Some of you may be interested to see that there is a new planning application for an extended G&T site at Chepore, Suton Application No 2012/1049. This is the location where the council originally wanted to put 8 pitches. Here are the details:
2012/1049The Caravan, Green Field Farm, Chepore Lane, Spooner Row, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 9SR
Change of use from agriculture to residential for the siting of 6 additional pitches together with the division of the existing 'double plot' for 2 mobile homes into 2 pitches with provision for 1 mobile home, 1 touring caravan and the erection of 1no utility room/day room, and parking for 2 vehicles on the 8 pitches each with a 'paddock for the keeping of horses together with the extention of the existing access road, for an 'extended Romany Gypsy Family'
Yes, I've just come across it too! - if any of you want to see it I have made a reduced URL for you to access it ----
The original URL reads:
================================================= Applications On-Line&TYPE=PL/PlanningPK.xml&PARAM0=763505&XSLT=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/SouthNorfolk/xslt/PL/PLDetails.xslt&FT=Planning Application Details&PUBLIC=Y&XMLSIDE=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/SouthNorfolk/Menus/PL.xml&DAURI=PLANNING
This will give you an idea of how "deep" this is buried on their site!! - I wonder WHY they would want to do this????? (as if we didn't know!) The council's slimy "Back Door" tactics stink!!!
Incidentally - if you do a search for new planning applications in the last week, this application is NOT shown!! - yet it was only registered 3 DAYS AGO on the 11th June 2012 - they really did not want us to find this --
Now -- if you call up the easy short link I created for you at
you will see on the second line down of the SNC Application Progress Summary the words "Comments Welcome Until" and the date 04-07-2012 - (they obviously want to shoot this through quickly without opposition taking into account the short time scale for comments) - but you can leave your comment by clicking on the link beside the date - and I really hope you will all do this!
Remember, PEOPLE POWER WON the last round - let's go all out to WIN THIS ROUND TOO!
The new people at Chepore can't just start developing the site without planning permission unless they are going to apply for it retrospectively. The Government's new planning policy says that council's should consult with local communities ensuring fairness in the planning process. So if the council want to be fair then they must consult with us. This is the information page on the Government's website for the new guidance on traveller sites:
The Planning Application details for the extended Gypsy and Traveller Site in Chepore Lane can be viewed on South Norfolk Councils (SNC)Planning site, entering the Planning Application number 2012/1049
According to the SNC web site comments on this Planning application have to be sent to South Norfolk Council by the 4th July 2012.
This application is not on the agenda of the Town Council Planning meeting for this coming tuesday June 19th 2012.
The next Town Council Planning meeting is on July 3rd 2012. SNC will understand that the Town Council has a set schedule of meetings.
Residents can attend Wymondham Town Council Planning meetings and address the Committee if their item is on the agenda.
There is no way that south norfolk will ever treat the locals fairly with this issue. They have tried every trick in the book to get this on there as we all knew they would. I hope they are following government guidelines on this, especially if they are going to ignore their own consultations a few years ago now. They gave retrospective planning permission only on the health grounds of the previous owner and assured worried locals this was for just one pitch. Now agricultural land is having groundworks on confident are the new owners that the council will just smile, sit back and do nothing about it. I live right next to this, but didn't know anything about it..if you search on the councils planning site, you can't find it listed. A scandal on every level.
Agricultural land ploughed up for development before planning permission has be granted? They must be confident that it will get passed. Maybe the site has been allocated some funding given to council's to develop G&T sites, its called The Traveller Pitch Fund - there is £60m available. If that's the case, then it's a done deal.
What seems unfair to me, is that when the local Planning Committee approved the planning application (2011/0519) last year it recommended that the site was for gypsy / travellers occupation only!
The planning dept are on record on this message board stating that Suton is a rural community and that no housing development will happen. well why can a permenant caravan park even be considered? You can see that 150+ people have looked at this message bord, but I suspect like me all will be too scared to object giving their name, address and email as the council stipulate. Thats how the council get their way in the end and get to sideline the local community and their needs and quality of life. I've lived here all my life and this has gone on for years. Carleton rode happened this way too with just one man needing one pitch. Same expansion happened with the planners blessing and probably tax payers money. You can get a lot of caravans on an adjacent field for horses. Acres of adjacent land right up to our houses. Just watch while the council go along with this. After all they have promised to evict this illegal site three times over the years and failed tried to stop its furter development and failed. They also failed to get it through the public enquiry. Watch their next move.I know who my money is on.
Please do not be scared to object. We must all voice our concerns to the council. We all stood together the last two times and must do so again. Many other Objectors last time, who were also scared to give their details asked the council to withhold their names so that they wouldn't appear on South Norfolk's website. You could just call yourself 'Suton Resident' and tell them why you want to keep your name private. But please, do voice your concerns otherwise they will think that the majority of us aren't bothered when many of us are very worried.
We know from past experience that we have not been treated fairly - remember a couple of years ago how they tried to secretly pass a G&T site through at this same location without telling us, that is, until the local press picked up on it? New regulations say that they must be fair to the local community and consult with us - so where is our public consultation I wonder?!!!