I could not believe my eyes this morning ( wed ) , the dustbins had been emptied at 08.00 and I took the dustbin back down from the roadside at 09.15 in that time someone had deposited there dog poo bag in my empty bin. What really hacked me off is that the dog poo bin is 20 meters away on the level crossing. I am also getting hacked off at the amount off dog poo that I find in my driveway and also on the grass verge outside my property. PLEASE can dog owners have more consideration. Please note I am a dog owner myself.
What a cheek that someone put it in your emptied dustbin - by the time the bin is emptied in 2 weeks time it will stink. Come on dog owners be a bit more thoughtful towards your neighbours, either put it in your own bin or use one of the doggy poo bins in the village. I am a dog owner also.