The following is a letter sent from South Norfolk Council informing the public of a further Public Consultation on the Wymondham Area Action Plan. (Webstation):
Dear Sir/Madam
I am emailing to notify you that public consultation on an Urban Design Framework document entitled 'Connecting South Wymondham' is taking place between Wednesday 8 May and Wednesday 3 July 2013. 'Connecting South Wymondham' will become a background evidence document for the Wymondham Area Action Plan (WAAP), which is currently being prepared by the Council.
The evoloving WAAP document identifies land to the south of the town as the preferred location for 1200 houses. Improving access to and from South Wymondham is a key element of these proposals and is specifically referred to in the WAAP. The primary aim of the 'Connecting South Wymondham' document is to demonstrate how connectivity could be improved between existing and proposed new housing development in the south of Wymondham and the town centre and wider town.
The 'Connecting South Wymondham' document will be available to view on our website at Comments can be made via post (using the address at the bottom of this email) or by email to . All comments need to reach the Council by 5pm on Wednesday 3 July.
Yours faithfully
Carole Baker Senior Planning Officer, Planning Policy Team
South Norfolk Council Swan Lane Long Stratton Norwich NR15 2XE
'Urban Design Framework', what a depressing title. Part of the attraction of Wymondham is that it is an attractive historic town set in a rural environment. 'Urbanisation' will ruin Wymondham and the town will be even more congested with nowhere to park.