At the risk of sounding like a party pooper, could I please ask village residents to have more consideration for their neighbours when setting off fireworks, especially away from the traditional November 5th celebration.
Many people, especially children and those who start work early, will already be in bed and asleep at 10:30 - 11:00pm !!!!
Please also remember that unexpected fireworks (at any time of the night) may also adversely affect companion animals in the village.
I'm glad i'm not the only one. I do not have a problem with people having fireworks but would be grate full if warning was given espically in this weather as windows are open and this did result in my 2 year old being woken and very scared.
Unreasonable noise nuisance is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act which can be investigated by Environmental Health and is actionable. There are also specific limitations on the times they can be used up to, so sorry anonymous, if an apology is necessary(! )..... 'tough luck' does not apply' !!