Has anyone noticed that in the EDP on Wednesday 18th September, page 22, the allocation for Spooner Row was for 15 houses. I thought this was to be 33 ?
Comments are invited by South Norfolk for up to 6 weeks.
I've looked on South Norfolk's website and can't find details of where to place comments for the six weeks period. Do you have any more details? Is this a public consultation?
Spooner Row is not in the Wymondham Area Action Plan (WAAP).it was mischievously removed so we could be force fed some more housing and we have been. See elsewhere on this website. The South Norfolk Council website has not been updated on all the planning applications for spooner row as they are meant to do but I understand they were passed unanimously months ago now. WAAP is deliberately too little too late. All the housing here and in wymondham have already been approved or will be unable to be lawfully prevented primarily because the council didn't identify land in the LDF as they were meant to do. They certainly got enough input from us all, it was just apparently kicked into the long grass. WAAP is just another round of misdirection of the locals and box ticking for the planners.