I understand that the Planning Application for a change to the Gypsy and Traveller site in Chepore Lane, Suton will be coming to the Town Council Planning meeting on tuesday 3rd July 2012 - time to be confirmed.
Residents are allowed to address the Planning meeting on an item which is on the agenda before the meeting starts.
It must be emphasised that the Town Council does not determine the Planning Application - that is the responsibilty of South Norfolk District Council who will take the Town Council's response into consideration during their deliberations.
It is important that residents who wish to comment on this application write to South Norfolk District Council before the deadline of 4th July 2012.
Thank you
Diana Hockaday - Town Coucillor for Cromwells ward.
This application has not been submitted by South Norfolk District Council but by a resident.
South Norfolk Council will determine the application for either refusal or approval at one of their Planning meetings taking the Town Council's and residents comments into consideration.
Residents have the right to attend and address both the Town and District Council's Planning meetings.
The Town Council Planning Meeting is on July 3rd 2012.
This planning application has been submitted by the land owner, Richard Oakley. His name is on the planning application form: http://internetbusinessinfo.co.uk/SNC_planning.htm