertain is a REB- Relocatable Equipment building.I understand that this is a permanent structure which holds the level crossing control equipent.
I also mentioned that up until last friday 29th April there had been no roadside warnings that the road woul be closed overnight on the5th May 2012
I understand from South Norfolk Council, who have investigated my complaints that planning permission for the works is not needed.
A County Council Officer has advised me that he has spoken to Network Rail and passed on my issues.His advice is that the best point of contact is the Community Relations team as they log the calls and will make sure that the enquiry is dealt with.